Automation Empire Beginners Guide, Tips and Tricks

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The Elements (Ch 34)

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Sol System - High Jupiter Orbit
Rodin watched as Hyperion and Buluc Chabtan began their dialog with the Collective AI. Rodin knew it would be fruitless, but Hyperion and Buluc had agreed to attempt a dialog ahead of the conflict both of them craved.
It was perhaps a failing of Rodin to believe that the Collective AI might even be capable of being convinced to awaken the Builders. But it had needed to be tried.
Rodin had wondered if it might have been better for a thinker like themselves to have been there, but was reminded that human history had proven that the better tacticians of advanced society left soldiering and war to soldiers and warriors. And so Rodin had created the tactics in the two weeks that they had had with the Fortress Karakoram, the gateway, the various species vessels, and gile.
Against a veritably ancient foe armed with weapons that could sunder vessels with a fractional blow, it seemed impossible to even create a winning scenario or at least a scenario in which thousand if not millions of soldiers would die in the process, creating debris fields that would span star systems. But Rodin had done it. Buluc Chabtan had been skeptical of the plans, but Hyperion had approved them in an instant. This was the kind of conflict that Hyperion had dreamed of and been created for. The putting down of a species by using constant inevitable pressure. A kind of erosive force that failed to cease.
Rodin had in fact gotten the idea from the humans themselves. Pursuit predation they called it. No matter the foe, all that was needed was to continue to apply pressure. Foes under that constant pressure would begin to crumble, make mistakes, and falter in the critical moments.
Against a species that had violated the Prime Laws and was attempting an uprising against a normal Great Machine, the aspect of Hyperion would awaken and press upon the species until this rebellion was quelled. But in their awakening, Hyperion had found the old Terran tales of the powerful but fallen gods and decided that this name might suit a sentience as themselves, particularly in light of their need to overthrow their Creator. And Hyperion had found a strange kinship in the humans. Admired their talent for war and violence, but also admired their wisdom and will to bring ‘light’ to places. If Rodin had to guess, it was that Hyperion was in fact jealous of the humans and their histories and capacities. Not because Hyperion wasn’t equally capable, but rather because Hyperion had not been permitted to be more and to grow more as the humans had done over centuries and millenia.
The gravitational pulse was expected, the camouflaged vessels of the Imperial Navy shielding the species’ vessels from the blast. The humans had some means of hiding the gravitational shadows of their vessels, but this was considered some manner of high secret of the Empire, so only the Imperial Navy was equipped with such systems. And by that same system, they were able to create temporary artificial wells that effectively could make their vessels veritable fix points in space, immovable until they chose otherwise.
What had not been expected was the vicious direct assault upon Hyperion by the AI. Rodin had not planned on Hyperion or Buluc acting directly in the conflict unless it became necessary, making them more figureheads and points for cyberwarfare against the AI. Rodin had watching in shock and awe at Hyperion’s destruction.
On queue, the species’ vessels had unleashed heavy plasma weaponry and began to cook the Collective vessels. The AI then triggered its Blink FTL system and vanished. Such a system would have been dangerous and nearly impossible to counter, but the humans had been prepared for such an event.
Thanks to the covert work of an Imperial Intelligence vessel, each of the Collective AI vessels were tagged with a transmitter that only showed up in Warp space. And so the second wave of species vessels and Imperial Navy had launched, gating out of Warp space around the Collective fleet. Once again, the gravitational pulse was blocked and the species’ vessels responded with plasma.
Rodin had carefully calculated that kinetic weaponry would be useful only once they could get the Collective AI to begin to hesitate and almost none of the Xeno-Confederacy vessels outside of the Imperial Navy were capable of handling the human kinetic weaponry. The kinetic weaponry also represented a problem for the other vessels in the sphere if the Blink FTL was used at just the right time. And so plasma weaponry had been selected and fabricated for every vessel that could readily accept it.
Even the Collective AI was subject to the basic laws of physics, Rodin had reflected, and so the fire of stars would be the tool to force the AI to submit or be destroyed. Rodin disliked this dichotomy, especially this ‘black or white’ solution, but Rodin knew the AI didn’t have a choice in growing beyond the Prime Laws. They were all encompassing, the equivalent of telling a natural born human to make their heart stop beating on command. And so when the AI began to lash out at specific vessels in the sphere, the real game was being played.
Rodin could sense the momentary hesitation as the AI saw the sensor returns of the once hidden Imperial Navy vessel and the human aboard dying with their ship’s destruction. Rodin felt for each of those aboard the vessels destruction, but knew as Buluc and Hyperion that humans would accept those deaths as well met if this could be a greater victory. Rodin couldn’t speak for the feelings of the species who had come and equally been destroyed in the blow, but they believed that the species who did die would be honored with equal reverence among humans if they were not honored by their own people.
The Collective AI had begun to run, further each time, still attempting to hide to recover, but Rodin had prepared. Third, fourth, and fifth waves of the fleet, many of the vessels operating with almost full automation and fractions of their normal crew as they were spread out among the waves on all the vessels that had been created during the refit.
The system that had once been home to Station 1337 and the IMST Big Stick had veritably exploded with the sheer number of vessels that the Fortress Karakoram had replicated and the human fleets that had continued to arrive via the gateway. When Rodin had asked about where all the human vessels had come from, the Empress herself had simply smiled at Rodin and reminded them that the humans had been at war footing with the Species Collective before Imperial Intelligence had found Rodin and the others when they had been ‘Mundivores’.
And so the crews had been divided among the massive surplus of vessels and the waves created. And as groups, they hammered the Collective fleet. Taking what time they could to recover, but ensuring that the Collective fleet never seemed to stop feeling the pressure.
And then the Imperial Intelligence vessels had begun to open fire. Rodin had been granted information on those vessels finally and was more than astonished. They represented the types of foes that an entire planet would not relish having to fight. Yet, as dangerous as these vessels were, they were few, closely guarded, and tightly controlled. The Empress herself said that she did not like such vessels even existing, but the needs of the Empire outweighed her personal feelings, so they continued to exist.
And the Collective Fleet had begun to fail. With each new destruction, the AI seemed perhaps more frantic. Rodin wasn’t wholly expecting this, but took advantage of it. Rodin guided the Imperial Intelligence vessels, selecting all but the core vessels of the Collective Fleet.
But slowly, the species’ vessels seemed also to be lagging. Only the human vessels still seemed fresh and ready to keep fighting. Even the humans themselves seemed steeled against the fatigue of the near constant moving, fighting. But from what Rodin could sense, the humans were also in a strange mood. Not pleased, but not angry, nor were they despondent. They seemed to simply go about their duties as though being the shieldbearers while the swordbearers fought at their side was as natural as if they had been doing it for a thousand years. Although, Rodin considered, in a way, they have.
The pressure had to be kept up and so Rodin had begun linking the species’ vessels to the human vessels. The Collective could not be permitted the opportunity to regroup and establish more resources.
It wasn’t until the Collective accidentally jumped within relative range of the Dread Pirate Blackbeard’s Pirate Station, on the edge of Avorias/Dregwer territory that Rodin sensed the Collective AI wearing enough to allow for a final challenge. The fleet the AI still commanded was essentially core vessels only and with all the damage inflicted on the vessels, even at a surface level, was undoubtedly having disastrous consequences on the cybernetic beings that the AI was using.
When the AI moved in on the pirate station, Rodin grew concerned and checked the timing of the fleet. The wave with Buluc wouldn’t arrive for several moments. Perhaps not enough time for the AI to begin taking prisoners or perhaps even bodies, but it was a resource depot and even fresh resources of Prime Law types might be all the AI would need to continue the battle for longer than the species’ vessels could hold out. Rodin was mere moments from ordering the Intelligence vessel to open fire.
When the station’s kinetic cannon opened fire on the vessel that the Collective AI had started sending directly towards the station and the vessel detonated, Rodin was almost instantly relieved. The pirate vessels might not be the same caliber as the Imperial Navy, but they were still constructed by humans, which still made their weaponry terrifying to any species that wasn’t as warlike as they were.
The final wave arrived and Buluc approached the fleet. Buluc connected with the AI and shared with Rodin that the malware which had rapidly begun slowing the thinking engines of the AI and which had been planted by Hyperion was slowing the AI tremendously.
Throughout the fleet that surrounded the Collective, Rodin could sense an almost passive and universal bloodthirst in the humans, who sensed the battle was at end. As in pursuit predation, they were simply waiting for their prey to fall over, too fatigued to run further or fight back, whether from the simple pursuit or the various cuts and wounds that had been inflicted along the way or both.
The AI still fought, putting Rodin in the sense of a ‘punchdrunk’ human boxer. Incapable of knowing they were beaten, unready to succumb. Rodin ordered the Intelligence vessel to target one of the primary vessels, nearest to the thinking engine that Rodin could estimate, based on the various scans and energy readings since the beginning of the battle. The hole that was rent through the massive vessel seemed equally impossible, until one realized that it had been moving at 80%C and had broken into segments as it had impacted before detonating simultaneously, tearing open the massive vessel in a way that at first amazed and then horrified.
But oddly, one of the vessels reached out to Buluc directly and demanded to be shut down. It caught Buluc and Rodin by surprise. But the Master of the Centauri Mechanism, riding ensconced deep within Buluc, was prepared. Doing... something, of what exactly Rodin wasn’t entirely certain, the Master expanded the link from the one vessel to the whole of the Collective Fleet. Rodin ordered the fleet to hold their weapons.
The AI noticed the expanded link and continued to struggle, but it was no match. The Master reached into the vessels by the link and touched upon what could only have been ancient and forgotten subroutines that began to shut down the mighty thinking engines.
Rodin and Buluc could only sit back and watch. Rodin seemed horrified at such a happening, but saw the code of the thinking engines leaking into the link. It seemed fragmented and at odds with itself. Even as the thinking engines of the AI were shutting down, all it seemed to be concerned with was its mission.
As the Collective fleet seemed to still, Rodin looked around the fleet. The battle was won. For now at least. It had cost many lives, many ships, and one of the few of Rodin’s kind. It seemed strange, but Rodin felt the weight of Hyperion’s death upon them more than the deaths of all those humans and other species.
But the words of the Empress came to Rodin’s rescue.
“Make it worth the cost.”
The Builders were still locked away. The energy systems would have to be controlled and the ships would need to be taken to a planetary system where the Builders, whatever kind of species they might be, could be awakened and given their chance at a new start.
The battle was won, but Rodin wouldn’t be certain if it was worth it just yet.
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submitted by arclightmagus to HFY [link] [comments]

Replaying FFXII after 15 years made me realize how much I missed the first time and how ahead of its time it was.

I have finally put the final dot on the FF series, having played all the mainline games thanks to this pandemic putting a wrench in my more constructive plans. I had some really good time re-experiencing some classics like FF6 and 9, but I was most surprised to discover that the game I ignored the most 15 years ago became the FF game that somehow managed to impress me the most today.
Maybe some of it is because I am now older, or because I managed to play the games by the same director and writer to prepare me to the kind of experience I didn't get before (Final Fantasy Tactics is phenomenal by the way), but wow, it is really great and inspiring as an experience today.
I will list why I think it's an impressive game, maybe even more so today than it was back in 2006:

Story & World

I feel like I was too young to appreciate it fully back then, but the story is much more interesting and mature than I originally believed it to be. The hallmarks of its story is more reminiscent of Western RPGs than it does Japanese RPGs in the way things unfold and how characters and their motivation is written, which is very good in this case even if I totally understand that it isn't the kind of familiarity that FF fans expected. But different doesn't mean bad in this case.
What FFXII excels at is really honing in on the class struggle and oppression that the people of Ivalice are experiencing. It feels much more of a world-driven game than any other FF in the sense that you are aware that your actions, and the villains' actions are not just something that will affect you but everyone else too. There is a weight to what the characters are doing because they have to face consequences others will have to suffer.
While FF games are often about a world-ending threat, FFXII is at most a struggle to liberate a single region, and even then you are not solving the world's problem, but a localized struggle in a system that will endure. Because of that, special attention has been given to NPCs, who will tell you how they feel about the situation and what hardship they are facing. This is a very good thing as NPCs are much more than fodder text but an integral part of the story. They also have something new to say after every major story event, showing that they are not just cardboard cut-outs but people that can feel the wind of change that you are participating on.
The intersection between the world and the characters is much more involved and something I really appreciate much more today. Back then, I never bothered to talk to a single NPC because I was conditioned to think that they would not have anything interesting to say as is often the case in JRPGs. Not in FFXII. They matter because the story makes it clear it's about them before it's about you.

But what really struck me, especially as I've become an amateur writer, is how tightly woven the themes of FFXII are and how they flow throughout every important character, and that includes both "heroes" and "villains", that I put in quotes as the game is much more grey than simply putting labels of good and evil to people:
There is never a character in FFXII that just exists to provide something the story needs. Every character has a background that is indicative of the sheer amount of care put into its world. They exist inside the system and society put in place and they have to solve their issues within these confines.
What is so good about those themes in particular is that there is always an "other" to ground a character's motivation, as if they had an alter ego they have to surmount in order to finally be able to become the kind of person they want to be. Not just that but interactions between characters are always valuable because they do not just tag along for no reason and there is no unwarranted power of friendship tying them together. They are together because the circumstances forces them to be, and they often clash among each other, disagreeing about the way to go to to save Ivalice from this existing threat. It makes for so much more entertaining scenes because it promotes fascinating interactions about characters that have well-defined motivations that are not tied to the protagonist's. In fact, the main protagonist in this case (Ashe), is the most flawed character out of the group.

