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Blind Reaction to Steven Universe Episodes 23-24

Episodes 1-2 Episodes 3-4 Episodes 5-6 Episodes 7-8 Episodes 9-10 Episodes 11-12 Episodes 13-14 Episodes 15-16 Episodes 17-18 Episodes 19-20 Episodes 21-22
Hey guys! We’re back once again with a new let’s play-er, reaction video! As usual, please avoid posting spoilers in the comments. You guys have been really fantastic about this, so I’m super glad that I can read the comments freely. I’m really looking forward to getting to episode 25, so let’s get started with…

Episode 23- Monster Buddies

Steven accidentally releases a monster from a gem bubble and attempts to tame it and takes it on an adventure.
Written and Storyboarded by Lamar Abrams and Hellen Jo(Jo)
Earlier, I theorized that we would see a new yellow gem based on the colors of the balloons. I also noticed that, on Greg’s van, there was a shooting star of the same color of yellow as the balloon. Y’all are saying that the big, exciting episode is coming up… Is this shooting star the one I theorized about? Are we about to meet a new gem?
(See, guys, I know the memes!)
God the filler in those games were bad…

Closing Thoughts-

This episode was great! Excluding the character breaking we got from the gems, this episode was really fun. The music was great, although nothing made my top 5 BGM’s. (Should I include that as a list, too? I think I like most of the BGM’s more than the vocal songs.) The animation was very interesting this episode, and we got a lot of little hints about the past. Overall, I really loved this one. It was fun, and upbeat, and had some good emotional weight at the end! Let’s move on to the next one!

Episode 24- An Indirect Kiss

Amethyst cracks her gemstone and Steven and the Crystal Gems try to heal her using Rose's healing tears.
Written and Storyboarded by Raven M. Molisee and Paul Villeco

Closing Thoughts-

This episode made me feel a lot of emotions. There was a lot of crying. The reprise of The Hill actually ended my existence, I think, so it’s going to be a little harder to write these from the astral plane. The animation was beautiful in this episode, especially with regards to anything Rose-related. Also, it’s very interesting to see Pearl’s breakdown over the state of the fountain. There’s definitely something else going on behind these moments, but I don’t want to pass judgement yet. Anyways, now for my episode rating! It is as follows-
  1. Coach Steven
  2. An Indirect Kiss
  3. Laser Light Cannon
  4. Giant Woman
  5. So Many Birthdays
As for my music listing, it goes-
  1. Strong in the real way
  2. Steven and the Stevens/Crystal Gems
  3. Giant Woman
  4. Let me drive my van into your heart
  5. Cookie Cat Rap
As always, guys, thanks for reading! Remember, keep all of your discussion spoiler free! I’m really enjoying these episodes, and I would hate to be spoiled of a big emotional moment, or huge plot movement, or anything along those lines. Also, we officially have our first piece of fanart! Thank you so much, jaifriedpork! Finally, a question-
Until Next Time!
submitted by elecathes to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

The Steven Universe Spring Hiatus Project 2016 is a go!

3/26/2016, about 10am central time. If you registered before this, I don't (read:for to ask for) your reddit username. Please register. I'm sorry, I don't have any way to contact you, so if you don't get an email by the 4th simply email the project and say what your talent and songs were and we'll manually match them up. It will end April 4th.

3/25/2016 New Registration is up. It will end April 4th.
3/24/2016 10:40 Central Time. In a little over an hour, the current form will go down, with a new one taking it's place sometime later. The announcement for group will be going down in /SUHiatusProject2k15
3/24/2016: Here's an update. First, initial groups get announced tomorrow. Once they have, anyone joining afterward have to pick from the songs already chosen. Second, the initial deadline dates are a wee bit off, so standby for the proper ones. The last day to be included is April 4th.
Useful Link:
It's almost the first day of Spring, and there's no new episodes in sight. You know what that means.

The Steven Universe Spring 2016 Hiatus Project has commenced!

Here's the long and short of it. This time we're going to organize into groups and make a fan album for the first season of Steven Universe. Think of it like the ocremix projects. For those who are unfamiliar with the OCRemix group, they take classic video game songs and reimagine them, from turning the Mario theme into reggae to turning Pokemon theme into smooth jazz. With that in mind, we'll be taking the songs from the show and putting a unique twist on them. Turn Big Fat Zucchini into a J-Pop song, or Twilight Run into an epic space opera. We'll be doing that, here! Keep in mind not all of the songs are on the soundcloud. There may be some more here.
As I'm sure you've seen, the last project was a sucess1 (14k views and counting!). You can read about how we started that project here and see the subreddit we created for it here. In a sense, this smaller scale is us taking a break from We hope to up the ante with these songs.
This project is going to be done with a different mentality. While we're not sacrificing one for the other, here it's more about quantity than quality. It's more about self improvement than showing off. This project is meant to get you creating and feeling good about what you make. Besides, some of us need a break from the last project, and others of us need a warm up for the next one, so this is a sort of practice as well! Here's how the challenge is going to go down.
1 People have uploaded spoilers to youtube, so you may not want to click through.
  1. Using an email you're comfortable sharing, submit an email fill out this form stating your reddit username, what song/songs you'd like to help with, and what talents you have to the project's email [[email protected]]. Please use your reddit name. You can list up to 3 songs. If you're an arranger, please include your ideas on how you want to make that song different from the original. Here's a heads up, however. Three songs are off limits. First, the We Are the Crystal Gems (been there done that). Second, Love Like You (technically not completed in the show yet (not first season anyway), plus listen to this!). Third, Strong in the Real Way. Why that song you ask? Oh, y'know. Make sure you're pipes are ready for the inevitable Fall Hiatus ;) Even if your were involved last project, please register to make it easier on us.
  2. After a week, we'll begin to hit you back with the group of people who'd like to work on the songs you chose. You will meet and chat about it, likely in the chat group we used for the last project. The email address you use to contact us will be used to register you for that chatroom. We still use the chat to catch up nearly every day. You will split off and work on your music videos. Yes, you read that right— videos. This is a fully featured production for each cover.
  3. There will be periodic milestones you have to hit. Likely a deadline for having your song arranged, for having your art worked out, even for working out the logistics of how you'll make your recordings. You will get it in before the final deadline. However, don't be afraid. The experts (haha, experts...) who helped put together the last project will be here to help. That may end up being just me, but that's my job.
  4. Once done, we'll compile the videos into a long one for release just like our first one. This time we'll try to have a watch party

Word of warning: The later you come, the less choice you have.