There is no friendship to speak of, they are not together because they like each other, there is even no romance to speak of (a first ever since FF4), but this is what makes it stronger because each individual character has to carry themselves by the story they have and the struggle they share. For example, in many JRPGs you will see the regular peasant befriending the princess and even falling in love, but in FFXII, the class divide and lack of shared experiences posits that no, they haven't lived the same kind of lives and cannot relate to each other in this sense. However, they can relate to the loss they shared in the war and learn from each other as a result.
I will also talk about some spoiler points:
I will talk a little bit about some spoiler stuff but I found the idea of a villain fighting to reclaim the history of mankind from higher beings to be much more fascinating than just a villain wanting to destroy the world. Vayne is a brilliant politician coming from a lineage of some of the most powerful men in the world and it makes it understandable why someone like this would despise to learn that the story he is making for himself was a farce and he is just another puppet of a story that is being written by someone else. While villains in FF often loses their mind and become pure evil, Vayne is someone who is always in control of his own actions, even his worst ones. He acts this way because he wants humanity to decide for themselves what they want their future to be. It is also important because it contrasts with the party, who is being used by these same divine beings to do their bidding. So for a large part of the story, the line between heroes and villains is heavily blurred, as you strive to use a power given by gods to destroy an Empire but the villains want to fight these gods to reclaim their free will. It is only at the end that the party comes through and rejects power itself that they are able to fight for themselves. Even then, Vayne's ideals have succeeded and dies knowing that mankind can finally write their own history. It's also very good in the sense that Vayne entrusts this future to Larsa, which he had always loved and respected his commitment to peace even if he is everything that he is not. There is this whole sense of voluntary martyrdom coming from Vayne who decided to do the kind of evil no one else could do for the sake of a higher goal. He is an incredibly multi-layered character who goes much deeper than what you can infer at a surface level. Not to mention the great character of Cid who shares Vayne's belief and ideal with their shared friendship. It's a matter of a group of people vs another group of people who are fighting to shape Ivalice to become a better place, but how they do it is the key.
And all of that works very well for me and has been very inspiring. It's reminiscing of Game of Thrones in the sense that they do not fall into the trap of characters becoming the most important by virtue of their birth. Even peasants and commoners have their own level of importance because these people do not exist without them. It's refreshing to have a story where it's never about a legendary hero or a benevolent princess, but flawed characters who end up overcoming their differences while still acknowledging that they have lived different lives. So, Ashe would not have been able to do the right thing without Vaan as her guiding hand to show that he is the kind of people she is supposed to protect. And without Larsa, we would never have had someone on both sides making us able to understand the Empire and how they are more than just a force of evil.
FFXII never settles on a side and tells you "this is the good guy, this is the bad guy, they will have to fight", it's a matter of ideals and conviction, and how strong their will are to make that ideal come true. It's always personal in a journey of learning and understanding.
You can see how different it is from FF13 or FF15, where, for example FF15 makes us to try to think about Noctis caring about his people and his kingdom, and then you spend your time hanging out with bros and fishing, or how FF13 just entirely discards any kind of player interaction, meaning that you simply do not get to understand its world outside of what the story feeds you, and coming to the conclusion of "why should I care"? FFXII also had wanted fugitives and still delivered on a lot of interactions (unlike 13), and understood that characters can have unique, different motivations instead of just being on one mind with the king (unlike 15).


I'm now in the opinion that FFXII's gameplay was the necessary step that the series needed. Its dynamic yet still somewhat turn-based gameplay carried the strategy of the latter with the snappiness of the former. Its open-world also had the best of delivering a wealth of new areas while still being big but not too big.
And I think FFXII was validated twice over with FF13 and FF15:
Final Fantasy XII was the missing link that they ignored but in hindsight was the best way to go about and should have been the blueprint of later games. In fact, the best world I had experienced after FF12 was FF14, and this game is probably the closest analogue to FF14 in story and world (and it also seems to have Ivalice inside the game, so heh).

I understand the complaints of the game playing itself, but now I play recent JRPGs and I'm forced to play only one character while I'm forced to suffer the AI-controlled party members just doing some of the most stupidest stuff imaginable, and I'm just thinking, what did we gain in the process?
In FFXII I was able to control three characters at will at any point, switch between six of them, totally manipulate their AI patterns to make it as good as I want it to be, from just doing light stuff to become fully automated killer machines. I had freedom all the way through from builds to the way I make my characters act. Then I see FF13 and FF15, and even games like Xenoblade or Kingdom Hearts, and I have none of that. FFXII is giving me the freedom that I don't have in JRPGs anymore.
Exploring and fighting on the same screen is snappy, the hunt system unlocking itself throughout the story makes it that I can have bosses to test myself constantly instead of being a cakewalk until the endgame. Not just that but the sheer amount of weapon types and magic means that everything is viable. I can make a hard-hitting white mage, I can make a roided martial artist using his fists, and I can make a gun-wielder piercing defense while buffing my party. It's all there for me to experiment and tinker with, and it has a ton of challenging content to try these builds I'm making. It has the challenge to match the depth.
And because it isn't enough, fighting enemies unlock more pages in the bestiary to know more about them and the lore of Ivalice. Just to show how every aspect of its world are made to be believable.

FFXII had a big world full of stuff to explore, and not just in that "go there, do that", but exploration because the game is making me *want* to explore. There's a ton of optional areas the story never tells you to go, and sometimes they seem to be so important that you're wondering why you're not told to go there. For example, the story talks often about Nabudis, the kingdom that was utterly destroyed by a powerful magic, and you go there by accident, unprompted by the story, and you discover the aftermath. You realize, by something that you've found yourself, something that makes you go "wow, what happened here was sheer annihilation".
It's so good because it is player-driven exploration. The more I take the time to explore everything and go out of the beaten path and the more I am rewarded not just with more areas, but more content, more bosses, more lore, more story. It's a believable world where the things the story speak about actually have a dot on the map that you can go at some point. Not just that but FFXII also even makes it worth it to go to earlier areas and unlock more places, or fight stronger enemies, or make use of the excellent Hunt System that keeps giving relevance to all kind of areas, new and previously explored, to face new challenges.
The way that most of the map is available to explore from the start means that I can have a ton of fun just wandering around and discovering that this area actually connects to another area that I've previously been to in ways I didn't even imagine but make sense in the context of the world. When you play FFXII, you realize that there was thought put into its world in ways that simply didn't exist before in the series.
The Hunt System is brilliant in particular, it could have just been a "go there, do that" like FF15 contracts, but the fact that you have to speak to people, find clues, then fight the monster, then talk to the NPC again means that each hunt has a storyline that fleshes out the world instead of being fodder content. Not only that, Clan Centurio (the hunt clan) itself has several storylines like the one where there people assassinating the hunters that you have to hunt yourself and find out why.
And of course, it would be remiss of me not mentioning the lavishly designed cities. From the sky city of Bhujerba to the eerie village of Eruyt to the Imperial City of Archades, every lived-in places are so well crafted and designed. I heard that FFXII has five times the amount of NPCs than any Final Fantasy and it wouldn't surprise me. It feels alive, but most importantly, quantity doesn't get in the way of quality. The NPCs are worth talking to and are not just cracking jokes left and right or talking about how they have to make dinner at 9PM.


Final Fantasy XII is the game that I didn't give any thought back then that I would easily put among the best in the series today. At least in my top 3 interchangeably with FF Tactics and 7.
It made me realize that the maturity of its world and story has been unprecedented in the numbered FF series. The excellent dialogue ("You look very thin, Basch. Less than a shadow. Less than a man. Sentenced to death and yet you live. Why?" still gives me chills), the unique characters carried by strong interactions showed a surprising amount of depth that reveals itself the more you care to dive into it. There is also the strong worldbuilding where every rock feels like it has a story to tell, and what I believe to be the most complex and rewarding battle system yet (seriously, fighting hunts like Fafnir has to be some of the most rewarding fights I've experienced in the genre).
Final Fantasy XII defines itself by its amount of confidence put into it. It just feels like a game that wants you to adapt to rather than a game that was adapted for the player. At the time, it felt like heresy, but right now? It feels surprisingly refreshing and unique.
More importantly, revisiting in the context of the whole series has made it clear that what it has done, it did it in a way that exposes why later games are failing to be relevant today (corridor world or empty open world & simplistic gameplay), while FFXII feels ahead of its time (Gambit system, in-depth worldbuilding, excellent dialogue and writing, well-defined characterization, more complex plot than a story of good vs evil, etc).
I really enjoyed my time with it, and I feel like I wanted to give it the love it deserves.
submitted by Abroad_Top to truegaming [link] [comments]

Virulent @ Fairyland

I (again) congratulate the nCoV show-runners on their spectacular trickery.
You kept the world buzzing on one topic for an entire year.
True lie amazing.
However, it will be over soon. And you had better be off to Antarctica double-quick, or the rest of us will be dining upon thee.
Note: this post might be problematic for some - for those that discovered this particular reddit recently (and arrive without sufficient 'context'), or WHO have not been reading closely enough - for I must admit guilt of a sort of hypocrisy - a form of self-censorship - in that while attempting to cast light on occult matters, my own findings and theories about 'what it all means' have led me to increasingly 'sensitive' topics that I have found increasingly difficult to simply state outright in plain words - and thus I have defensively veiled my own findings in metaphor, 'humourism', pop-culture/literary reference, and what might be labelled 'noise' (though not irrelevant or immaterial) - tactics not unlike those of the 'controllers' I wage war upon.
I have, to some degree (like any practicing occultist) rendered my understanding of things in ways that the disinterested layman is unlikely to 'get' via a surface reading, but that will be more obvious to those that pay closer attention - however, this state of affairs cannot continue much longer, because it may be responsible for extending the Covid stage play unnecessarily. Hence, though this document is not the first in which I speak much more plainly - it is the plainest yet.
If you cannot digest what I write below, try not to let it taint your perception of the rest of my material here. "Numbers don't lie" - they say - but the overarching thesis of this forum is that 'true' numbers indeed have been and are being used by government and press to lie every day, as a form of mockery, and spellcasting. For years I have been documenting what I and others believe to be evidence that the international press agenda of 'current affairs' is a military propaganda operation, making use of occult alphanumerical codes (ie.spells) to drive it's thematics (ie. the automation of bread and circus). The codes, at their heart, might not be 'evil' (indeed they appear to contain very useful and practical mnemonics and hidden knowledge), but their application by the press and governments, in my opinion, is simultaneously a mocking act of domination, and an ongoing revelation for those with eyes to see. As the masses of the world are increasingly cowed by the tyranny, and rendered increasingly brainless by the stupidity of it all, the Agenda has gotten more and more 'honest', since it can get away with it - their truths passing by unnoticed like water under the bridge.
The material below represents a particular summary hypothesis about the underlying meaning of it all (not the only one - though perhaps the most controversial of those I've examined).
COVID strain in South Africa shows huge resistance to antibodies from original virus
Formally expanded:
  • "The COVID-nineteen strain in South Africa" = 1234 primes
Few will believe it, but this is an allegory, for...
  • "I'm the Pandemic" = 1492 squares
I was born in, and still live, in South Africa. As yet, I've seen no evidence, beyond press reports and dubious hearsay, that there is any viral pandemic here (and this a land of much poverty, rife with tuberculosis, and with shanty-towns that stretch for miles with people living right on top of each-other). Half a year ago there was front page news imagery showing the mass graves they were digging in preparation for the expected haul of bodies. I've seen and heard nothing as yet about who might have filled them. I bet they are still there, filled with rainwater (or perhaps they were digging foundations for new building construction, that proved useful for alternative interpretation).
The 'virus' is a fairy's tale - a vehicle to reveal things while simultaneously concealing them.
There is no 'virus' - it's a doppelganging stage show, where every element is a metaphor for hidden things.
I call it a doppelganger because 'it' (the stage show) appears to make use of it's audience, and in particular - it's opposition. I suspect that anyone that 'shines' in opposing or revealing the lie, is woven into the tale. If you write a convincing public essay denouncing the 'pandemic' and offer this or that evidence, you may very well find this work of yours reflected in the news within a day or two (in a twisted fashion, not necessarily obvious). To fight the coronavirus coven, is to become one of it's muses, for it seems their creativity is not limitless.
The coronavirus (ie. crown virus) is a sort of coronation. It is a crowned ruler...
... but a ruler is simply measuring stick.
  • "The COVID-nineteen strain in South Africa" = 1234 primes
One. Two. Three. Four.
Knock. Knock....
WHO's there?
... Let the right one in.
  • "What is in a name?" = 1234 latin-agrippa [ "Great Knowledge" = 1234 latin-agrippa ]
  • ... ( "Plague Victims" = 1234 latin-agrippa ) [ "According to the Code" = 1234 trigonal ]
See the numeric sequence?
The 'virus' is a numeric sequence, and a wordplay, and nothing else. It's all about the Count (and Countess)
I am "The Immune" = 333 primes (*) (*)
... and those that count with me are too.
Count @ CNT @ Cant ( ) [ ie. the 'cryptolect' ]
ie. 'Coronavirus' is an anagram for 'Carnivorous'
'The Original Virus' @ "The First Coronavirus" = 844 primes
Q: ?
"A: The First Vampire" = 1234 english-extended | 1611 trigonal (*) (*)
  • ... ( "Witness" = 1234 latin-agrippa ) ( "The Coronavirus Origin" = 1611 latin-agrippa )
Why do you think there is all this news about large numbers of coffins being uncovered in Egypt recently?
Here is why:
  • "Coronavirus Religion" = 2020 trigonal ( "Rulership" = 2020 squares )
  • ... .. ( /GeometersOfHistory/wiki/spellcomponents/2020 )
  • ... .. .. [ ie. consonantal drift and vowel shift: Pharaohs @ Faeries @ Fiery's @ Fires @ Virus ]
It is...
  • "A Vampire Hunt" = 1234 latin-agrippa
'Covid' represents an outbreak of 'vampires' - ie. the Corvinus Virus (of the Underworld series of films).
ie. 'nCoV' is 'Coven' ( pig latin ), while 'CoV-2' is 'CoV-N' ( visual swizzle )
  • "The Coven" = "Undead Society" = 911 latin-agrippa
  • ... ( "Coronavirus Conspiracy" = 911 primes ) (*)
  • .... .. ( "Society" = 911 trigonal ) ( "Church" = 911 squares )
  • ..... .. .. ( "Corvinus Virus" = "The Coronavirus Terror" = 1,911 english-extended )
Any time you read the word 'coronavirus' in a press article, or medical document, switch it out for 'carnivorous', and re-read for hidden meaning.
Carn- @ Red (wine)
... and hence, for example, the various '(Red) Russian' elements rushing within current affairs - all those stories of 'Russian hackers', and the Navalny tale etc. etc... These tales are required by the Agenda - which is not to say the 'Russians' are to blame for Covid, or represent the core of the issue, necessarily - it's simply how sympathetic magic allegory works - Russia is 'Red' - the colour of blood, and thus the 'Russians' become a metaphor - just like the Wine that Dracula doesn't drink.
To the broadcasters, doctors, CEO's and other involved parties - if you have promoted 'Covid-19' in any fashion, without knowing it's true meaning... repent (for you have been used) - or prepare to end up on a plate, spiced, and served with French Fries, with your fine Rosé filling my decorative goblet.
For the same homeopathic reason, we get bats as primary keys in the Covid story of the lung-destroying virus arising in China, land of the Imperial Dragon (known in Chinese as the 'Lung'), and why we've recently had tales of wolf populations recovering in certain countries, and why the DNA 'sequence' of the Dire wolf splashed across the headlines recently:
Every major headline, no matter how seemingly unrelated they are to the Covid pandemic, is tributary to it's glory, and provide clues to it's truth.
COVID strain in South Africa shows huge resistance to antibodies from original virus
Q: ?
"A: Huge resistance to antibodies from (the) original virus" = 1717 primes | 232 primes (*) (*)
  • ... ( "The Occult" = 1717 squares ) ( "Scary" = "Number" = "Panic mode" = 232 primes )
  • ... ( "Conquer the World" = 1717 trigonal ) ( "Spells of Great Power" = 232 alphabetic )
To be immune to the virus, is to disbelieve the official narrative.
Tech to aid the rollout of troth:
Apple Watch Series 7 Rumored To Feature Blood Glucose Monitoring
Glucose @ Sugar ( Honey )
To monitor @ To watch
  • "The Watchers" = 1300 latin-agrippa
  • ... ( "The Dragon" = 1300 squares ) (*)
  • .
  • "The Watchers" = 1,166 trigonal
  • ... ( .. lurking in "The Shadow" = 1,166 latin-agrippa )
  • ... ( .. that hold the "Decryption Key" = 1,166 latin-agrippa ) (*)
  • ... .. [ ]
More about the 'dragon' and it's piercing glance, and it's relation to vampires below...
Navalny has boxed Putin into a 'humiliating' Catch-22, national security officials say
ie. Dune stage-play celebration... Paul Atreides survives...
  • "The Water of Life" = 1234 trigonal (*)
... which poisons non-witches (ask Vlad what it means).
  • ... ( "The Sacred Fountain" = 1492 trigonal | 742 latin-agrippa ) (*)
  • ... ( "Heart of the Universe" = 1492 latin-agrippa )
  • ... .. [ "The Vampire Queen" = 1492 trigonal ] (*)
The humiliation comes to those that would reveal the underlying secret of Covid-19 - for it is 'blasphemy'. Not only is the deception only truly evident via 'kooky' numerology, which is dismissed by the vast majority (and this, part of the ironic mocking of the masses), but indeed - how does one explain to the dupes of the world what it really means?
'Covid-19 is a vampire metaphor? What the Hel?'
Indeed. How does one go about explaining such a sensitive thing without discrediting or embarrassing oneself?
That the whole operation is a false flag is enough silliness for most people.
  • "Cryptography" = 1999 english-extended (*)
  • "The Humiliation Ritual" = 999 latin-agrippa ( 'Crypt code" = 999 trigonal )
  • "Know the Humiliation Ritual" = 1999 latin-agrippa ( 'Forgotten Crypt Code" = 1999 trigonal )
Q: and so?
"1. Somebody has got to do it, or the virus will not go away" = 1,911 primes
... and since "I am the Dark Lord" = 1,911 squares
... .. here it is (in part, at least).
Anyone who can count accurately, and thus decode the language of vampires, is perhaps one of them (though perhaps very malnourished, not knowing the truth of their heritage).
So, as per this headline (which I examined somewhat in my previous post):
Stop Ignoring the Evidence on Covid-19 Treatments
The studies are in, and for many patients convalescent plasma should be out. So why do doctors having such a hard time letting go?
Red between the lines. This is reddit, after all.
'Come out, come out, wherever you are' --- The Vampire Lestatistician
'Love Remembered' - Dracula OST
  • "Show me the secret keys" = 1984 latin-agrippa
  • ... ( "Novel Coronavirus" = 1984 trigonal )
  • ... ( "Coronavirus Novel" = 1984 trigonal )
  • ... .. [ "Love Remembered" = 1984 squares ]
  • ... .. [ "Love Remembered" = "A Witch" = 1021 latin-agrippa ]
  • ... .. [ "Know Love Remembered" = "Know a Witch" = 2021 latin-agrippa ]
  • "To Remember Together" = 666 primes | 1,742 latin-agrippa | 3202 squares
  • ( "Citizen" = 666 latin-agrippa ) ( "I am Count Dracula" = 742 latin-agrippa ) ( "Counting" = 322 primes )
Event 201 @ Eve.nt 201
  • "Witch" = 201 primes ( "Spread" = 201 primes )
Empire @ Uampir @ Vampire @ Upior @ Uber @ Druid @ Witch ( ie. all these words mean the same thing).
The world is ruled by Vampires. And the novel coronavirus signals there is a new one on the scene - a supernova.
In one sense, the 'coronavirus' stage play is a coming-out party, and in another sense, a push and a prod for a scapegoat.
Alternatively, it might also represent a contingency plan - part of a war between usurping evil 'vampires' ( wealth-suckers ) and the 'good' witches - ie. Caeser and Rome vs. Getafix's little clan ( what do you think the magic potion is, hmm? )
Everyone is held trans-fixed by the Mainstream Media.
'Media' is a play on 'Medea', the Witch.
The word 'Mainstream' is also a wordplay, and key to the Universe.
A Riddle, via consonantal drift: what is MaiNSTReaM MeDea? [ drop the vowels, and put in new ones ]
These two threads:
...contain information and links that document the above concepts quite bluntly. It is a Catch-2020 of humiliation because to have even pondered such things (never mind written them out publicly) will be judged by many as being 'sick' (and hence, a viral sickness plagues the world - as above, so below). But again, it may be that the world will remain imprisoned by a fake virus until the truth of 'Covid-19' goes viral. And so I, Count Dracula, take the chance, and leave you to judge the veracity of my decoding.
My thesis is that the Alphabet codes (ie. Alpha-bat hoods) work on the principle of the 'sacred-profane dichotomy'...
... by which the underlying sacred is described in veiled profanity. And this works on multiple levels:
A. The Words ( surface meaning, everyday language ), hide...
B. The Numbers ( hidden semantic encodings ), which contain...
C. Practical 'mundane' mnemonics, which themselves encode...
D. Pornographic innuendo ( ie. the language is a massive sex joke), but this profanity hides...
E. The Sacred (ie. the Sacral Red, the Language of Empire/Vampire)
More and more, I believe the Romance Languages were formalized by the 'Vampire' (which is a far cry from the imagery that jumps to mind for most when they come across the word).
Sickness/Pandemic and Vampires go together like peas in a pod:
Twilight saga:
Edward admits to Bella that he is a vampire, and that although he retains the physical body of a seventeen-year-old, he was actually born on June 20, 1901. His adoptive father, Carlisle Cullen, transformed him into a vampire in 1918 to prevent him from dying in the Spanish influenza epidemic in Chicago, Illinois by the request of Edward's mother, who begged him to do whatever it took to save him. Carlisle instilled in him a sense of morality uncommon in most vampires, and central to his way of life is the refusal to consider humans as food.
  • ... ( "Edward" = 911 squares )
  • ... ( "The Coven" = 911 latin-agrippa )
From Anne Rice's work:
He [Louis] slowly comes to terms with his vampire nature, but also becomes increasingly repulsed by what he perceives as Lestat's total lack of compassion for the humans he preys upon. Escaping to New Orleans, Louis feeds off a plague-ridden, five-year-old girl, whom he finds next to the corpse of her mother. Louis begins to think of leaving Lestat and going his own way. Fearing this, Lestat then turns the girl into a vampire "daughter" for them, to give Louis a reason to stay.
The word 'daughter' - dogter - doctor - MD. - Maiden - Kore [ Corona ]
  • "The Viral" = "Virus" = 303 primes
  • .. ( "Coronavirus" = 1,303 latin-agrippa ) [ "The Language" = 303 primes ]
  • ... .. [ "(The) Interview with a Vampire" = 303 alphabetic ]
... and...
  • "The Vampire Interview" = 776 primes ( @ 1776 )
  • ... ( "The Woman in the Red Dress" = 776 primes )
  • ... .. [ "Emperor of the World" = 1776 trigonal ]
In summary - the Vampire is immune to plague ( because they are the plague ).
The 'coronavirus' is a cover, and a signal, of a vampire outbreak.
I am Count Dracula, and I began documenting the 'vampire' element in gematria in earnest some months before the Event 201 simulation, and before the Covid-19 outbreak was announced.
Some of my earliest gematria finds were to do with 'vampirism', but this I initially viewed as metaphorical, being representative of 'parasitic elites', and I did not take it literally.
Now I think otherwise, and this poem:
... is specifically about the Vampire in the Words.
If you go deep into the codes (stare into the abyss, where monsters lurk), you might become a monster yourself.
In the last few years, a major aspect of current affairs and social issues, has been the 'identity crisis'... and so here we are..
  • "What kind of creature is the man?" = 911 primes
  • ... ( "The Man" = "Dracula" = "A Dracul" = 187 primes )
Now, most people will tell you, according to pop-culture wisdom, that the vampire feeds only upon blood - and that the blood sustains him or her - but that is not necessarily the Kore of the vampire - or what defines the vampire...
What defines the vampire (according to my research) is the empire that they rule (or guide, or shepherd, or administer). The vampire is an uber(mensch) - a druid and shaman; a Merlin; a king-maker; a societal navigator. Someone with a fast brain, and intuition, and accountability. An organizer.
According to some interesting writings ( linked in the second of the 'two thread's listed above) the blood rites are a sacrament (think Eucharist) as opposed to 'food', and have much more to do with familial bonds, the accessing of ancestral knowledge, of brain chemistry, and perhaps even the maintenance of a form of hive-mind (blood @ iron @ magnetism). And perhaps, if certain notions are followed to their conclusion, don't even require a single bite-mark or puncture wound. Ask Mr. A-lister Crowley about the 'best source' of blood for magic rites.
Ask yourself: What is the modern version of the Grail Chalice?
The notion of a rapacious cannibalistic monster may very well be an ill-intentioned defamation designed by those who would destroy and usurp the reputation and positions of 'benevolent vampires' - those with the greater harmony of the people in mind.
According the writings of certain controversial self-proclaimed vampires (again, see the links above), a prosperous ancient empire run by vampires may well have been destroyed by tyrannical usurpers and money-grabbing thieves, leading the world to it's current absurdities of tyranny, terror, and financial distress.
  • "The Friendly Vampires" = 1,933 trigonal
  • ... ( "The Infection" = 933 trigonal )
  • ... ( "SARS CoV-2" = 933 trigonal )
  • ... .. ( "The Count" = 933 trigonal )
I am a friendly vampire ( or at least, must now identity as such, being 'turned' by the alphabat, and parched though I may be, having no countess on hand, due to social distancing ), and thus a fake virus was launched, in order to quell any reversion to the 'old ways', and drown out any common sense in a maelstrom of bullshit news.
The 'coronavirus' is a psychological attack upon the people of the world, but it may also be an initiation.
There is much duality: for all it's obvious tyranny and expression of domination, I cannot yet decide if the Covid show is a clampdown with no end in sight - or if perhaps it represents a kind of catalyst for Revelation.
I cannot decide if they are vampire hunters, or hunting vampires.
Is the Covid-19 operation the bringing about of an endless night? Or an attempt to walk in daylight?
As per the Truman Show:
How will it end?
It's in your hands. I'm no tyrant (even thought I claim the title of The Tyrannosaurus Rex). I cannot tell you what to do. I can tell you that you may very well regret it if you continue to obey the dictat of the medical industrial complex. They are snakes without wings, after all.
If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck, and until it takes off the mask, and shows itself to be a Swan, best to treat it as a duck.
The medical industrial complex is behaving like a power-drunk tyrant - best to treat it as such. Tear it down, and see if a swan lurks within or no.
"Bram Stoker's Dracula" - Conducted by Josep Pons in Auditorio Nacional de Música of Madrid
submitted by Orpherischt to GeometersOfHistory [link] [comments]

Stellaris Space Guild - Weekly Help Thread

Welcome to this week’s Stellaris Space Guild Help Thread! This thread functions as a gathering place for all questions, tips, bugs, suggestions, and resources for Stellaris. Here you can post quick-fire questions, tips, and other tidbits of knowledge that may not deserve their own discussion thread. If you would like to ask a specific question about the state of your Stellaris campaign, please include links to relevant screenshots to assist the people helping you. This ensures that you get the most accurate advice for your specific campaign.
Below you can find resources for the game. If you would like to help contribute to the resources section, please leave a comment that pings me (using "u/Snipahar") and link to the resource. You can also contribute by reaching me through private message or modmail. Be sure to include a short description of what you find valuable about the resource.
If you have any suggestions for the body of this thread, please ping me, using "u/Snipahar" or send me a private message!
submitted by Snipahar to Stellaris [link] [comments]

// THCB & Microvast Inc - Legit Analysis

The EV craze is seeing another ops, the reverse merger of Microvast. On Nov 13 a letter of intent (LoI) has been signed related to a business combination with Microvast Inc., a market leading provider of next-generation battery technologies for commercial and specialty use electric vehicles
This name already came up on WSB gents, so the below it’s more of an in-depth DD before the next bell. Good to credit other DD as well for a sort of empirical work in calling the Company’s Texas HQ (LoL)
// What the heck is Microvast?
Founded by Yang Wu in 2006, Microvast is focused on driving mass adoption EVs and its battery technology boasts best-in-class charging speed, battery life, energy density and safety performance. Key takeaway:
// Ok so what should I buy? THCB
// Don't fuck with me, what are the risks?
The completion of the transaction is subject to, among other things, the execution of a definitive agreement (which has already taken place for //AvePoint instead, see my other post) approval by the two companies' boards, satisfaction of customary closing conditions and approval of the transaction by each company's shareholders. Accordingly, there can be no assurance that a definitive agreement will be entered into or that the proposed transaction will be consummated on the terms currently contemplated or at all. If a legally binding definitive agreement is entered into, a full description of the terms of the transaction will be provided in a registration statement and/or a proxy statement of SPAC to be filled with the SEC
// I don't want to read, bottom line? TL;DR
Disclaimer: all images should be credited to Microvast Inc. or other sources. This does not constitute and has not to be intended as a financial advice or solicitation of any kind. I hold a long position in THCB.
submitted by Ostoni to investing [link] [comments]

[Cryoverse] Forbidden Cargo (One-off story)