In a week, on March 25th, we'll start letting people know who is in their group. A week later, April 1st, late signup will start and new people have to choose a song that's already started. Two weeks after that, April 15th, there will be no more signups. TL;DR - Two weeks to pick what song you want, then two more weeks for late signups.
With all this in mind, here's the kind of talent we're going to need this time around:


First up on the totem pole of importance list are the people responsible for fitting the parts into place. This will likely be the source of the original song's transformation into a different style. So you've got a musical saw, a bass clarinet, a harmonica, and soprano singer, and you're trying to cover Sugilite Returns. The arranger is going to figure out how you do that. Of course, we'll teach you how to use virtual instruments to help with whatever instrumentation you've got, but your composition should start with who you're working with. It can be a tough job, it took a team of four to do the intro theme, but don't sweat it! We have plenty of users knowledgeable in the subject to help you. Some of the people who did it for the theme did it for the first time (read: me), so you're in good hands. Remember, this is all a learning experience. There is free and legal software you can use to make this a reality if you want it bad enough.
While this is a cover first, feel free to talk to those on the visual side. You song would only be cooler if you warped it to fit the onscreen stuff as well. Help with that


I bet you weren't expecting this one. Lyricist, song writers, poets, we need you. You may be asking why, and I'll tell you. This project isn't just for the song that already have lyrics. We'd like you guys to listen to the beautiful instrumentals Aivi & Surrashu have crafted for the series. You may notice, most of them don't have words. Well, if we're going to be warping and bending these songs to our will, I think we're qualified enough to give them some lyrics. This is unfamiliar ground for us, so I can't really say what to do and what not to do, but I'll say the lyrics should service the singers and service the song. You may not want to just do lyrics, maybe some spoken word poetry, or even a mini play between characters who the song reflect. Lyrics aren't a requirement for instrumental tracks, either. Just think about it.


Just like last time, we'll need some pipes for these songs. Unlike last time, and I'm just being upfront, it may take more than one or two takes to get it right. You have a whole 3+ months to practice and get the performance down, and I'm telling you now, it's going to help a lot. We have the power of item stretching, auto-tuning, and even robo-izing vocals, but a strong performance will help the final cover immensely. Whether you want to scream some punk vocals or sing us some sweet lullabies, please practice.
Some songs may have more than one singer on it, and I suggest you use that for some interesting harmonies. I'm sure everyone knows at least one song with great harmonies that elevate the piece.


Probably the part that needs the least amount of introduction, we're going to need people to play the notes. Please have a way to record yourself well. If you've got to borrow a mic, or buy one, what have you, keep that in mind now. Feel free to ask the group about mic suggestions, or even techniques to make the best of what you have (say a laptop mic... shudders). If you know you're rusty at whatever instruments you own, start practicing now so when the time comes and the arranger hands you the music, you'll be good to go. It'll take a couple of weeks before musical notation comes out.


This role will have some mini-roles attached. Off the top of my head, we'll likely need storyboardist, background artists, character artists, and likely even colorist (is that a word?) if we got the same as last time. With each song, we'd like a video along with it. For most of these songs, there isn't a music video along with them like the main theme. So, you guys will make your own. Don't worry, we won't ask you for fluid 24fps scenes for 3 minutes, but something along the lines of the first video. Think well-drawn animatic. I'm a noob when it comes to animation, so correct me if I use some terms incorrectly.
We'll need someone to draw the general idea of the video. We'll need someone to work on the backgrounds of the shots. We'll need people to draw the characters and props on those backgrounds. We'll need people to color in everything. We may even need digital artists if you're one of those people who like to combine pre-existing footage for a unique video, so don't count yourself out if you can't draw. And about that, here consistency will likely be more important than quality.;

Audio Engineers

Someone's going to have to combine all the audio and midi into a song, and it's going to be you. If you want to be an audio engineer but have no experience or software, we can teach you how as long as you have a good enough computer. There is free and legal software you can use to do all of this, and if worse comes to worst someone with the capabilities can help out.

Video Editors

We were fortunate to have a video editor on call for the last project, but each of these videos will need someone to sync the visuals and art together in a way that pleases your team. Your skills may overlap with artist who decide to cut from the show to make the music video, but you will likely still end up putting it all together. Keep in mind you'll do other things besides lining up the track, things like making titles or credits.
Oh, hey look, free and legal software.
And now, details.
We won't tell you how to record your music (unless you ask, then we'll gladly help!), but we recommend you work with WAV, flac, whatever file extension you choose just as long as it is lossless. Please please please don't use MP3s for recording, and the song you send to us in the end should be in wav.
Those creating the visuals, keep in mind that the video should look great up to 1080p quality. That's 1920x1080 pixels. Create all of your imagery with this in mind.
Please dear sweet Mama Sucrose, MAKE THREE COPIES OF ALL YOUR FILES!! Save one on your computer's hdd, save one on an external drive, and save one to the cloud. You could probably get away without the external drive, but do you really want to risk it? Even if you're not the one compiling the files, always keep backups. If you send in your guitar part and your hardrive crashes but you emailed the wrong person well, you're gonna have a bad time.
Group Dynamic
This project is supposed to be collaborative. It's supposed to be fun. These songs will need leaders not dictators, and they'll need teammates not rivalries (except against other songs). Keep that in mind as you work out how to best make your video.
What, you thought were were going to turn y'all lose and say seeya in 12 weeks? Nope, we're going to have twice-a-month checks on progress, with optional once a week checks. The reason why isn't to rail on what you haven't done or have done wrong, but to build you up. We have so many talented people in this great subreddit, and convening to talk about ideas and what's working and what doesn't and sharing tips will only strengthen our final product. When we look at your work, we'll ask you where you're trying to go, and give you critiques and suggestions to get you there asap. If you want a second opinion on a scene in your video, or the way a chord appregiates, we can chat about it. It'll also be a good time (but not the only time) to talk about group dynamics if you're having any issues. Please don't have issues, though; ask yourself what would Steven do.
And along with those checks, we'll be giving help. A number of us learned a great deal on the previous project. instrumentation, mixing, video editing, all that good stuff and we're more than willing to share with those who want to learn what we know. The chat group is of course available at all times, but I'll go out of my way to make sure I can be online during the bi-weekly chats. We will also attempt to appoint gurus for the project, people who want to help and either knows their stuff or knows how to find out about their stuff.