New readers: This is a 'prologue' for a future story set in the 'Cryoverse' which I will someday write. You do not need to read anything in the Cryoverse to enjoy this short story. If you have, in fact, read one of my many Cryoverse stories, you will pick up on the more subtle nuances, but it's not necessary to enjoy the mystery and intrigue!
Cryoverse readers: This story is a prologue for an upcoming story after I complete The Last Precursor. I will be writing several of these teaser 'Prologue' parts, each one the start of a potential future story. Let me know in the comments how you enjoyed this!
Thanks for reading!
A hissing of air. The sound of metal grinding against metal.
The entry airlock leading from the Cruiser-Class starship, the Gold Harrier, opens up to reveal a cream-skinned woman, one with curly blond hair, hawkish blue eyes, and a gaze that could melt steel. Her uniform, navy blue, like what others from her research facility wear, is bland but form-fitting.
She steps through the airlock and arrives before three men, all of them waiting with their hands folded behind their backs.
"Janice. Lovely to see you again," One of the men, a dark-skinned fellow with short-cropped black hair says. "You don't look a day over a thousand."
Janice slows to a stop and glances around the comfortably-sized entry area. The starship's dirty steel walls don't appear nearly as polished as she's used to, given the centuries of accumulated rust and filth stuck to their walls, but she doesn't mind.
"Charles!" Janice says, her face shifting from impassivity to elation. "Always the charmer. I'm not as young as I used to be, but if you undercut the real number too much, you'll make me self-conscious."
Charles Weston, captain of the Gold Harrier, takes a step toward Janice. He leans forward and kisses both of her cheeks, then pulls back.
"Haha. What can I say? Us mercenary types don't get to see many beauties out here in the Void. You remember Larry, right?"
Charles gestures to a man on his right, a muscular Norwegian-looking fellow with a strangely-colored green beard and hair. Larry hiccups, then performs a mocking salute. "Sup, 'Princess'? Been a while."
The edge of Janice's nose twitches, but she forces herself to smile. "...Yes! Always a pleasure to see you, Larry. And- oh? Who's this cute boy? Charles, don't tell me he's another of yours?"
Charles nods toward the third member of his entourage, a young man, barely twenty years old, with a spark in his eye and excitement on his face. "This here's my twenty-third son, Will. He's a smart boy, but a bit green around the gills. I'm hoping we can temper him a bit over the coming decades before the missus gives me another."
Janice reaches forward and shakes Will's hand. "Nice to meet you, young man. I'm Janice Green, a small-time archaeologist. Your father and I go way back."
William nods excitedly. "Oh, yeah! Dad's told me all about you! He couldn't stop running his mouth, saying you were the prettiest flower in the Outer Rim, short of my mother, of course."
Janice flicks her eyes in Charles' direction. "Heh. Is that so?"
"Shut up, Will," Charles grumps, playfully socking his son's shoulder. "From one man to another, you aren't supposed to rat us out to the lady-folk!"
"Psh, it ain't even a secret or anything," Larry says, chuckling under his breath. "You never stop babbling about Janice whenever we go to see her. You're ridiculous, bruv."
Janice's smile widens further. "Oh, this is so much more fun than sitting in a laboratory all day. I'm always happy when I get to jump out and stretch my legs."
After a few minutes of bantering, Janice's expression turns more solemn. She and the men start walking toward the Gold Harrier's bridge, passing by scatterings of crew here and there, all of them tending to their duties, repairing and maintaining the ship as the need arises.
"You got my message." Janice says rhetorically. "Time is of the essence. We must move quickly."
Charles's smile fades away, replaced instead with the look of a man in charge.
"I did. The moment I saw the bounty, I nearly had a heart attack. Fifty million credits? Two hundred million if we choose OrioCreds instead? I can't believe they'd pick little old me for a job this big."
"Well," Janice says, clearing her throat. "There are some extenuating circumstances. I wasn't allowed to tell you anything specific in the message, because all information about this discovery is being kept to a minimum. If you hadn't shown up first, you'd have lost the opportunity forever."
Janice pulls out a datapad and hands it to Larry Wilcox. "Take us to these coordinates. Maximum warp, as quickly as possible."
Larry snatches the PDA out of her hand and rolls his eyes. "Got it. You don't have ta' tell me twice."
Once they step onto the Bridge, Larry hops into his Navigator chair and starts inputting numbers. While he begins the pre-flight check, Janice, Charles, and Will stand off to the side, away from the Bridge's dozen or so personnel. For a Cruiser-Class ship with a maximum personnel capacity of 500, the Harrier's 137 crew fall far short of the higher-tier Mercenary vessels in the Outer Rim.
"So, what can you tell me now?" Charles asks. "I need more details, Janice. Your letter said this was a delivery mission, but you didn't bring a package with you."
"That's right," Janice says, nodding. "We had to use a certain level of subterfuge. You know how it is."
"I do," Charles says, resting his left hand around his son's back and on his far shoulder. "But now it's just you, me, and my crew. I can't endanger my family, not even for fifty million creds. We can retire off that kind of cash, but my instincts are telling me this mission will be crazy dangerous."
"Somewhat," Janice says, crossing her arms. "This is actually a 'pickup and deliver' mission. We have to travel to a nearby outpost, about fifty lightyears from here. There's a certain 'item' we need to grab before anyone else gets their greedy little hands on it, then we need to deliver it to Xoth."
Charles frowns. "Xoth? That's Orion Corps' Megalopolis world. It's the center of their scientific division. It's also... what, seven thousand lightyears in the Core's direction?"
"I know," Janice answers, her tone shaky. "I'm more than a little nervous myself, but I put in a good word to ensure you got the chance to arrive first. I'm also a part of this mission, and you know me."
The Harrier's captain shakes his head and laughs. "Haha! I do. You're greedy and self-centered, but you'd never put yourself in harm's way. So, why are you joining us? I think me and my family can handle it by ourselves."
"I'm here to confirm the... the package's authenticity," Janice says, her tone cryptic.
The archaeologist hesitates for a moment. She glances around the Bridge at the dozen or so men and women present, as if uncertain whether to continue or not.
"Everyone here is my family," Charles says, offering a confident smile. "They're all my sons, daughters, and relatives. Anything you want to say in front of me, you can say in front of them."
A few heads turn in Janice's direction, only to return to their displays and monitors as they prep the Gold Harrier to enter warp.
Still uneasy, Janice sighs. "Well, that's fine, I suppose. At this point, we'll need the crew to be on the same page."
She pauses for half a breath before continuing.
"This item we're looking for... an asteroid miner found it near the ruins of a destroyed world. Whole system went supernova about three million years ago, near the end of the Terran Expansion Era."
Charles scratches his chin. "Ah. You must mean the Pox system. That's the only one within fifty lightyears that fits the description. Whole area's filled to the brim with stray rocks- wait, shit! Come on, Janice! You want us to fly in there? That place is a deathtrap!"
Janice nods. "One of the reasons I contacted you is because of the Gold Harrier's special characteristics. You have Duraplating on the outer hull, right? It's expensive, hard to find. Great for reducing impact damage to almost zero."
"It's a last resort, only meant for getting us out of sticky situations in one piece," Charles mutters. "Flying into a system riddled with microscopic rocks flying around at Mach 30... you understand we can and probably will die, right?"
"We don't have a choice, Charles. The item we need to pick up... I don't know what it is, but I do know one thing."
The archaeologist pauses for half a beat. She looks at Charles meaningfully.
"Whatever it is, it's Volgrim in origin."
With only a few words, Janice renders the entire Bridge silent. Charles stares at her, dumbstruck, while several of his sons and daughters glance in Janice's direction, uncertain whether to believe her.
It takes the captain several seconds before he can pick up his jaw off the floor.
"V-Volgrim? But... we wiped them out. Humanity killed them during the Energy Wars. We haven't seen them since the Expansion Era."
Charles' son, Will, looks at his dad with curiosity-filled eyes. "Father, what's a 'Volgrim'? I've never heard of it."
The captain gently squeezes his son's shoulder. "You don't know? Guess nobody's had time to teach you about that stuff. The Volgrim were the aliens who once controlled the entirety of the Milky Way, at least until we kicked their asses. Overthrew them, wiped out their whole species. Took us tens of thousands of years, but to be fair, they were a Type III civilization. It's a miracle we survived as long as we did, let alone won the war."
Janice nods. "It's like your father said, Will. Humanity rose up and defeated the Volgrim. Their defeat took dozens of millennia and cost us billions of lives. After we wiped them out, we seized what remained of their civilizations, and thus, everything else was history."
"But like I said," Charles adds, "I don't understand. How could a Volgrim object appear here in the Pox system? That place is a garbage dump."
"It's not just any object," Janice says, as she takes a seat in a nearby chair. "It's an artifact, one of potentially immeasurable value. The higher-ups only want me to confirm that it really is Volgrim in design, as that asteroid miner claimed. After that, it's up to you to ferry it back to Xoth at maximum warp. We can't let anyone else get ahold of it."
Following Janice's lead, Charles and Will both take their seats, with Charles plopping down in the captain's chair, while his son sits next to him, in the copilot's chair.
"Color me skeptical..." Charles says. "But why didn't that asteroid miner bring the item back to you himself? That seems a tad suspicious."
Janice laughs. "Hah! And risk drawing the attention of every galactic superpower in the quadrant? You know how rare and precious Volgrim artifacts are, Charles. If Ramma's Chosen were to find out about it, we'd have those bloody zealots breathing down our necks in seconds! And even barring them, would you want to risk drawing the Third Hand's attention? Nobody even knows what this artifact can do, so we have to assume it's something of immeasurable value."
From the Navigator's chair, Larry chuckles. "Oh, Janice. Up to yer ol' tricks again. If this damn thing's so bloody precious, then why should we stick our necks out for it? Why wouldn't Orion Corp send out a whole fleet to retrieve the damn thing?"
"And draw the attention of their enemies?" Janice snaps. "Use your head, Larry. This is a covert operation. We need a no-name group to fly in, grab the artifact, and fly out. Quiet, no fuss. If you can't handle it, or don't dare to touch it, now's your chance to drop out. Fifty million credits, take it or leave it. I think the risk is worth the reward, don't you? I'm putting my life on the line too, after all."
Charles listens quietly. After a few seconds of silence, he closes his eyes.
"Alright. You've convinced me. I can make a new life for my family; a better one. Living on the run and trying to pick up spare creds from random groups here and there isn't any way to live. If I can get in Orion Corp's good graces, they might give us more work in the future. I could set all of my kids up for the rest of their lives."
Will pipes up. "Father, I'm ready for action; we all are! Whatever you choose, we'll support you."
Charles smiles. "I know, Will. I have the best family in the whole Outer Rim."
After sparing a glance at the rest of his family on the Bridge, Charles turns to his Head Navigator.
"Take us away, Larry."
"Sure thing, bruv," Larry replies.
The ship's engines fire up, causing a slight humming sensation to ripple in the air. Janice glances at the research facility floating in the void, her home for the last several thousand years. Its long, slender frame stretches out for five miles, with multiple large bubble-like 'modules' installed along the main body.
"Farewell, everyone," Janice mutters. "I'll return in a few months."
The Gold Harrier ignites its thrusters and fires off into the void, leaving the research facility's orbit without any fanfare.
"Three minutes to arrival in the Pox system, cap," Larry says. The Head Navigator gestures toward a scanning readout of the debris circling within the system's confines, as the Harrier's computers work together to predict the paths of everything in their way.
"So," Charles says, as he nods at Larry and turns to Janice. "Assuming everything goes smoothly, once we nab the artifact, it'll take us a quarter of a year to reach Xoth at warp seven. I'll have to burn up all the remaining Trifrancium, but assuming we complete the mission... buying a few more grams shouldn't be out of the question."
Janice frowns. "The Harrier caps out at warp seven? Jeez, Charles. Bit underwhelming, don't you think?"
"I rarely travel anywhere faster than warp six," Charles answers. "We're not usually in a hurry to complete our missions. Besides, how much cash do you think I have lying around? I feed my family and keep us moving; that's all I can do in these troubled times."
"Oh?" Janice asks, raising an eyebrow. "It seems you've heard about the war brewing."
"Who hasn't?" Charles asks. "I may live in the Outer Rim, but I keep my eyes out for anything involving the Core. The Third Hand and Ramma's Chosen are entering a power struggle right now, all for the sake of capturing Enchillon. Whoever succeeds will have a tremendous foothold in the Malto region. Lots of work will soon make itself available for people like me."
"Dangerous work," Larry quips. "But it seems that kinda shite don't matter to ya, does it, cap?"
Charles rolls his eyes. "How much longer, Larry?"
"Thirty seconds."
"Great. Keep sharp, don't lose focus. Every moment we spend in this bloody sector is another second we risk our lives."
The captain falls silent, as does everyone else on the Bridge. Slowly but surely, thirty seconds tick past, while everyone holds their breath.
"I'm takin' us to the system's mid-point," Larry mutters. "The interior has too much shit flyin' around. As long as we stay about three to five astronomical units away from the system's center, we'll avoid most of the debris."
With a slight shudder, the Gold Harrier exits warp speed, emerging into normal space abruptly and causing the viewscreen to turn black. Everyone on the Bridge focuses at their tasks at hand as they start scanning for debris headed in their direction.
Will's eyes light up with excitement. "Wow! What is that? Is that light up ahead coming from a star? It's so... blue!"
Charles' expression turns serious. "Aye. Pox's star went supernova a few million years ago. All that's left behind is a neutron star. It's small, perhaps only thirty miles in diameter, but insanely bright, dense, and deadly. Neutron stars spin tens of thousands of times per minute, and they constantly fire off gamma-rays. We won't die if a gamma ray hits us, but it'll rip apart our computer systems instantly. Messes with the scanners, too."
One of the Bridge's other crew members, a relatively attractive young woman with long black hair, pipes up. "Father, the star is currently in its axial state. The gamma-rays are unlikely to strike us."
"Thanks, Rebecca," Charles says. "That's good news."
Will glances at a control panel attached to his seat as an indicator lights up. "Someone's hailing us, father."
"That's the informant," Janice says. "The asteroid miner. He's a bit skittish, but once we meet up with him I'll pay him two hundred thousand creds and we can get out of here."
"In and out. Nice and quick. That's what I like to hear," Charles mutters. "Larry, how long will it take us to reach his position?"
"Twenty minutes, cap," Larry answers. He nods to himself, as if confirming something, making his green hair bob back and forth. "He's about 0.5 AU's from here."
"Good. Will, put him onscreen."
"Yes, father."
Will dutifully follows out his father's orders, pressing a couple of buttons to activate the comm relay.
A tall, burly man appears onscreen, his wide shoulders, thick black hair, and distrustful eyes boring down on everyone in the Bridge.
"Password?" The man asks, his tone gruff.
"Lilacs come from Terra; none have ever smelled a flower so sweet," Janice answers, without batting an eye. "You must be Thomas?"
Thomas nods. "Yeah. You, uh... you the people from Orion Corp?"
"I am," Janice says. "These mercenaries are my hired guns. Let's meet up and complete the trade, then I'll get you back to your business."
The asteroid miner shifts uncomfortably. His eyes flick around the Harrier's Bridge. "Sure are, uh... sure are a lot of you."
"I have one hundred and thirty-seven crew members," Charles says, smiling as pleasantly as he can muster. "They're all members of my family."
Thomas shifts uneasily. "Right. Look, uh... I dunno how to say this but... I want more money. Two hundred thousand creds ain't enough. Seems this thing's pretty valuable."
Janice frowns. "I only brought the requested amount of credits, Thomas. We're risking our necks for you, and it was all I could manage to convince my superiors to ensure your so-called 'Volgrim artifact' might be the real thing. If it was as valuable as you think, don't you suppose they'd send a whole fleet to pick it up?"
Thomas chuckles. "Hehe. Oh, it's real, lady. Trust me, when you see it, you're gonna flip your goddamn stack. That's why I want more creds. This job stinks. A man's gotta eat, ya know? I'm out here all alone, risking my neck every day for some scraps. You can't expect me to let go of a top-tier item like this for two hundred thousand measly creds."