The deadline for this one will be rough. Lots of different mini projects going on could mean different rates of progress. The due date for the whole project is tentatively June 20th 11:59 PST, which is the last day of Spring. As for when the project itself is meant to be completed, it will likely be two or three weeks after whatever the last deadline is. All the songs will have to be mastered cohesively, and the videos edited together. As always we want this to be done before the hiatus is over, thus the name, however I sincerely believe like last time Steven Universe episodes will come and go while we work. That's what happened last time, anyways, so be it. This project, like the last one, is about expressing our love for the series, and is a big thank you to the Crewniverse. Use that as your drive.
To break it down further, here are deadlines for music and art.
Music Deadlines
  • Signups end March 28th
  • Song picking ends April 4th
  • Arrangements should be ready by April 25th
  • Recording should be finished by May 23rd
  • Mixing should be done by June 13th
  • Album should be mastered by June 20th
Art Deadlines
  • Writing the Outline - Starting March 18th - ending April 4th. This is an example of an outline. As for who's gonna do it, it's up to you.
  • Storyboarding - Starting April 4th - Ending April 18th. Another storyboard exdample
  • The heavy work™ - Starting April 18th - Ending June 13th. This should be divided between Lines, Color, and Backgrounds, things like that.
  • Making the video and refining - June 13th
It may seem like a lot, but after the last project I think it's easily doable by smaller teams. The organization is one thing that slowed down the last project a lot.
Any questions? Shall we?
submitted by kidkolumbo to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

Rush's Blind Reaction to Episodes 68-73

Episodes 63-67
Guys… I didn’t even realize last time, but this is going to be my last reactions post D: There are six episodes left, so I might as well do them all in one post. I’m still going to be hanging around on the subreddit, posting theories and commenting on things and whatnot, but this’ll be the last post of this series.
I was right to assume that people were going to have strong opinions about the last set of episodes, because I got a lot of thorough, thoughtful comments about how wrong I am XD There were a lot of people saying the same things and, while I usually try to have a discussion with everyone, I couldn’t feasibly do it this time. I’ll say two things about it, though, that basically everyone brought up…
For one, I never thought Garnet was blameless, and didn’t mean to give the impression that I did. It was wrong of her to intimidate Amethyst into forming Sugilite, but I think the difference between that and what Pearl did was that Garnet was emotionally compromised and made the decision spur-of-the-moment, whereas Pearl planned it out ahead of time. Pearl knew it was wrong, knew Garnet would be upset if she found out, and did it anyway. Premeditated or not, they were both wrong to do what they did.
As for my continued use of fusion as a metaphor for sex (and, consequently, Pearl’s actions as a metaphor for rape), I’m starting to think that trying to define fusion in human terms is just never going to work. While what Pearl did was a betrayal, the human concept of rape has too strong a connotation to be accurate in this situation. I still think it’s a fair comparison to make, but it just doesn’t quite sit right. u/fennric linked me to this, which is the best commentary on fusion that I’ve seen so far. So I’m just going to point you all to that, and be done with this debate :P
Episode 68 – Nightmare Hospital
• So she still hasn’t told her parents about the glasses?
• That sword is a little big for her
• You can tell Connie’s experienced at lying to her parents… and Steven’s obviously not haha
• “Do you know how many children I see in the hospital who cut their faces off playing with swords?” Um?
• “None!” Oh lol, that was a bad place to pause apparently
• She just puts it in her duffle??? Pretty sure you can’t take that into a hospital
• My mom is like a mix of Pearl and Mrs. Maheswaran
• Lion lickers! Of course haha
• Oh god, what’s under the blanket?
• ????
• “No heartbeat.” OH THAT’S NORMAL
• I thought we took care of these things!
• “It’s my other patient.” OH REALLY?
• “Now is not the time!” NOW IS DEFINITELY THE TIME
• Yay! Steven to the rescue!
• “My Connie!” <3
• Hey his bubble did the animation with the flower thing again… has it always done that?
• “All her activities, all her internets.” lol
• “What, your eyesight just magically got better?” “YES” I love Connie XD
• They’re so… competent, damn
• “It scares me that you can’t talk to me. I need to know what’s happening in your life, I need to step in when you’re in over your head.” Aw, well said
• Suddenly, sadness :(
• Nice Connie episode! I really thought the CGs had poofed all of the fusion mutations in the Kindergarten, but I suppose I’m not complaining because they’re definitely the creepiest monsters this show has thrown at me. Connie and Steven were badasses, as usual. I wonder if Connie will still wear her glasses-frames? She doesn’t really need to anymore.
Episode 69 (eheh) – Sadie’s Song
• Is Sadie gonna sing???
• Oh hey, beachapalooza again (which I still don’t know how to spell)
• Oooh, she does have a song! And it’s catchy!
• lol, she just throws that box
• “It’s so cheesy and dumb and catchy and… I know every single word.” I relate to this so hard
• I feel like Sadie looks older in this one, but idk maybe that’s just because I haven’t seen her in a while
• She lives in her parent’s basement? Interesting
• “Ever since my act two years ago, there’s been a rule that you gotta wear clothes.” Wow Steven XD
• “That one’s pretty!” … Steven, do you want to wear it?
• “I knew you delivered mail but I didn’t know you delivered Sadie!” LMAO
• That might have been the best joke Steven’s ever made, I almost pissed myself
• Oh, she’s one of THOSE moms… can’t say I can relate, in this case. My mom is a lot of things, but overenthusiastic is not one of them :3
• Damn, Steven and Barb should do this routine XD
• Is that Peridot on Ronaldo’s chalkboard?
• Wow, Sadie looks like death lol
• Aw, I like Mr. Smiley. I feel like we haven’t seen a lot of these townspeople in a while, it’s nice to see them again
• Everyone needs an emergency supply of glitter… in case of fabulousness
• “Please mom, don’t make me do this…”
• “I just wanted everyone to know how talented my daughter is!” “This is not your daughter.” daaaaaaamn
• BEAUTIFUL, 10/10
• Oh, that ending was really cute
• Well, now I know where that Jamie-Steven came from! I love this episode, it’s so happy and wholesome and no one’s sad except for me because I only have four episodes left –cries-
Episode 70 – Catch and Release
This is the last video! And the only one where I’d consider my reaction legitimately embarrassing… I may have shed a few happy tears. Also, spoiler alert: No one walked in on me talking to myself.
• -sings intro- I sang the whole thing this time :3
• “Playful kitty” ??? lol
• Oh! Peridot?
• !!!
• Oh she’s still missing her foot! [she didn’t tie a cardboard box to her leg, dang]
• I feel a little bad for her… just a little bit
• -imitates Peridot’s hand motions-
• I don’t think Steven’s spit is going to work
• Nu-uh
• Aw, I do feel bad for her
• “It’s not going to be like anything soon!” Excuse me?
• -CGs arrive- Are they actually gonna get her this time? I kinda hope so.
• -Garnet does electricity thing- Yeah!
• -Garnet poofs Peridot- Daaaaamn!
• The arms and legs aren’t part of her body! I knew it.
• She didn’t crush her, did she?
• Okay, no. Nice job
• Pfft, Amethyst, we might’ve needed those
• I wanna know what Peridot was going to say, man!
• Steven’s gonna pop her bubble I bet
• -gets scared by Amethyst- Jesus Christ…
• (you can hear my school’s clocktower chiming in the background, lol)
• Rose’s room?! Yeah!
• No, you gotta pop the bubble. Do it!
• “I know there’s a way down from here!” Oooh! Like from… whatever the fuck that episode was. Together Breakfast!
• Yes! She doesn’t have the arms!
• Awwww! she’s so tiny!!!
• -muffled- Oh my god she is so adorable
• -squealing- I love her!
• Oh, she’s adorable!
• -laughing at Steven and Peridot’s slap fight-
• I can’t get over this, man, I will never get over it
• “You really want to know?” Yes.
• “You really, really want to know?” YES
• “What’s your shirt?” LOL
• Oh my god, she’s such a child
• Peridot, you done goofed
• -giggling over Peridot running from the CGs- Oh my god this is ridiculous
• Is she in the bathroom?
• This is amazing
• Is she gonna try to flush herself down the toilet?
• -DIES-
• “Duh, homegirl knows we’re gonna beat her into a green pancake.” I love Amethyst
• She’s making faces in the mirror! Oh my god. I can’t believe this small child
• “You filthy war machine!” Hey, now!
• This is so ridiculous… so she just lives there now?
• “What’re we going to do? Put her on a leash?” I mean…
• “What’s with you guys and making me pee outside?!” Like Sapphire?
• She just lives there now! I can’t believe this show
• Awwww she’s sooooo cute! Wow…
• -whimpering over how cute Peridot is-
• “Whatever it is, I wanna help!” Aw, that’s nice
• Are you kidding me right now? That was amazing! I love that episode… she just lives in his bathroom now, it’s fine, no big deal
• Peridot went from being a formidable opponent to being Steven’s new little sister and/or pet cat in the 2 seconds it took her to reform XD I’m wondering what the hell the cluster is, because first I thought it was going to be new Kindergarten gems, then I thought it was the forced fusions, and now I just have no idea. Apparently it’s going to destroy Earth, though, which is not good. I’m just so happy that Peridot lives with them now, maybe she’ll eventually be an honorary Crystal Gem, herself. After all… they kept Amethyst.
Episode 71 – When it Rains
• I want Peridot to be in the intro, now
• Tell her, Garnet!
• “Is it like a big… hunk of… granola?” Okay, one of you assholes said that to me, who the hell was it? I don’t remember, but I bet it was the Spider guy
• lol, Pearl’s kind of adorable when she’s mad
• “I love you, bye <3” JUST FUCK ME UP
• -bursts out of the bathroom- “IT’S HAPPENING” O.o
• Aw, she’s huddling behind Steven
• “I don’t know anything without my screen.” S A M E
• Steven’s pretty smart