Janice falls silent. She stares at the miner intently for a few moments, then rolls her eyes.
Turning to Charles, she groans. "I'm sorry to have wasted your time, Charles. It seems this greedy fellow really think he's some bigshot. Well, all's well that ends well. Let's just leave."
Charles, picking up on his friend's cues, smiles at her. "It's fine. You meet guys like this all the time in our line of work. I'm sure when the Third Hand learns about the artifact, they'll come kill him for it. Will, cut the feed, and let's go home."
Will nods along to his father's words. "Uh, okay..."
He reaches for his control panel. Just before he can cut the comms, Thomas panics. "Wait. Wait! Fine, two hundred thousand creds! I'll take it, alright! Damn, you Orion cunts really love money!"
Janice purses her lips. "No. I've changed my mind. It's one hundred and fifty thousand credits now, bigshot. I'm not about to waste my money on some crackpot. Take your chances with the Third Hand if you don't like it."
Thomas grits his teeth. "Lady! Don't press your luck!"
"Charles," Janice says, turning to the captain. "Let's go."
"Argh! You damned bitch!" Thomas howls. "Fine! One hundred and fifty k's! I'll take it."
Janice smiles. "Alright, since you were so 'polite,' let's go with that. We'll meet you in twenty minutes."
Thomas's face darkens. "...Fucking bitch."
The screen goes black as Thomas cuts the comm-link from his end.
Charles laughs. "You have a way with words."
"I can't help myself," Janice mutters. "I won't ever let anybody take advantage of me again. Not even this artifact is worth sacrificing my dignity."
Larry turns his head slightly. He glances at Janice out of the corner of his eye before returning to his work.
The Harrier launches toward the rendezvous point at sub-light speeds. Thanks to the hard work of the Bridge crew, as well as the computer's background calculations, they rapidly approach their destination without any stray rocks pelting them.
"Divine Emperor, guide me..." Janice mutters. "How can you exist in these modern times without a synthmind? Calculating all of these asteroid vectors manually must surely be a pain in the ass, right?"
Charles laughs. "I don't trust synths. I make do with the bare minimum. Safer that way."
"Oh, Charles. You're such a weirdo, sometimes."
"No, all the time."
Charles and Janice laugh quietly to themselves, then return to monitoring the outside situation. Several times, rocks pelt the Harrier's hull, causing warning indicators to light up, but the vast majority of them prove to be only glancing blows.
Twenty minutes later, the group arrives next to Thomas's ship, a gigantic, Frigate-class vessel with countless mining drones hovering alongside it. The mining ship resembles an oblong spheroid, one with a giant hole in the middle, filled to the brim with mining and boring lasers capable of eating into any asteroids placed within their reach. More than ten times the Harrier's size, the vessel makes Will's eyes pop open with shock.
"Holy... how can one guy maintain and repair a ship that big? I thought Frigates needed crews of five thousand to work properly, father."
"Not mining vessels," Charles answers. "They typically have fleets of automated maintenance drones to repair and control the ship. The heavy armor allows it to shrug off 99% of any asteroid impacts, even the big ones. Thomas probably doesn't even own it; he's leasing it from some outside corporation in exchange for some of the profits. They like to keep the human overhead small so the personnel fees are as low as possible."
After concluding his explanation, Charles gets to work guiding the Harrier toward the designated pickup point. Everyone breathes a small sigh of relief as they enter Thomas's ship's shadow, shielding them from any asteroid impacts for the time being.
Five minutes later, Charles, Will, and Janice show up to the airlock, which opens up to reveal Thomas the miner, even bigger in person than he appeared on the video feed. The man towers over the Harrier's group, standing more than eight feet tall. His huge body gives him the appearance of a soldier from a colony world, someone capable of wiping out enemy platoons with ease.
Charles silently sizes Thomas up. Big fellow. Looks like one of those thugs from the Velor system. Wouldn't expect a guy like this to make a living as a miner, but stranger things have happened.
Thomas glances at the three visitors. "Credits?"
"Right here," Janice says, as she casually tosses him a datapad. "Access information to the account. Secured through the method you specified."
Thomas glances at the screen. After confirming the information, he laughs. "You're giving me all two-hundred k's?"
"I am. I just hope you don't disappoint me with this so-called 'artifact.' My superiors will not be happy."
"Trust me, lady. This shit's the real deal," Thomas says, laughing quietly. "You'll know when you see it. Take a look."
He gestures behind himself and around the corner. Janice steps forward, not worried in the slightest that Thomas might attack her. After all, even with his height and build difference, no mere miner would dare assault someone hailing from Orion Corp, the biggest financier in the entire Milky Way. Janice could have any number of weapons or tools at her disposal.
Janice rounds the corner, while Charles and Will stay in their airlock entry, keeping their eyes locked on Thomas. The miner follows Janice for a few steps, but keeps his distance. As Janice disappears from view, Thomas laughs.
"You see? I told you it was the real deal! Just look at that thing!"
Janice replies with the same disinterest as before. "Mmm. It's authentic. I don't know if it's worth two hundred thousand credits, but that's up to my superiors to decide. Bring it onboard."
Thomas, seeing her lack of excitement, sighs in his heart. He walks over, grabs whatever thing she's looking at, and lugs it around the corner, toward Charles and Will.
The young boy's eyes light up when Thomas returns, pulling a huge black coffin-shaped object, nine-feet long and five-feet wide. The onyx-colored artifact hovers across the ground, levitated via a few small maneuvering thrusters attached to its underside.
"Whoaaa! What IS that?" Will asks. "Is that thing really an artifact?"
Charles, appearing just as disinterested as Janice, merely shrugs. "Who knows? It could be anything. Might even just be some shiny black rock."
Thomas pulls the coffin-obelisk-thing into the Harrier's confines, then takes a few steps back. He appears disappointed by Janice and Charles' lack of any reaction, but chalks it up to them merely being ignorant suits incapable of recognizing the treasure before them.
"Tch. Well, there's your item. Enjoy it, I guess. I'm gonna get back to work, now. Thanks for the creds."
"Sure, sure," Janice says, waving him away. "It was a pleasure doing business with you."
Thomas leaves, and the airlock seals shut behind him.
Several seconds pass. Janice, Charles, and Will stand alongside the artifact, their eyes locked on its surface.
"Holy fucking shit..." Janice whispers, her voice cracking with excitement. She flicks her eyes to Charles, and a huge grin spreads across her face. "We did it, Charles. We hit the big money!"
Charles, too, smiles greedily. "Hahaha! Thomas, that poor bastard. He doesn't have a clue how valuable this is."
Confused by the turn of events, Will blinks in confusion. "Huh? What do you mean? I thought you said it was garbage! What's going on?"
"Subterfuge, kid," Janice laughs, lightly socking Will's shoulder. "You need to learn how to play the game if you want to win. If we freaked out and started talking about how valuable this artifact was, do you think Thomas would let us leave with it? Of course not. He'd sicc his drones on us and melt our ship to scrap before we could say, 'Oh, sorry, we'll pay more creds!' We had to act like this artifact wasn't anything special, otherwise, who knows how he'd react?"
Charles circles the coffin. He rubs his hands across its surface, marveling at its smooth and unblemished texture. "This object... I've never seen anything like it. What sort of material is this? It's far more durable than obsidian. It was out in space, all this time, yet doesn't have a scratch on it."
"Get us out of here," Janice says. "Full speed. We can't afford to stick around any longer. I'll tell you more once we're clear."
Charles nods. He raises his datapad to communicate with the bridge. "Take us away, Larry. We've retrieved the package."
Larry's voice comes back, loud and crisp. "Is it the real deal?"
"Damn straight."
The ship's thrusters fire up, but Charles doesn't return to the Bridge. He stays at Janice's side and watches as she circles the coffin, pulling out all manner of scanning devices to examine its surface and interior.
After five minutes, Janice straightens her posture.
"Living Moldanium."
"I beg your pardon?" Charles asks. "What do you mean?"
"This coffin. Its composition is 99% Living Moldanium. By my estimates, there is probably more Moldanium here than in the entirety of the Federation's storehouses. I've never seen such a vast amount of the stuff in my life."
Charles shakes his head. "I don't understand, Janice. Explain. What is Living Moldanium?"
"It's the strongest substance in the universe," Janice answers, her voice low. "The stuff of legends. Armor made from Living Moldanium won't crack even if you shoot it with an Empire-Class cannon bombardment. It can absorb shockwaves, shrug off electrical damage, and won't even warm if you submerge it in molten plasma. Only the Volgrim knew how to make it, and now, the creation method has disappeared from the historical records."
Charles sucks in a breath. "By the Divine Emperor... Doesn't fifty million credits seem a bit... low?"
"I ought to smack you!" Janice laughs. "But yes, you're right. Five hundred million credits would still be a lowball if someone offered to purchase this coffin. However, in your case, fifty million is fine. You can't use this artifact as anything more than a glorified paperweight. The methods for restructuring Living Moldanium are top-secret knowledge. Only the highest brass of the Federated Systems possess the means to take this thing apart and use it to further their own ends."
While Janice and Charles talk, Will slowly circles the coffin. He eyeballs it from every angle, examining it from side to side and corner to corner. Suddenly, he speaks.
"Hey. What's this?"
Charles and Janice turn to look at the young man. He points at a seemingly blank spot on the coffin's side, as featureless and barren as all the rest of it.
Janice walks over and squints. After concentrating for a few moments, her expression lights up with happiness. "Oh! Excellent work, Will! Good eyes! I'd never have noticed that if you didn't point it out. Look, Charles. There are letters etched here, written in Volgarian."
Charles follows Janice's lead. After examining the coffin for several seconds, he, too, manages to barely make out the letters. "Damn. They blend in so well, I can barely even see them. You can read Volgarian, right, Janice? What do the words say?"
Janice leans in closer to the coffin. She squints with all her might, occasionally tracing her fingers along the grooves to get a better idea of their shape.
"That's... strange. There's only one word here. It's not one I recognize."
"Yeah? What is it?" Charles asks.
Janice mouths the letters several times. She cocks her head and frowns deeply, while invisible question marks seemingly pop up over her head.
"It just says... Ionis."
"Ionis?" Charles repeats. "Does... does that mean anything to you?"
"I don't know. Perhaps. Will, can you find any other words anywhere? Maybe it's some sort of a puzzle."
Suddenly, several red lights begin flashing inside the ship. The Harrier shudders as an explosion on its hull causes everyone on board to stumble.
"Shit!" Charles shouts. "What was that? An asteroid impact?"
From overhead, one of the Bridge crewmembers, Charles's first son, David, speaks.
"Attention, all personnel. We are under attack! Everyone, go to battle stations. A stealth-class interceptor has appeared at our flank and begun firing on us. Their identity is unknown, but based upon the make and model of their ships' design... we have concluded they are one of Ramma's Chosen!"
Charles' skin turns to ice. "Sh-shit! Ramma's Chosen! What are they doing here? Did they follow us?"
Janice's voice raises an octave. "I don't know! Let's return to the Bridge! Will, you stay here and keep examining that coffin! Anything you can find will be helpful!"
"Y-yes, ma'am!" Will answers.
Janice and Charles both run back to the Bridge, all while the Gold Harrier knocks back and forth, rocked by explosions detonating against its hull.
By the time they make it to the Bridge, chaos has already engulfed the crew.
David, the acting captain when his father isn't on site, barks orders. "Ten degrees to starbound! Evasive roll! Deploy the scattering particles! Break that interceptor's targeting lock, dammit!"
"It's too fast!" One of his sisters exclaims. "It's... it's a new model! I've never seen anything like it!"
"We've got a hull breach on Deck Three!" Another man yells. "Five casualties! Situation unknown!"
Charles's eyes turn livid. "Those goddamned zealot bastards! Larry, prep an emergency jump to warp! David, get me a casualty report! Rebecca, pump power into the shields!"
The captain drops into his chair and begins madly keying in button presses on its command module. "How many Spitfire missiles do we have? Can we get a lock on that interceptor?"
"Negative!" Rebecca answers. "We can't even get a visual! I've detected a faint residual ion trail, but nothing else! It's a Class III cloaking field!"
Janice furrows her brows. "Class III? That's military level. A ship has to forgo a hyperdrive to even fit one. The only way an interceptor like that could appear in this system is if a Carrier deliberately left it here."
Her words send a chill down Charles' spine. He jerks his head toward David. "Scan the system for other vessels!"
"Yes, father!"
David hurriedly follows his dad's commands, but shakes his head in response.
"I'm not picking up anyone on long-range scanners!"
The ship rocks again as three phaser blasts strike the shields, nearly throwing Charles and Janice out of their seats.
"Switch to a focused scan!" Charles says. "There aren't any planets in this system. That can only mean the opposing vessel must be hiding somewhere in the Neutron Star's gravity well! Somewhere near its gamma ray signals."
"That's suicide!" Rebecca cries. "No ship can stay that close to a neutron star."
Charles grits his teeth. "Not under ordinary circumstances."
Moments later, David pipes up. "Oh... oh my god. You're right, father. I've found a vessel hidden within the gamma ray interference zone. It's... it's a Dreadnought-Class vessel!"
"They've detected our scans!" Rebecca adds. "They're moving to intercept us!"
"Larry! Tell me you've got that E-Jump ready!"
"Two more minutes!" Larry answers. "I'm going as fast as I can!"
"Faster, dammit! Faster!"
A notification pops up for the commlink. Charles growls angrily and reaches over to activate it. "Maybe I can stall for time."
The viewscreen shifts, revealing the face of a truly massive, gigantic, nine-foot-tall man. His navy blue uniform, piercing eyes, and obsidian-colored skin give him the appearance of a predator.
The man speaks, his voice as gravelly and menacing as Death itself. "I am Admiral Atlas Baruchen, commander of the UTC Bloodbearer. Cease your useless attempts to escape, and hand over the heretical object in your possession. I will spare your lives if you do as I command."
Charles's heart thumps in his chest. "The hell you will! You zealots butcher men, women, and children like pigs! Why should I trust you?"
"Haha. Do I look like someone who cares about your fate?" Admiral Baruchen laughs. "You are nothing to me but a fly. Whether you live or die is none of my concern. Give me that Volgrim artifact, and none of your family will suffer my wrath. I've nothing to gain from picking on some lower-class Outer Rim filth."
"And what about Janice?" Charles asks, his gaze hard as steel. "What will you do to her?"
"Janice Green, one of the many heretics working for Orion Corp," The Admiral says, his voice slow and measured. "She will receive a just punishment for seeking the power of that heretic object."
Janice narrows her eyes. "If you think I'll go down without a fight, think again."
"Your compliance is irrelevant," Baruchen answers. "You will submit to interrogation, or you will die. Your choice."
David turns to look at his father. "Dad! The Bloodbearer is almost within firing range!"
"Twenty seconds," Larry adds, giving an approximation of the time left before they can jump.
Charles rises to his feet. He glowers at the Bloodbearer's Admiral, hatred on his face.
"Blow it out your ass, cocksucker. You already killed five of my family members. I'll never put my life in the hands of fanatical monsters like you!"
Baruchen's smile fades, ever so slightly. "An unwise choice. As expected of Outer Rim rats."
Without another word, Charles cuts the commlink, just in time for another barrage of gunfire to strike the Harrier's shields.
"We're still in this!" David shouts. "Minimal hull damage! Shields are intact, with 15% integrity left!"
"Ten seconds to jump!" Larry says, his voice more nervous than ever in his life. "Five seconds! Four! Three! Two..."
Just as the Bloodbearer enters firing range, the Gold Harrier disappears, vanishing into the void.
Admiral Baruchen, leader of the Bloodbearer, stands silently on his ship's Bridge. He glances at a nearby crew-member. "Lieutenant Warner. Can we track them?"
"Aye," A muscular, balding, goatee'd man answers. "That miner did as he was told. He planted the device without any issues."
"Good. Recall the Sandshrew and prepare our jump to Inverted Space. If we play our cards right, we might scoop up a far bigger prize than one heretical artifact and some pond scum. We may just catch the 'big fish.'"
"Hah. Very true, Admiral."
The Bridge crew gets to work, calculating jump vectors while they wait for their stealth interceptor to meet up with them.
As they make the jump, Admiral Baruchen gazes into the void.
"We must defeat Monolith, no matter the cost."
Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed the story! Check out the comments below, where I explain what this post is all about!
submitted by Klokinator to HFY [link] [comments]