• Oh man, that whole scene with Peridot in the rain was really powerful. I don’t know if it was the music or the angels or the little “cool” at the end, but it got to me
• “Thank you.” Wow
• Peridot is such a child, I wonder how old she is, actually
• “You want me to take you to the Kindergarten?” This sounds like an exceptionally bad idea
• Oooohhhh nooooo, Steven reaching out to touch Peridot’s hand when they fall. This episode is too much for my heart
• Hmm, so Peridot knows about Steven being a hybrid, now. Not sure how I feel about that
• “When it became clear that Earth was no longer a viable colony,” So they made the forced fusions after the war, but I thought Homeworld left after they lost?
• Lol, Peridot’s so genuinely impressed by Steven’s strength
• “What’s up Dot?” I love these two
• “A single giant artificial fusion comprised of millions of gem shards. The Cluster.” WOW WE’RE SCREWED
• “It’s you, Steven!” Peridot I think you’re overestimating this child’s ability to stop giant mutant gems buried deep under the Earth
• Oh wow, is she going to ask Greg for help now? That’d be amazing
• YIKES the fusions… that one with the big mouth is creepy
• “Let’s run into this corner!” “Oh no! We’re cornered!” JESUS LORD GIVE ME STRENGTH
• The gems are kick-ass! And Garnet’s using her electric powers so much more lately
• Dang, dat ending though
• Well, now we know what the Cluster is. It feels weird, asking a question and then having it get answered in the next episode. I might get spoiled if they do this too often.
Episode 72 – Back to the Barn
• Pfft, she couldn’t have just told them about the Cluster? Come to think of it, she didn’t really need to go to the Kindergarten, either. She could’ve just told Steven everything he needed to know.
• I don’t know why, but I really like the way Peridot says “crust”
• “What a cluster…” if there was no such thing as censors, she would’ve definitely said clusterfuck
• Hehe, the little silent conversation between Pearl and Amethyst
• UUU Space Travel is back!
• “You can go now.” ??!!
• “Because Pearl’s aren’t for this! They’re for standing around and looking nice and holding your stuff for you!” OH BOY
• “She’s a made-to-order servant just like the hundreds of other Pearls being flaunted around back on Homeworld.” WOW I WAS NOT EXPECTING SO MANY ANSWERS I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH MYSELF
• Oh my god, did she used to belong to Rose? That would make so much sense…
• Tell her, Pearl!
• lol, Steven… “-whispers- Robots…”
• Oh man, I love the combo of Pearl’s music style with Peridot’s
• “We’re building robots now.” XD
• Wow, that was fast
• Aw, Steven totally rigged this so that they’d each be good at half of them
• “Tree” LOL
• What was going on with Garnet and the popcorn?
• “Subjective” Bullshit, Pearl’s was totally better
• Sexuality: Garnet yelling “get it gurl!”
• Just fight each other, it’s the only way a giant robot competition can end
• Haha, they actually are fighting XD
• “Fight, fight, fight!” I’m with Amethyst lol
• Yikes, Pearl got her ass handed to her… but it was all worth it for that sick right hook!
• No one cares, Peridot
• “Welcome to Earth” <3
• Aw, nice save, Peridot
• “Aaaaah! We’re doomed!” Ominous?
• This explains SO much of Pearl’s character; her self-hatred, for one, and her complete dedication to Rose. Even if she wasn’t Rose’s made-to-order servant, the mentality was probably so ingrained in her head that she at least subconsciously thought of Rose as her “master.” That relationship was super unhealthy… possibly the reason why Rose ended up getting with Greg instead of Pearl? She probably didn’t want to take advantage of Pearl. Maybe I’m reading too much into this :3 I really love that Pearl stuck up for herself; it shows how far she’s come. I think that talk with Garnet in Friendship really got through to her, which makes me happy.
Episode 73 – Too Far
• Trying really hard not to think about how this is the last episode
• Failing at not thinking about how this is the last episode D:
• Aw, I’m glad they’re working together
• “Singing… crying… singing while crying.” Holy shit, this is where you guys got that from? I’ve heard that phrase quite a few times while doing these reactions
• The logs are like her security blanket
• “Would you mind unfusing? It’s making me incredibly uncomfortable.” GTFO
• Huh, Peridot and Amethyst are kind of… friends? This is weird
• “You’ll know when I’m joking.” Honestly I think Garnet dislikes Peridot the most out of all of the CGs.
• Peridot really is a huge nerd
• “She’s not even fighting!”
• Amethyst and Peridot are almost getting along too well for my comfort
• “despite the fact that you’re defective!” ???
• Hmm, so you’re saying size matters?
• “Are you saying I’m wrong?” “Gemetically speaking, yes!” DUDE this suddenly got real for me
• “Look at that! You can do everything a normal quartz can do!” dude
• “Would that make it… carbony? :3” Steven, stop
• Oh, fuck off, Peridot
• I really love Peridot’s VA, though. She’s really good
• Uh oh
• lol, I love Steven’s messed up hair
and in the distance, you can almost hear me shouting “gaaaaaaay!”
• “I blame the cows” XD
• “I hope you understand. I want to understand. I’m sorry.” Oh shucks, I forgive her
• “How do you feel?” “Big.” nooooooOOOOOOOOO IT’S OVER
• Well, it was a good note to end on, at least :( I really identified with Amethyst in this episode; I have a genetic disability, so that “gemetically speaking” line hit close to home for me. Though I do think Amethyst was being a bit of a jerk before that, laughing at Garnet and Steven’s expense. The end was really nice, though. Peridot’s definitely improving. Even though it ended well, I think this may have lasting implications for Amethyst. She already has body image issues... this, plus the fact that Garnet and Pearl probably knew she was defective and neglected to mention it to her, will probably all come up again.
Final Thoughts:
Well… shit! It’s over, I’m caught up. That was quite a ride! Do I really need to say how much I love this show? Because I really love this show. I wouldn’t have put so much effort into writing these reactions and doing all my theory-crafting if it didn’t have a special place in my heart. I’m loving season 2 so far; it’s leagues better than season 1, in my opinion. I especially adored the whole Sardonyx arch, and I’m really enjoying this Peridot development, too! What an odd place for the show to go on hiatus… right in the middle of a big plot point.
In the future, obviously I’m looking forward to seeing them take on the Cluster. I can only assume Yellow Diamond is going to show up soon, since they showed her in the extended intro, so I’m really looking forward to meeting her, too! This should shock exactly no one, but I want us to get a Garnet episode soon, specifically, an episode about Peridot and her prejudiced views of Garnet as a fusion.
Really, though, I just want to see more of these characters. I’m more attached to these space rocks on a children’s show than I am to any other fictional characters, and I just want to see more of them in any capacity! You guys were right all along; this show isn’t about the plot, it’s all about the characters.
To answer a couple questions before they get asked…
Top 5 Favorite Characters:
  1. Garnet
  2. Connie
  3. Peridot
  4. Steven
  5. Pearl
Top 5 Favorite Episodes
  1. Jailbreak
  2. Rose’s Scabbard
  3. Keeping it Together
  4. Keystone Motel
  5. Cry for Help
(That was really hard, you don’t want to know how long I agonized over that)
I don’t usually show people my drawings, but I’ve been sketching Steven Universe fanart in the margins of my notes basically since Arcade Mania (see: one of my OCs stealing Garnet’s glasses) And I’m pretty sure you guys are unlikely to laugh at me, so here we are :P
Some of my slightly more finished drawings include…
The only time I was ever able to draw Steven with any accuracy
Peridot blushing at… someone (insert ship here)
This tiny!Peridot that I threw together just now
I would like to end this post with a heartfelt plea to please send me all of the links to your favorite fan-made things! Or other official content (I hear there are shorts? I’ve seen a couple but it would be nice to have a list of them all.) Basically, I need things that will hold me over until the next episode. I gave you guys these reactions, now pay it forward XD
Seriously, though, thank you all for reading my ramblings! Without you guys, I would never have watched this show. And boy, did it deserve to be watched! Stay cool forever, guys. Arrivederci.
Episodes 1-5
submitted by rush2who to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

Newbie Review Final Update: Episodes 70-73

Welp, the day's finally come guys. As much as I find these posts to be fun and will miss doing them I have to say that I'm not as sad as I thought I'd be. You guys here in this sub have been amazing this entire time I've been here doing these. In fact, if it wasn't for the warm reception my first post had, I probably wouldn't have bothered making all of them! Thank you all...for everything.
And this is where the bitter part of the bittersweet ending comes in. These are the last aired episodes of the show I'll be doing in this post...which means that I'll finally be in the barren lands of the hiatus with the rest of you. I get that they're a necessary part of TV but I do so very despise hiatuses. The waiting, the wondering, the longing, gah...its for the birds! That said, I've been mentally preparing myself for this moment for a couple weeks now so its probably for the best just to get on with it.
Here we go! See you guys on the other side!
You can find my last post here.
Catch and Release: Now, I read an episode description that said that this episode is about Steven's bathroom or something? Haha, sounds really mundane but then again so do a lot of the episodes that turned out to be big ones.
Well, if you'd have asked me what direction I thought this episode was gonna go before I watched it, THAT wouldn't have been anywhere close to my answer. I really enjoyed it though...Peridot is sooo cute and now she's trapped in Steven's bathroom. Poor Peridot...she really is out of her element.
When It Rains: Couldn't Garnet just...y'know...break down the door? It doesn't seem like a very strong door.
That was cool! I see this is becoming a little arc and I guess Peridot is going to be sticking around for a while which is totally fine by me! A cluster that can destroy the the team going to have to go to the center of the earth to find it? I guess I'm about to find out.
Back to the Barn: Huh, Peridot's finally stopped calling them "Crystal Clods." Guess it's a step in the right direction.
"My Pearl."
Me right now.
That was a very...empowering episode. For Pearl at least. I mean, if she really was nothing but a handservant back on Homeworld and what Peridot said about her being nothing more holds true for what society on Homeworld thinks then she has come a LONG way and should be recognized for it. I just...wish she'd see that kind of worth in herself. It takes a special kind of person to claw their way out of slavery to be more than what the world tells them that they are. You're truly a gem, Pearl.
Peridot's getting a crash course in Earth rules...or rather, that there are no real rules on Earth. Surprisingly enough, she seems to be receptive of it instead of sulking and insisting she's right. That's good! It means she's learning and maybe...just maybe...she'll come to like this little mudball of ours.
Too Far: "That doesn't explain the singing...crying...singing while crying." Hey, building giant robots is VERY emotional, Peridot.
They went on hiatus THERE?! GAAAAAAAAAH. Sounds of frustration
Well this has all been very interesting. I didn't think they'd go this direction with Peridot but then again I hadn't given it much thought. She seems to really be coming around to the Crystal Gems one at a time...wonder who she'll bond with next. Garnet maybe? How cool would it be if we had an episode where Garnet taught Peridot the meaning of fusion? AAAAUUUGGGGHHH, THE SHOW HASNT BEEN GONE FOR FIVE MINUTES BUT I ALREADY MISS IT.
Well guys, we've finally reached the end of the line. It took way too long to get there, I know. But I did it all with your encouragement and kind words. I'd like to take a moment to thank W4RD06 for being the guy to get me into the show <3. The rest of you deserve some applause too. I don't think I'd have enjoyed this journey nearly as much without all the input from you guys on all of these posts. Keep being great /stevenuniverse!
One last order of business before I sign off. I'm finally at the end! That means I can pick a flair now...hmmmm...lets see.
She's special to me even though we've barely gotten to see her. She was the first fusion we saw on screen (excluding Garnet of course but we didn't know that yet.) And she's this aura of calm strength around her whereas Sugilite is very chaotic and destructive and Alexandrite is a bit...unsettling. I also may be a bit biased since I ship Pearl and Amethyst a bit. They might not get along but I can see they care about each other a lot and if they could ever get past their differences they would make a pretty awesome couple and maybe they could even help each other mend those character flaws of theirs.
Speaking of ships, I bet you Too Far spawned its own. Amethyst and Peridot seem really cute together but its too early to tell whether there's anything there or not, Peridot being mounted on Amethyst not withstanding (Haha, good one, Crewniverse.)
As a last request before I run wild into the sub, no longer a newbie but a fully caught up user, I ask for all your best fanmade content you can find! C'mon, I know you guys have been holding out on me for this moment, now's the time to spill it! GO NUTS, YOU CAN'T SPOIL ME ANYMORE.
Its been fun guys, I'm sad that I can't really do these posts anymore but I'm happy that it wont be the last time we share in this fandom experience. I'll see you on the sub!
This has been Mobius_Uno...Facet Five...End log.
submitted by Mobius_Uno to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