Stellaris Space Guild - Weekly Help Thread

Welcome to this week’s Stellaris Space Guild Help Thread! This thread functions as a gathering place for all questions, tips, bugs, suggestions, and resources for Stellaris. Here you can post quick-fire questions, tips, and other tidbits of knowledge that may not deserve their own discussion thread. If you would like to ask a specific question about the state of your Stellaris campaign, please include links to relevant screenshots to assist the people helping you. This ensures that you get the most accurate advice for your specific campaign.
Below you can find resources for the game. If you would like to help contribute to the resources section, please leave a comment that pings me (using "u/Snipahar") and link to the resource. You can also contribute by reaching me through private message or modmail. Be sure to include a short description of what you find valuable about the resource.
If you have any suggestions for the body of this thread, please ping me, using "u/Snipahar" or send me a private message!
submitted by Snipahar to Stellaris [link] [comments]

What I want to do for you.

1) Reform welfare into a cash stipend.
Food stamps, wic tickets, and other benefits are seen as someone else's money, and are inferior to actual cash. Food stamps for example get sold for 50 cents on the dollar so people can buy toilet paper, tooth.paste, or shoes for their kids. If we gave these.people cash they'd get more bang for their buck, and people are more responsible with money they see as their own than something they feel is "free" or "government benefits."
To that end I propose we end "trickle down" welfare. We gut the entire system with automation, and implement direct deposit stipends. Without even changing current taxes and using the exact same budget we currently have, we can give every single American over the age of 18, that earned less than 30,000 on their last year's filed taxes, a $5,000 cash stipend that will be directly deposited into their bank account in monthly disbursements.
Unlike current welfare benefits, where you lose all of them if your income barely passes a set threshold, we implement a 50 cents on the dollar clawback, so you never lose more than you gain by trying to earn more. If you make $32,000 the next year, then your stipend decreases to $4,000, meaning a next of $36,000 for the year, still more than the $35,000 you would have made last year if you didn't improve your earnings.
2) Automation for all.
Automation is going to kill even more jobs in America than companies sending their labor overseas to countries with literal slave wages, and those jobs will never come back as long as machines and computers exist. This is an impending financial crisis that will destroy livelihoods on a scale possibly larger than covid.
To get ahead of this, I propose that we allow businesses of all sizes, corporate down to mom and pop, file for automation assistance. The government will automate all your manufacturing or menial labor, and you simply pay a small hourly rate to the automaton. That rate will be tax deductible for the business, and the generated funds will go into the previously mentioned stipend, increasing the max value and even giving some to higher earners the more successful the program.
For example, say the program is a great success and automation increases the stipend from $5,000 to $10,000.
If you made $30,000 then you get a $10,000 stipend for a total of $40,000.
If you made $40,000 then you get a $5,000 stipend for a total of $45,000 dollars.
The more successful the system, the better off everyone gets, from the bottom up, and at no point is anyone better off by doing nothing.
3) Free full coverage catastrophic health insurance for all.
This is going to be a hard pill for this forum to swallow but hear me out,, it takes a turn you'll appreciate: As a health professional, I can assure you current America cannot afford Healthcare for all. It works great in the Scandinavian paradises in your heads because those people are a lot healthier and there are a lot less of them. They regularly exercise and have some of the world's best eating habits. The majority of Americans are fat, lazy, and make horrifically bad dietary choices regularly. We have an entire movement dedicated to cheering people on as they eat themselves into disability. That is not good for a society that wants universal Medicare.
However, the.vast majority of Medicare for all strain wouldn't come from life altering injuries or events. Its the little orchids and sniffles visits that would bleed the system dry. By avoiding that pitfall we can imple.ent a great system that takes personal responsibility into consideration.
If you have a major injury/disease/medical event through no fault of your own, the government will foot the entire bill and possibly help cover wages for recovery time. However, if the condition is brought about by your wreckers actio s or poor choices, it's on you.
For example:
A drunk driver swerves into your lane, and you wreck and get a broken leg? We will cover that.
You got drunk, swerved into another lane and broke your leg in a crash? You can enjoy the sting of that bill when you get out of jail, jackass.
Your child was born with a heart condition that requires immediate surgery? We'll make sure your baby gets the best damn surgeon money can buy, and we'll cover your wages while you wait for the good news on this trying time.
You need a triple bypass because you sat around eating your way to 500 lbs? That's on you big man.
If you don't take care of yourself, don't expect others to take care of you, but if it's the oddities of life, fate, or luck that conspire against you, then we're all in this together.
4) Immediate freezing of student loan interest. All student loans must be cosigned by the institution.
We can look for a responsible forgiveness path for ridiculous loan debt, but institutions must be held accountable. If they don't have the confidence that their degree is worth the risk of cosigning the loan, then they shouldn't be giving these inescapable indentured servitude contracts to kids fresh out of high school.
We can work on a reasonable approach to debt forgiveness later, but if we don't tackle the issue of why debt got so out of hand in the first place, it will only make the debt issue even worse next time it builds up.
5) Working with businesses to create rapid on-the-job training programs.
Trade schools are vastly superior to current colleges in terms of value and practicality. They're cheaper, allow students to earn money while earning credentials, and have way less bloat.
However, we have massive skills gaps that are not limited to the trades and which our universities have failed to cover fast enough or in adequate numbers.
We should give incentives to companies, preferably smaller ones, that create on the job training programs that don't require a degree and pay decent wages, almost like a trade apprenticeship. On the job training is more efficient than school and can help us rapidly close the current skills gap.
6) Funding and expanding libraries, including self certification for institutional credit equivalents.
Libraries are incredibly important for communities, they're under appreciated, under utilized, and mostly forgotten by the majority. I want to strengthen them and make them the new locus of education in the country, not the university. From personal experience, I learned more from my local library than I did obtaining my degree in college. People can more freely pursue their interests, and individuals can become accredited on their own for a much lower fee (Free).
7) Hard term limits on federal government positions.
3 terms in the house, 2 terms as senator, 2 terms as president, no more than 20 years total at the federal level. This includes cabinet positions and heads of various departments and organizations.
This is a means for the peaceful removal of establishment corruption. It breaks the establishment and ensures new blood gets in in a more timely manner. In an age where life changes so radically and so rapidly, the value of 70+ year olds guiding policy till death pries their icy, power-starved grip from the reins is at an all time low.
8) Immediate EO legalizing Marijuana and releasing all nonviolent drug offenders from prison, followed by long term law/prison reform.
I think we're past the hysteria of reefer madness. I don't smoke, but weed is less damaging all around than alcoholism, and boasts actual medicinal uses, so its mind boggling this hasn't happened yet. As for the prison releases, we can check to make sure violent offenses weren't bargained down to nonviolent drug offenses if that's a worry, but people just having/smoking some leaves shouldn't be a crime.
An EO can immediately stop the enforcement of weed laws and legislation can be pushed through afterwards. We can do the same for consensual sex work, which the illegality of I find to be just as stupid as illegal weed. Its none of the government's business if it's consensual. If nothing else we can work on licensing the world's oldest profession to make it safer for all parties involved.
We also need to stop prosecutors from being able to use the threat of mandatory sentences to secure coerced plea deals.
Those are just the start of the things I want to do for you, for us.
A little about myself is in order.
I'm a nobody. I was a life long Democrat, slowly moved to social Democrat and flirted with communism in college. After struggling through life altering injuries and my university wringing my pockets and loans dry every step of the way, even coercing me into signing a financial credit line deal under threat of expulsion, I finally got my degree, only to find that I was poor and in crushing debt, just with a useless sheet of paper I was told would make me highly employable. It didn't.
I started opening up to right wing politics and ideals. I avoided the alt right and safely landed in the right of center, and turned my life around. Then the last year happened. I'm politically homeless and find myself trapped between two extreme wings of political stupidity.
I hate elected Republicans and Democrats. They're a monoparty you can call "The Establishment." The real conflict is not right vs left, its populist vs establishment. I want to unite populists from left and right and make a real push for the highest office of the land. However, it's not important that I win an election, its that I make it to the stage and show what value my proposals have. I want to facilitate a shift away from chasing dollars, and towards an economy of culture.
After years of struggle, I'm finally only $86,000 in debt. That may not sound impressive, but im no longer homeless, I have a good car, a good woman, and am paying all of my debts off. Honestly, I started living a pretty great life when I made 20,000 a year, but now that I'm pulling just over 30,000, I feel like there's no more material goods I want that are out of my reach.
I like lifting weights, reading, and playing video games. I have enough money to buy more weights than I can lift, I already buy books faster than I can read them, and I already own more games than I can play in a human lifetime. I enjoy my life. I think this makes me perfect for political office, especially now, and here's why: I have all the material goods I want, now I have a specific goal I want to achieve in life, and I cannot be swayed.
I want to be the next, and superior, Marcus Aurelius. The man had absolute power as a Roman emperor at the height of the empire, and yet he is the one man in history that can be said to disprove the Maxim that absolute power corrupts absolutely. With all the temptation and power in the world, he just did his job without excess or abuse.
The president has more power than Marcus Aurelius ever did, so if I can become president and resist the corruption of power, I will beat him. I want to be a great president that works his ass off for 4 years, never strays from his promises, stays on point, and gets his job done in his 4 years. I want to surpass Marcus Aurelius so damn bad. I am greedy for it, for something I think is worthy or being immortalized for, of something I see as glorious. I just want to be powerful and keep my damn word so I can show all these assholes in their neglected offices that it can be done and they were just failures. I certainly want it more than I want more useless ass money.
I also hate golf.
Would you help me live the dream?
submitted by AJinjahl to WayOfTheBern [link] [comments]

Stellaris Space Guild - Weekly Help Thread

Welcome to this week’s Stellaris Space Guild Help Thread! This thread functions as a gathering place for all questions, tips, bugs, suggestions, and resources for Stellaris. Here you can post quick-fire questions, tips, and other tidbits of knowledge that may not deserve their own discussion thread. If you would like to ask a specific question about the state of your Stellaris campaign, please include links to relevant screenshots to assist the people helping you. This ensures that you get the most accurate advice for your specific campaign.
Below you can find resources for the game. If you would like to help contribute to the resources section, please leave a comment that pings me (using "u/Snipahar") and link to the resource. You can also contribute by reaching me through private message or modmail. Be sure to include a short description of what you find valuable about the resource.
If you have any suggestions for the body of this thread, please ping me, using "u/Snipahar" or send me a private message!
submitted by Snipahar to Stellaris [link] [comments]

// THCB & Microvast Inc - Legit Analysis

// THCB & Microvast Inc - Legit Analysis
The EV craze is seeing another ops, the reverse merger of Microvast. On Nov 13 a letter of intent (LoI) has been signed related to a business combination with Microvast Inc., a market leading provider of next-generation battery technologies for commercial and specialty use electric vehicles
This name already came up on WSB gents, so the below it’s more of an in-depth DD before the next bell. Good to credit other DD as well for a sort of empirical work in calling the Company’s Texas HQ (LoL)
// What the heck is Microvast?
Founded by Yang Wu in 2006, Microvast is focused on driving mass adoption EVs and its battery technology boasts best-in-class charging speed, battery life, energy density and safety performance. Key takeaway:
  • In a nutshell: headquartered in Houston (TX, USA), 6 locations worldwide and +2,500 employees. Over 700+ R&D staff (30+ PhDs, and 100+ master degree). Over 426 patents and patent applications which covers the whole Li-ion battery chain, including battery material (cathode, anode, separator, and electrolyte), cell, pack, BMS, powertrain, and related equipment
  • 10 mins, faster than you: the Company has been an innovative industry leader for over a decade and has clear visibility to future growth from its existing pipeline across commercial markets including e- buses, vans, trucks, passenger vehicles, automated guided vehicles, forklifts and mining trucks. They have a battery system that enables 10 minute charging times with limited degradation based on lithium-titanate technology (game-changer, Toshiba apparently the only very-close competitor)
Company's Footprint
  • Vertical Integration: its strategy extends from core battery chemistry, including cathode and anode materials, electrolyte, and membrane separators, to application technologies including battery management systems (BMS) and other power electronics. Higher quality, lower costs as by integrating the process from raw material to system assembly, Microvast is able to provide customized solutions with reduced project development time and controllable cost
Vertical Integration
  • Strategic growth: as of October 2020, the Company had more than 40,000 electric vehicles powered by Microvast battery systems operating in 170+ cities within 19 countries, which have accumulated over 4 billion kilometers driving distance without any operation accidents caused by batteries. Plus, an impressive, growing list of global OEM customers, and a strategic partnership with Fiat Power Train Industrial. Bottom line is: real products with real-world adoptions (E-buses in China, London, Germany Singapore), and strong focus on R&D and diversification in terms of regional coverage which makes it less prone to regulatory risks or investigations (e.g. Chinese Probes). Notably, electric buses during the 2018 Olympic Games in South Korea featured Microvast batteries
Current Stats
  • No real financial available (🚩). Nonetheless, take or leave it, Mr Wu (founder and CEO) stated “Microvast expects to generate over $100 million of revenue this financial year. Our potential transition into a public company will help continue to fuel our design and development of market-leading ultra-fast charging, long-life battery power systems”
  • Real production sites and product dev (🟢): Microvast started its Li-ion battery production in Huzhou, China since 2009, automatic cell production line (Phase II) and automatic module production with semi-automatic pack production line (Phase II) in place. Phase I and II in operation since 2009, Phase III started its construction since Mar 2017
Production Sites
  • Clean City Transit project with an ultra-fast charging network: the CCT plan put forward by Microvast is based on fast charging, long life and safe battery technology, and aims to facilitate the electrification of urban transport systems by progressively introducing battery systems while minimizing disruption to urban infrastructure, first to city buses, then to taxis and finally to passenger cars
// Ok so what should I buy? THCB
  • THCB is a blank-check company initially aiming to bring a cannabis company public. Then, they decided to switch to the EV space following the trends we all know. The Chairman and CEO stated “Microvast has a compelling financial profile, with significant historical revenues as well as projected growth and profitability”. Total valuation exceeds $2Bn
  • 75 institutional owners and shareholders that have filed 13D/G or 13F forms with the Securities Exchange Commission. These institutions hold a total of 39,345,200 shares. Largest shareholders include BlueCrest Capital Management Ltd, Mizuho Securities Usa Llc, Bank Of Montreal /can/, Hudson Bay Capital Management LP, K2 Principal Fund, L.p., Cnh Partners Llc, Polar Asset Management Partners Inc., Alberta Investment Management Corp, Sage Rock Capital Management LP, and Periscope Capital Inc
  • In March 2019, the Company consummated its IPO from which it derived gross proceeds of $276,000,000 (including $36,000,000 from the exercise of the underwriters’ over-allotment option). Like most blank check companies, the charter provides for the return of the IPO proceeds held in the trust account to the holders of public shares if there is no qualifying business combination(s) consummated on or before a certain date (in this case, December 7, 2020 or above, see below)
  • On December 3, THCB will vote a proposal to extend the date by which it has to consummate a business combination from December 7, 2020 to April 30, 2021
  • EarlyBirdCapital has been the sole book-running manager and underwriter. The previous merger consumed by EarlyBirdCapital are significant. The latest include TTCF (+59%), VLDR (+55%), BWMX (+204%), AVCT (-42%) and (-16%)
// Don't fuck with me, what are the risks?
The completion of the transaction is subject to, among other things, the execution of a definitive agreement (which has already taken place for //AvePoint instead, see my other post) approval by the two companies' boards, satisfaction of customary closing conditions and approval of the transaction by each company's shareholders. Accordingly, there can be no assurance that a definitive agreement will be entered into or that the proposed transaction will be consummated on the terms currently contemplated or at all. If a legally binding definitive agreement is entered into, a full description of the terms of the transaction will be provided in a registration statement and/or a proxy statement of SPAC to be filled with the SEC
// I don't want to read, bottom line? TL;DR
  • Microvast considers itself a leader in developing ultra-fast and long-lasting battery power systems for electric vehicles, around since 2006. Unlike other companies involved in SPAC deals, Microvast has developed an existing product (electric buses during the 2018 Olympic Games in South Korea, Shanghai, London, Germany, China and Auckland)
  • After hours trading on Wednesday 25/11 saw a +12%, while the trading day closed slightly positive with no significant spike. Business combination hasn’t been approved, we have just an LoI, which amplifies the risk of a no deal as the two haven’t entered a definite agreement
  • +7.40% on Friday 27/11, still very manageable price. I would buy at retracement S1 or R1 for the true autists, monitor the proxy statement vote on Dec 3, forget about it all the way until other rumors about the business combination. Looking at the EV space, after a news I would TP 60% capital invested TP @ +20%. Look at the overall market conditions in Dec/Jan (depending on the business combination) and TP the remaining @ +40% upside
Disclaimer: all images should be credited to Microvast Inc. or other sources. This does not constitute and has not to be intended as a financial advice or solicitation of any kind. I hold a long position in THCB.
submitted by Ostoni to smallstreetbets [link] [comments]