Zach Callison AMA Table

Link to original AMA
Want it more condensed? Click here! (Thank you LadyRavenEye and dragon-elexus!)
This is a table for Zach Callison's AMA that took place 13th of April 2016 on this subreddit. For the context of those viewing this in the future, this AMA took place during the hiatus after Log Date 7 15 2 aired.
The table is in order of when the questions were answered, with the first answer at the top. (some questions are cut for length. Just click on Zach's answer for full context)
Question(s) Answer(s)
RotomGuy: Hey Zach! Welcome to our little subreddit.I hope i'm allowed to ask this, but how far away is your favourite episode from airing? Of the unreleased ones, there's actually one in the next batch that's one of my favorites, but I won't say which one for now. I tend to like eps with a good balance of goofy, offbeat comedy and dramatic elements, so Space Race and Steven and the Stevens are two of my picks for older eps!
Weaby: Hey Zach! First of all, thank you so much for doing this AMA and giving us all this opporunity! I have over thirty questions I want to ask, but that wouldn't be very fair of me, so here's just two. What was the audition process like? What did you think of the show before and during the audition? What was your favorite episode to record lines for? Hey there! The initial audition was sent to me, with some early drawings of Steven, 10 or so lines of dialogue from the original pilot, and Rebecca's demo of the old title theme, (what is now known as) the extended theme. I recorded it with my longtime VO coach, focusing on creating a vocal sound for Steven first, then adding in the emotional elements afterwards. There were 1 or 2 callbacks at Cartoon Network, and shortly thereafter we recorded the pilot!Steven and the Stevens jumps to mind, seeing as I had to voice every Steven you see on screen...even in the last scene. It was near chaos, having conversations with myself, which is why I loved it so much. Any episode where I get to record audio for other characters is a blast as well, Onion, etc.
ThePugProgrammer: Hey Zack! I have 3 questions for you: 1. What's your favourite episode that has currently aired? 2. What's your favourite video game? 3. Which meme do you feel is superior? 1. Speaking as a viewer, Space Race and Jail Break are definitely favorites of mine for a couple reasons. They have a lot of character development, dramatic elements, but find ways to sneak in comedy and beautiful visuals. And of course...Estelle. As for game, Undoubtedly the Mass Effect trilogy, but I couldn't pick just one of them. These games have had a HUGE impact on my life, and how I view gaming as a medium. Plus, we have Gunnery Chief Ashley Williams herself in our SU cast. :) 3. If any of my friends are reading this, I'm terribly sorry for all the times I've said "suh dude" to you in the past few weeks
illdrawyourface: Hey Zach, I drew your face with the colors of the crystal gems! Question: What is your favorite Steven face? Have any other favorite funny faces from the show? Hey, that looks awesome!, thank you! Keep up the art :) My favorite Steven face is the Together Breakfast one. Where he's holding the plate? It's just another level of ridiculous.
theneverendinghiatus: What got you into voice acting? A happy accident! I moved to LA in 2007 with the intent of being a film and TV-only actor, but I ended up getting a few voice acting auditions a couple years later...and eventually booked a role on the radio show Adventures in Odyssey, which lasted five years and taught me a ton about VO.
uiop60: How closely did you get to work with Nicki Minaj? What was that like? Sadly, I didn't get to meet her, as she recorded via phone patch from the east coast. I was really hoping to meet her. She did a really great job though, she put an awesome flair on Sugilite!
MKotter: Hey Zach! Was really excited when I heard you were doing an AMA so I have a bunch of questions: I'm sure you saw this question coming but how different is it for you doing on-camera acting versus voice acting? do you have a preference? Any alternate takes or improvised bits you can recall from SU that didn't make it into the final production? kind of (?) related, but I saw some video on Twitter of a joke that you did that got cut from the Goldbergs episode. I don't watch the show but I was curious what the joke was, cuz I didn't get it out of context haha I saw some interview with Deedee and Michaela laughing about "boodles of fun", and I was wondering if that's why Pearl says "boodles of fun" in Sworn to the Sword? Any other inside jokes like that make it into the show? who's your Super Smash Bros main? Hey there! There's actually a much bigger difference than people realize; VO, for me, requires so much...precision. The only part of me that ends up in the final product is my voice, so it's all about micromanagement of my tone, pitch and inflection. On-camera is the product of multiple things including the above, as well as body language and facial expression. The uniting factor between the two is definitely the emotional side. I could never pick a favorite, though...I intend to do both as long as I possibly can! Oh, tons. In the studio, we love trying bizarre takes and reads of certain lines, just to try out. Some of these bits are sprinkled throughout the show...but many don't make it. I'd really love to hear a blooper reel one day, if any of those takes are still around. Basically, in the episode, I say a line while playing D&D: "My move is, I change my name to Dick Biggens". The alternate jokes were basically just other goofy names that were cut, Max Bonerstein, etc. :P I wouldn't be surprised if they took that line straight from Deedee, it's absolutely perfect for Pearl. We're all a good bit like our characters; I've definitely heard Deedee say things to her kids in a Pearl tone. I'm dreadfully bad compared to my friends, but I always came back to sanic, he's fast and stuff I'll be at Momocon next month! Tweet at me if you get a chance, maybe something can be worked out
W4RD06: Hey Zach! Good to meet you! My question is: If you had your own army of watermelon Zachs, what would you do with them? Turn them into a choral group and arrange songs for them to sing. Also, for any that misbehaved, make them into my food runners Chipotle and Poquito Mas down the street.
Witterson: Hey Zach, thanks so much for taking the time to do this! My question is: On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being full-on, starry-eyed Steven, how excited are you for us to experience everything that's to come? 11/10, with an extra Garnet third eye. The new stuff has been blowing me away! Crewniverse is ridiculously talented, and it really feels like they've gotten even better since the show started. I'm very happy to be a part of this crazy awesome show for a good while!
Casaham: Hey, Zach! I know that you think of yourself as a singesongwriter. Have you ever asked about writing a song for Steven? You know, I haven't...I don't think I'd do it justice. I'm still new to the songwriting part, and I'm still trying to figure out how to write songs for me, much less for another character. It sounds like fun, though, as well as challenging!
uiop60: Steven's voice has changed considerably over the course of the series. How much of this change has been done deliberately, and how much is it a product of changes in your own voice (if there have been any)? What has it been like being a teenage male voice actor (i.e., while your voice changed)? This is a really good question. It's a mix of both, really; my voice changed about six months or so AFTER we started recording episodes. I actually couldn't do a couple of my characters anymore, but Steven's voice was different. Back when I sounded like a chipmunk, I used to pitch my voice down for SU, and up for other, younger characters. When my register shifted into my current voice, I adjusted Steven by pitching him upwards instead. As a result, while the voice is somewhat consistent since the beginning in inflection, he does sound noticeably older. It has made for an interesting mirror between Steven and I, though...we've both grown up a lot as the show has gone on.
ManSpider95: Thanks so much for doing this! My question is this: Steven Universe has become something big. The show is one of the innovators of great lgbtq representation in shows, while having really great storytelling that everyone can enjoy. How do you feel about being a part of this? It's incredible! I honestly had no idea that the show would explore so many of these things when we began, but I couldn't be happier. I really feel like Rebecca and the crew have pushed the limits on what cartoons are capable of as a medium, whether through deeper storytelling or relevant themes. I do feel like I'm a very small part of something special, and for that I'm very grateful.
TheRealSlimSaiyan: Are there any parts of your own personality that make their way into Steven through your voice? I'd say so, yes. Even though Steven has grown older and more mature, he still has a sense of childlike wonder in his voice; I try to go back in time to a younger me and remember what that was like.