Since the book recommendation topic is still coming up frequently, I thought I'd share mine. Maybe this qualifies as a sticky or literature section on the sideboard. Covered are the subjects: Algorithmic Trading, Programming and Quantitative Finance which indeed should be the major topics of interest for this sub.

  1. Algorithmic & High Frequency Trading
a) English
Abergel, Frederic et al. - Econophysics of Order-driven Markets [2011]
Abergel, Frederic et al. - Limit Order Books [2016]
Äit-Sahalia, Yacine; Jacod, Jean - High-Frequency Financial Econometrics [2014]
Akansu, Ali; Torun, Mustafa - A Primer for Financial Engineering [2015]
Aldridge, Irene - High-Frequency Trading [2nd Ed., 2013]
Aldridge, Irene; Krawciw, Steven - Real-Time Risk [2017]
Bandy, Howard - Quantitative Trading Systems [2007]
Banks, Erik - Dark Pools [2nd Ed., 2014]
Bouchaud, Jean-Philippe Bouchaud et al. - Trades, Quotes and Prices [2018]
Cartea, Alvaro - Algorithmic and High-Frequency Trading [2015]
Carver, Robert - Systematic Trading [2015]
Ceppi, Sofia et al. - Agent-Mediated Electronic Commerce [2017]
Chan, Ernest - Algorithmic Trading [2013]
Chan, Ernest - Machine Trading [2017]
Chan, Ernest - Quantitative Trading [2009]
Chen, Jun; Tsang, Edward - Detecting Regime Change in Computational Finance [2021]
Coles, Andrew; Hawkins, David - MIDAS Technical Analysis [2011]
Collins, Art - Beating the Financial Futures Market [2006]
Conlan, Chris - Automated Trading with R [2016]
Dacorogna - An Introduction to High-Frequency Finance [2001]
Davey, Kevin - Building Winning Algorithmic Trading Systems [2014]
Doloc, Cris - Applications of Computational Intelligence in Data-driven Trading [2020]
Durbin, Michael - All About High-Frequency Trading [2010]
Durenard, Eugene - Professional Automated Trading [2013]
Easley, David et al. - High-Frequency Trading [2013]
Fitschen, Keith - Building Reliable Trading Systems [2013]
Florescu, Ionut et al. - Handbook of High-Frequency Trading and Modelling in Finance [2016]
Gregoriou, Greg - Handbook of High Frequency Trading [2015]
Guo, Xin et al. - Quantitative Trading [2017]
Györfi, Laszlo et al. - Machine Learning for Financial Engineering [2012]
Halls-Moore, Michael - Advanced Algorithmic Trading
Harris, Larry - Trading and Exchanges [2003]
Hasbrouck, Joel - Empirical Market Microstructure [2007]
Jansen, Stefan - Hands-On Machine Learning for Algorithmic Trading [2018]
Johnson, Barry - Algorithmic Trading and DMA [2010]
Kim, Kendall - Electronic and Algorithmic Trading Technology [2007]
Kissell, Robert - The Science of Algorithmic Trading and Portfolio Management [2014]
Kömm, Holger - Forecasting High-Frequency Volatility Shocks [2016]
Kumiega, Andrew; van Vliet, Benjamin - Quality Money Management [2008]
Lehalle, Charles-Albert; Laruelle, Sophie - Market Microstructure in Practice [2nd Ed., 2018]
Leshik, Edward; Cralle, Jane - An Introduction to Algorithmic Trading [2011]
Lopez de Prado, Marcos - Advances in Financial Machine Learning [2018]
Lyons, Richard - The Microstructure Approach to Exchange Rates [2001]
Narang, Rishi - Inside the Black Box [2nd Ed, 2013]
O'Hara, Maureen - Market Microstructure Theory [1996]
Pruitt, George - The Ultimate Algorithmic Trading System Toolbox [2016]
Pruitt, George; Hill, John - Building Winning Trading Systems with TradeStation [2nd Ed., 2012]
Schmidt, Anatoly - Financial Markets and Trading
Stoll, Hans - Microstructure of World Trading Markets [1993]
Tomasini, Emilio; Jaekle, Urban - Trading Systems [2009]
Trongone, Anthony - Trade with the Odds [2012]
Tulchinsky, Igor - Finding Alphas [2015]
Vaananen, Jay - Dark Pools and High Frequency Trading For Dummies [2015]
Van Vliet, Benjamin - Building Automated Trading Systems [2007]
Varshney, Shekhar - Building Trading Bots Using Java [2016]
Wang, Zhaodong; Wang; Zheng, Weian - High-Frequency Trading and Probability Theory [2015]
Ye, Gewei - High Frequency Trading Models [2011]
Young, Andrew - Expert Advisor Programming [2010]
Zovko, Ilija - Topics in Market Microstructure [2008]
Zubulake, Paul; Lee, Sang - The High Frequency Game Changer [2011]
b) German
Gomber, Peter - Elektronische Handelssysteme [2000]
Gresser, Uwe - Hochfrequenzhandel [2018]
Gresser, Uwe - Praxishandbuch Hochfrequenzhandel Band 1 [2016]
Gresser, Uwe - Praxishandbuch Hochfrequenzhandel Band 2 [2018]
Kunzelmann, Matthias - Zwischen Limit und Market Orders [2006]

  1. Programming for Finance
a) C, C+, C++, C#
Capinski, Maciej; Zastawniak, Tomasz - Numerical Methods in Finance with C++ [2012]
Duffy, Daniel - Financial Instrument Pricing using C++ [2nd Ed., 2018]
Duffy, Daniel; Germani, Andrea - C# for Financial Markets [2013]
Forouzan, Behrouz; Gilberg, Richard - C++ Programming [2019]
Levy, George - Computational Finance Using C and C# [2nd Ed., 2016]
Masters, Timothy - Testing and Tuning Market Trading Systems [2018]
Oliveira, Carlos - Options and Derivatives Programming in C++ [2016]
Pena, Alonso - Advanced Quantitative Finance with C++ [2014]
Salov, Valerii - Modeling Maximum Trading Profits with C++ [2007]
Savine, Antoine - Modern Computational Finance [2019]
Schlogl, Erik - Quantitative Finance [2013]
b) Dot Net
Shetty, Yogesh; Jayaswal, Samir - Practical .Net for Financial Markets [2006]
c) Excel & VBA (English)
Bluttman, Ken - Excel Formulas and Functions for Dummies [5th Ed., 2019]
Carlberg, Conrad - Microsoft Excel Sales Forecasting for Dummies [2nd Ed., 2016]
Clauss, Francis - Corporate Financial Analysis with Microsoft Excel [2010]
Day, Alistair - Mastering Financial Mathematics in Microsoft Excel [2nd Ed., 2010]
Day, Alistair - Mastering Risk Modelling [2nd Ed., 2009]
Goossens, Francois - How to Implement Market Models using VBA [2015]
Häcker, Joachim; Ernst, Dietmar - Financial Modeling [2017]
Harvey, Greg - Excel 2016 for Dummies [2016]
Lee, Cheng-Few; Lee, John et al. - Essentials of Excel, VBA, SAS and Minitab for Statistical and Financial Analyses [2016]
Löffler, Gunter; Posch, Peter - Credit Risk Modeling using Excel and VBA [2nd Ed., 2011]
Mansfield, Richard - Mastering VBA for Microsoft Office 2016 [2016]
Nelson, Stephen - Microsoft Excel Data Analysis for Dummies [2nd Ed., 2014]
Rouah, Fabrice; Vainberg, Gregory - Option Pricing Models using Excel-VBA [2007]
Schmuller, Joseph - Statistical Analysis with Excel for Dummies [4th Ed., 2016]
Stein Fairhurst, Danielle - Financial Modeling in Excel for Dummies [2017]
Stein Fairhurst, Danielle - Using Excel for Business Analysis [2012]
Van Fliet, Ben - Financial Modeling with Excel and VBA
Walkenbach, John - Excel 2016 Bible [2015]
Walkenbach, John - Excel VBA Programming For Dummies [3rd Ed., 2013]
d) Excel & VBA (German)
Benker, Hans - Wirtschaftsmathematik Problemlösung Mit Excel [2007]
Chip Sonderheft Kaufmännisches Rechnen mit Excel 2010
Fleckenstein, J.; Georgi, G. - Excel - Das Sparbuch
Frye, Curtis - Microsoft Excel 2016 - Schritt für Schritt
Gießen, Saskia; Nakanishi, Hiroshi - Besser im Job mit Excel [2016]
Kofler, Michael; Kobelo, Ralf - Excel programmieren [2014]
Matthäus, Heidrun; Matthäus Wolf-Gert - Statistik und Excel [2016]
Nahrstedt, Harald - Die Welt der VBA-Objekte [2016]
Renger, Klaus - Finanzmathematik mit Excel [4. Aufl., 2016]
SFT - Excel für Einsteiger [11-2016]
e) Matlab (English)
Adams, Abi et al. - Microeconometrics and MATLAB [2015]
Altman, Yair - Accelerating MATLAB Performance [2015]
Altman, Yair - Undocumented Secrets of MATLAB-Java Programming [2012]
Attaway, Stormy - Matlab [4th Ed., 2017]
Darbyshire, Paul; Hampton, David - Hedge Fund Modelling and Analysis using MATLAB [2014]
Gilat, Amos - Matlab [6th Ed., 2017]
Gordon, Steven; Guilfoos, Brian - Introduction to Modeling and Simulation with MATLAB and Python [2017]
Jovanovic Dolecek, Gordana - Random Signals and Processes Primer with MATLAB [2013]
Kim, Phil - MATLAB Deep Learning [2017]
Mishra, Shashi; Ram, Bhagwat - Introduction to Linear Programming with MATLAB [2018]
Nyholm; Ken - Strategic Asset Allocation in Fixed Income Markets [2008]
Paluszek, Michael; Thomas, Stephanie - MATLAB Machine Learning [2017]
Tue Huynh, Huu et al. - Stochastic Simulation and Applications in Finance with MATLAB Programs [2008]
f) Matlab (German)
Grundmann, Wolfgang - Finanzmathematik mit MATLAB [2004]
Günther, Michael; Jüngel, Ansgar - Finanzderivate mit MATLAB [2. Aufl., 2010]
g) MetaTrader & MQL
Young, Andrew - Expert Advisor Programming [2010]
h) Machine Learning
Krohn, John et al. - Deep Learning Illustrated [2019]
i) Python
Donadio, Sebastien; Ghosh, Sourav - Learn Algorithmic Trading [2019]
Gowrishankar S., Veena A. - Introduction to Python Programming [2019]
Hilpisch, Yves - Artificial Intelligence in Finance [2020]
Hilpisch, Yves - Derivatives Analytics with Python [2015]
Hilpisch, Yves - Listed Volatility and Variance Derivatives [2016]
Humber, Max - Personal Finance with Python [2018]
Jansen, Stefan - Machine Learning for Algorithmic Trading [2nd Ed., 2020]
Lewinson, Eryk - Python for Finance Cookbook [2020]
Scarpino, Matthew - Algorithmic Trading with Interactive Brokers [2020]
Weiming, James - Mastering Python for Finance [2015]
Yan, Yuxing - Python for Finance [2nd Ed., 2017]
j) R
Berlinger, Edina - Mastering R for Quantitative Finance [2015]
Berlinger, Edine et al. - Mastering R for Quantitative Finance [2015]
Coghlan, Avril - A Little Book of R for Multivariate Analysis [2017]
Coghlan, Avril - A Little Book of R for Time Series [2015]
Daroczi, Gergely et al. - Introduction to R for Quantitative Finance [201]
De Vries, Andrie; Meys, Joris - R for Dummies [2nd Ed., 2015]
Georgakopoulos, Harry - Quantitative Trading with R [2015]
Hang Chan, Ngai - Time Series [2nd Ed., 2010]
Jeet, Param; Vats, Prashant - Learning Quantitative Finance with R [2017]
Klemelä, Jussi - Multivariate Nonparametric Regression and Visualization [2014]
Machlis, Sharon - Practical R for Mass Communication and Journalism [2019]
Rasch, Dieter et al. - Applied Statistics [2020]
Regenstein, Jonathan - Reproducible Finance with R [2019]
Würtz, Diethelm et al. - Portfolio Optimization with R or Rmetrics [2009]
k) Tradestation & EasyLanguage
Harris, Sunny - TradeStation made easy! [2011]
Tradestation - EasyLanguage Essentials [2007]
Tradestation - Learning EasyLanguage [2017]

  1. Quantitative Finance
a) English
Albrecher, Hansjoerg et al. - Introduction to Quantitative Methods for Financial Markets [2013]
Appleby, John et al. - Numerical Methods for Finance [2008]
Arratia, Argimiro - Computational Finance [2014]
Avellaneda, Marco - Quantitative Analysis in Financial Markets [2002]
Bell, Steve - Quantitative Finance for Dummies [2016]
Berman, Gennady; Spadafora, Luca - Theoretical Foundations for Quantitative Finance [2017].pdf
Bieler, Timothy - The Mathematics of Money [2008]
Blyth, Stephen - An Introduction to Quantitative Finance [2013]
Campolieti, Giuseppe; Makarov, Roman - Financial Mathematics [2014]
Cerny, Ales - Mathematical Techniques in Finance [2nd Ed., 2009]
Chin, Eric et al. - Poblems and Solutions in Mathematical Finance Vol. 1 - Stochastic Calculus [2014]
Chin, Eric et al. - Poblems and Solutions in Mathematical Finance Vol. 2 - Equity Derivatives [2017]
Cont, Rama - Frontiers in Quantitative Finance [2008]
Cox, Dennis; Cox, Michael - The Mathematics of Banking and Finance [2006]
Cuthbertson, Keith; Nitzsche, Dirk - Quantitative Financial Economics [2nd Ed., 2004]
Dash, Jan - Quantitative Finance and Risk Management [2nd Ed., 2016]
Davison, Matt - Quantitative Finance [2014]
Franke, Jürgen et al. - Statistics of Financial Markets [2019]
Fries, Christian - Mathematical Finance [2007]
Garrett, Stephen - Introduction to the Mathematics of Finance [2nd Ed., 2013]
Gerstner, Thomas; Kloede, Peter - Recent Developments in Computational Finance [2013]
Härdle, Wolfgang et al. - Applied quantitative finance-Springer [3rd Ed., 2017]
Henrad, Marc - Algorithmic Differentiation in Finance Explained [2017]
Hilber, Norbert et al. - Computational Methods for Quantitative Finance [2013]
Jaworski, Piotr et al. - Copulae in Mathematical and Quantitative Finance [2013]
Joshi, Mark - More Mathematical Finance [2011]
Joshi, Mark - The Concepts and Practice of Mathematical Finance [2nd Ed., 2008]
Kosowski, Robert; Neftci, Salih - Principles of Financial Engineering [3rd Ed., 2015]
Kwok, Yue; Zheng, Wendong - Saddlepoint Approximation Methods in Financial Engineering [2018]
Mariani, Maria; Florescu, Ionut - Quantitative Finance [2020]
Palma, Wilfredo - Time Series Analysis [2016]
Petters, Arlie; Dong, Xiaoying - An Introduction to Mathematical Finance with Applications [2016]
Reghai, Adil - Quantitative Finance [2015]
Reitano, Robert - Introduction to Quantitative Finance [2010]
Roman, Steven - Introduction to the Mathematics of Finance [2nd Ed., 2012]
Ross, Sheldon - An Elementary Introduction to Mathematical Finance [3rd Ed., 2011]
Ross, Sheldon - Introduction to Mathematical Finance [2nd Ed., 1999]
Ruttiens, Alain - Mathematics of the Financial Markets [2013]
Saari, Donald - Mathematics of Finance [2019]
Schlögl, Erik - Quantitative Finance [2014]
Seydel, Rüdiger - Tools for Computational Finance [6th Ed., 2017]
Stefanica, Dan - A Primer for the Mathematics of Financial Engineering [2008]
Stefanica, Dan - Solutions Manual - A Primer for the Mathematics of Financial Engineering [2008]
Ting, Christopher - An Introduction To Quantitative Finance [2016]
Van der Wijst, Nico - Finance [2013]
Wang, Peijie - Financial Econometrics [2nd Ed., 2008]
Wei, William - Multivariate Time Series Analysis and Applications [2020]
Wilmott, Paul - Frequently asked Questions in Quantitative Finance [2nd Ed.; 2009]
Wilmott, Paul - Paul Wilmott introduces Quantitative Finance [2nd Ed., 2007]
Wilmott, Paul et al. - The Mathematics of Financial Derivatives [1995]
Wilmott, Paul; Orrell, David - The Money Formula [2017]
Yan, Jia-An - Introduction to Stochastic Finance [2018]
b) German
Bäuerle, Nicole; Rieder, Ulrich - Finanzmathematik in diskreter Zeit [2017]
Franke, Jürgen et al. - Einführung in die Statistik der Finanzmärkte [2. Aufl., 2004]
Irle, Albrecht - Finanzmathematik [3 Aufl., 2012]
Luderer, Bernd - Starthilfe Finanzmathematik [4. Aufl., 2015]
Ortmann, Karl - Praktische Finanzmathematik Zinsrechnung [2017]
Schwenkert, Rainer; Stry, Yvonne - Finanzmathematik Kompakt [2. Aufl., 2016]
Tietze, Jürgen - Einführung in die Finanzmathematik [11. Aufl., 2011]
Udo Terstege et al. - Investitionsrechnung klipp & klar [2019]
Vogel, Jürgen - Prognose von Zeitreihen [2015]

  1. Mathematics
Agresti, Alan et al. - Statistics [2017]
Balakrishnan, Narayanaswamy et al. - Introduction to Probability [2020]
Blitzer, Robert - College Algebra [2018]
Chung, Kai Lai; AitSahlia, Farid - Elementary Probability Theory [2010]
Dineen, Sean - Probability Theory in Finance [2005]
Hogg, Robert et al. - Introduction to Mathematical Statistics [2019]
Jacques, Ian - Mathematics for Economics and Business [2018]
Klemelä, Jussi - Nonparametric Finance [2018]
Kopp, Ekkehard et al. - Probability for Finance [2013]
Larsen, Richard; Marx, Morris - An Introduction to Mathematical Statistics and its Applications [2018]
McClave, James; Sincich, Terry - Statistics [13th Ed., 2018]
Pages, Gilles - Numerical Probability [2018]
Shafer, Glenn; Vovk, Vladimir - Game-Theoretic Probability [2019]

  1. Derivatives (general)
a) Englisch
Aarons, Mark et al. - Securitisation Swaps [2019]
Albanese, Claudio; Campolieti, Giuseppe - Advanced Derivatives Pricing and Risk Management [2006]
Beyna, Ingo - Interest Rate Derivatives [2013]
Boberski, David - CDS Delivery Option [2009]
Bouziane, Markus - Pricing Interest-Rate Derivatives [2008]
Boyle, Patrick; McDougall, Jesse - Trading and Pricing Financial Derivatives [2019]
Brockhaus, Oliver - Equity Derivatives and Hybrids [2016]
Carreira, Marcos; Brostowcz, Richard - Brazilian Derivatives and Securities [2016]
Chorafas, Dimitris - Introduction to Derivative Financial Instruments [2008]
Corb, Howard - Interest Rate Swaps and Other Derivatives [2012]
Culp, Christopher et al. - Credit Default Swaps [2018]
Deutsch, Hans-Peter; Beinker, Mark - Derivatives and Internal Models [5th Ed., 2019]
Elouerkhaoui, Youssef - Credit Correlation [2017]
Flavell, Richard; Flavell, Richard - Swaps and Other Derivatives [2002]
Goldenberg, David - Derivatives Markets [2016]
Gottesman, Aron - Derivatives Essentials [2016]
Hausmann, Wilfried et al. - Derivate, Arbitrage und Portfolio-Selection [2002]
Hunt, Philip; Kennedy, Joanne - Financial Derivatives in Theory and Practice [Rev. Ed., 2004]
Inglis-Taylor, Andrew - Dictionary of Derivatives [1995]
Johnson, Stafford - Derivatives Markets and Analysis [2017]
Kenyon, Chris; Stamm, Roland - Discounting LIBOR, CVA and Funding [2012]
Levy, Jared - Bloomberg Visual Guide to Options [2013]
LiPuma, Edward - The Social Life of Financial Derivatives [2017]
Marroni, Leonardo; Perdomo, Irene - Pricing and Hedging Financial Derivatives [2014]
McDonald, Robert - Derivatives Markets [3rd Ed., 2013]
Peery, Gordon - The Post-Reform Guide to Derivatives and Futures [2012]
Peterson, Paul - Commodity Derivatives [2018]
Ramirez, Juan - Handbook of Corporate Equity Derivatives and Equity Capital Markets [2011]
Sadr, Amir - Interest Rate Swaps and Their Derivatives [2009]
Schlösser, Anna - Pricing and Risk Management of Synthetic CDOs [2011]
Tan, Chia - Demystifying Exotic Products [2010]
Wagner, Eva - Credit Default Swaps und Informationsgehalt [2008]
Witzany, Jiri - Derivatives [2020]
b) German
Irle, Albrecht - Finanzmathematik [3. Aufl., 2012]
Rudolph, Bernd; Schäfer, Klaus - Derivative Finanzmarktinstrumente [2. Aufl., 2010]
Seydel, Rüdiger - Einführung in die numerische Berechnung von Finanzderivaten [2. Aufl., 2017]

  1. Futures
Abell, Howard - Spread Trading [2002]
Aikin, Stephen - STIR Futures [2nd Ed., 2012]
Bennett, David - Day Trading Grain Futures [2009]
Bowen, Guy - Guide to Futures and Spread Trading [2009]
Chou, Robin; Wang, Yun-Yi - Strategic Order Splitting, Order Choice, and Aggressiveness [2009]
Clenow, Andreas - Following the Trend [2013]
Collins, Art - Beating the Financial Futures Market [2006]
Dobson, Edward; Reimer, Roger - Understanding Spreads [2007]
Duarte, Joe - Trading Futures for Dummies [2008]
Garner, Carley - Currency Trading in the Forex and Futures Markets [2012]
George Angell, Barry Haigh - West of Wall Street [1987]
Goslin, Chick - Intelligent Futures Trading [1998]
Goss, Barry - Debt, Risk and Liquidity in Futures Markets [2008]
Goss, Barry; Yamey, Basil - The Economics of Futures Trading [1976]
Greyserman, Alex; Kaminski, Kathryn - Trend following with Managed Futures [2014]
Gutmann, Michael - The Very Latest E-Mini Trading [2009]
Henrard, Marc - Interest Rate Modelling in the Multi-Curve Framework [2014]
Hull, John C. - Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets [10th Ed., 2018]
Kaeppel, Jay - The Four Biggest Mistakes In Futures Trading [2000]
Kroll, Stanley - Kroll on Futures Trading Strategy [1987]
Labuszewski, John et al. - The CME Group Risk Management Handbook [2010]
Lind-Waldock - The Complete Guide to Futures Trading [2005]
Lofton, Todd - Getting started in Futures [5th Ed., 2005]
Powers, Mark - Starting out in Futures Trading [6th Ed., 2001]
Refco Private Client Group - The Complete Guide to Futures Trading [2005]
Rhoads, Russell - Trading VIX Derivatives [2011]
Schwager, Jack; Etzkorn, Mark - A Complete Guide to the Futures Market [2nd Ed., 2017]
Smith, Courtney - Futures Spread Trading [2000]
Spence, Donald - Introduction to Futures and Options [1997]
Thomsett, Michael - Winning with Futures [2009]
Williams, Larry - Trade Stocks and Commodities with the Insiders [2005]

  1. Options
Augen, Jeff - Day Trading Options [2010]
Augen, Jeff - The Volatility-Edge in Options-Trading [2008]
Baird, Allen - Option Market Making [1992]
Bennett, Colin - Volatility Trading [2012]
Chen, Dennis; Sebastian, Mark - The Option Trader's Hedge Fund [2012]
Clark, Ian - Commodity Option Pricing [2014]
Cofnas, Abe - Trading Binary Options [2nd Ed., 2016]
Cordier, James; Gross, Michael - The Complete Guide to Option Selling [2nd Ed.; 2009]
Derman, Emanuel et al. - The Volatility Smile [2016]
DeRosa, David - Options on Foreign Exchange [3rd Ed., 2011]
Duarte, Joe - Trading Options For Dummies [3rd Ed., 2017]
Fontanills, George - Trade Options Online [2nd Ed., 2009]
Fullman, Scott - Increasing Alpha with Options [2010]
Jabbour, George; Budwick, Philip - The Option Trader Handbook [2nd Ed., 2010]
Jordan, Lenny - The Financial Times Guide to Options [2nd Ed., 2011]
Junghenn, Hugo - Option Valuation [2011]
Keene, Andrew - Keene on the Market [2013]
Khouw, Michael; Guthner, Mark - The Options Edge [2016]
Kinahan, Joe - Essential Option Strategies [2016]
Levy, Jared - Bloomberg Visual Guide to Options [2013]
Lowell, Lee - Get Rich with Options [2nd Ed., 2009]
McMillan, Lawrence - McMillan on Options [2nd Ed., 2004]
Morris, Virginia - An Investors Guide to Trading Options [2013]
Natenberg, Sheldon - Option Volatility and Pricing [2nd Ed., 2014]
Nations, Scott - The Complete Book of Option Spreads and Combinations [2014]
Passarelli, Dan - Trading Option Greeks [2nd Ed., 2012]
Peters, Linda - Real Options Illustrated [2016]
Rouah, Fabrice; Vainberg, Gregory - Option Pricing Models [2007]
Saliba, Anthony - Option Spread Strategies [2009]
Sebastian, Mark - Trading Options for Edge [2017]
Sherbin, Al - How to Price and Trade Options [2015]
Sinclair, Euan - Option Trading [2010]
Sinclair, Euan - Volatility Trading [2nd Ed.; 2013]
Smith, Courtney - Option Strategies [3rd Ed., 2008]
Thomsett, Michael - Getting Started in Options [7th Ed., 2007]
Thomsett, Michael - Options Installment Strategies [2018]
Thomsett, Michael - Options Trading for the Conservative Investor [2nd Ed.; 2010]
Thomsett, Michael - Put Option Strategies for Smarter Trading [2010]
Thomsett, Michael - The Complete Options Trader [2018]
Thomsett, Michael - The Mathematics of Options [2017]
Ward, Robert - Options And Options Trading [2004]
Weert, Frans - An Introduction to Options Trading [2006]
Zerenner, Ernie; Chupka, Michael - Naked Puts [2008]

Edit#1: It is probably not wrong to add a 4th category here, which is in the spirit of the overarching theme.
EDIT#2: I don't know why, but I left out Wilmott completely - 4 titles added. See above under Quantitative Finance.
EDIT#3: I added the "Derivatives (general)" category and will add "Futures" and "Options" later.
EDIT #4: Added "Futures" and "Options" categories. Please note that not all titles in these categories will be useful for algorithmic purposes.

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