OfficialCasualCat: Hey Zach, you're amazing and I'm so glad you're the voice actor for Steven. And on behalf of the MtF transgender community, would you be able to explain how you get your vocals so high pitched? Is it from singing or is it a talent you built for your voice acting? Do you have any tips? or recommendations on where/how to train our vocals? Thank you! Great question, by the way. It's undoubtedly from singing; I've been taking lessons since I was 7. I used to have a crazy soprano high end. I lost nearly all of it when my voice changed, and I was quite distraught for a while. Thankfully, I started seeing my singing teacher again, and now my vocals are in a better spot than they've ever been. Vocal lessons take a long time to show improvement, but with daily practice and patience, you'll see results. EDIT: Oh, and also, if you end up taking vocal lessons, make sure you let your teacher know what your goal is. If they know what they're doing, they'll cater the exercises to fulfilling that purpose.
SubwayBossEmmett: I have a quick question for you, in Steven's birthday, how close was Steven's "mature" voice compared to your regular voice? Were there anytimes that you were surprised by the script and what was happening in the story? Thanks for doing this The "professional beach hunk" voice is relatively close to mine, with a little more bass and cockiness added to it. While recording that ep, we referred to it as "Superman" voice :P
WowwhyOFTW: Hello Zach! My question is...What has been your most memorable experience with a fan? Alright, story time... When I was about six years old, my longtime friend Ben was having a birthday party at the mall, back in good ol' Missouri. We ate like kings in the food court, and scurried around in excitement because of our next activity: a trip to the movie theater, to see none other than Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed. Yes, the live-action one. We were ecstatic. As we all started to file into the concessions area, my dad put a hand on my shoulder to keep me in place. I was confused, then he said "C'mon Zach, we have to go home now." Even more perplexed, I whined and asked him why. "This movie isn't appropriate for someone your age, it's time to go." Oh, I wailed. I kicked, I screamed. I was very much up in arms. Dad! It's rated PG! I SAW THE FIRST ONE! ahem I ended up going home that day. I held a minor grudge over the incident for YEARS, never forgetting the injustice. So, how on earth is this a fan experience? This isn't the first time I've told this story, for context. I've related it a couple times in interviews, thinking nothing of it. That is, until this past January. I was doing an appearance at Sac Anime, a convention in Sacramento. We had a panel that Saturday, with a good number of Steven fans. One came up to ask a question, but before she sat back down, she said (paraphrased): "Hey, so this is really random but...I saw this interview you did a long time ago, where you talked about not seeing the Scooby-Doo movie? I felt bad so I brought you this." She had actually gone out of her way to buy the DVD, just to avenge six-year-old me. I was shocked, but so very excited. It's still on my shelf; I'm waiting until I can gather a group of my closest friends for a viewing party. To the gift-giver: thank you so much! tl;dr: Steven fans are rad people
Acksor: Hey Zach! Welcome to the sub! My question to you is how difficult is it to maintain your Steven voice? In "Steven's Birthday", Steven's voice gets noticeably deeper while he is stretching himself out. Is there a certain "normal" voice that you use for him, and the rest is done in post-processing? "Kid/Normal" Steven has remained fairly consistent, but it's easy to tell that Steven is growing up by the way you have changed your voice for him over time. Is there a situation in the show where we hear your normal speaking voice as Zach? Keep up the amazing work! fennric is correct, the narration at the end of Garnet's Universe is my normal voice. The voice for Steven is unedited, which is why is has gone through some changes as my own voice has changed. Thank you for the compliments, and keep up the voice acting dream! :)
ReallyCreative: Hey Zach! I'm so happy you're here! I have several questions I've been developing since the annoucement. 1) I know from stalking following your twitter that you are a big League of Legends fan! What's your favorite role, and what are some of your favorite champions?2) I love how you, the Crewniverse, and the other voice actors are like a big happy family on social media, what's your favorite story from the recording studio involving them?3) Do you have a favorite SU shitpost?4) Who is your dream guest star for SU? (Personally, I would give up my firstborn child for either Sia or Sufjan Stevens)5) Of the episodes that have aired so far, which one was the toughest to voice? I haven't been playing for a while because things have been so busy, but LoL was a huge part of my life 2013/2014! I'm a support main, which is why I have back problems. I have a soft spot for Leona! A few weeks ago we actually had a girl from Make-A-Wish come into the studio, and it was memorable to say the least. We had a pot luck, watched some episodes, and did an impromptu record in the booth. Michaela, Shelby and Estelle all made it, and Deedee skyped in from her If/Then tour stop in St. Louis! (represent) Funny story, because we were standing so far back from the camera, and I've grown a decent bit, Deedee had no idea who I was while I was talking to her. 10 minutes in, she asked "Where's Zach? Did he make it?" and we all died laughing. The theme song one...with Garnet in a panel with Kyogre and Groudon? beauty Both of those are AWESOME choices, honestly. If we're talking music...I think my pick would be Nai Palm of Hiatus Kaiyote. (One of my favorite bands!) Steven and the Stevens was tough from a logistical standpoint, because I basically had to have a conversation with myself the whole time. One of my favorites, though. Also, any episode that recorded while my voice was mid-change was really tough, especially if it had a song. Coach Steven comes to mind
homer878: Would you be willing to work on a SU movie, if CN ever decided to make one? With our same cast and crew? I would be open to that. Any excuse to work with these guys more!
CookieCatSupreme: Hi Zach! I absolutely love Steven Universe and I love how endearing all of the characters are - especially Steven! Thank you so much for doing this :3 I just have two questions for you: 1. what was your favourite song to sing on the show? 2. what's your favourite subreddit? Cookie Cat rap is up there, even if it isn't singing! It's also one of the things that gets requested by fans most often, so I keep it in my back pocket and rap it in the shower. Toss up! For dank memes, /youdontsurf . For my hobbies, /baseball , /cardinals , /listentothis and /musictheory . Oh, and a shout-out to /civbattleroyale secret obsession. HAIL SIBIR
CasnoGaming: Who has been your favorite character to voice act in your VA career? And how did you get started with voice acting? I'd say Steven! I've never had the chance to really be with a character for this long, and it's been fascinating to observe how he's evolved over the past few years. I started by accident, with a few chance VO auditions coming through from my film/TV agent. Adventures in Odyssey was the gig that really kicked it off
EverybodyHatesDipper: Best flag? For vexillology! Hey, I've visited there before! I used to be obsessed with flags as a kid. The only correct answer is Nepal, for going against the rectangular grain.
Pickardie: Hi Zach! When you do recordings, how often do you do group recordings with the other VA's? How often do you record with Grace, Matthew, or Kate, or do a lot of the secondary characters get their lines recorded solo? Usually every week I'm recording with at least one other person, but it varies. I see Michaela more than anyone, and Deedee when she's not off doing cool theater stuff. Every now and then I'll get to record with a Matthew or Kate, but it's been a while unfortunately. Grace flies down from college usually once a month or so.
cooperklebba: Before I ask my questions, let me just say that you are an AMAZING voice actor! Steven's not only my favorite character in SU, but also my favorite character in fiction PERIOD! You've got a bright future ahead of you! Question 1: What's your process/method of creating a character's voice? (Example: How did you decide on Steven's voice, mannerisms, etcetera?)Question 2: What do you feel are Steven's greatest strengths and weaknesses?Question 3: What's the biggest difference between Steven and Rose. (Besides the obvious things like overall skill.) Wow, thank you! I appreciate it :) I created the voice for the first audition with my voice acting coach, Tony. It only took about 10 minutes to get the vocal tone and quality down; reading the lines and finding the right emotional core for Steven was the bulk of the challenge. The original breakdown for the pilot encouraged some off-the-wall reads and inflections, so we decided to do some super goofy reads and roll with it. Steven's greatest strength and weakness is the same, IMO: his love for all beings, benevolent or not. He's a natural protector, and cares deeply for his friends and family. He assumes the best in the people he meets, good until proven evil. This backfires often, though...he sometimes places trust in people too easily. The gems are far more cautious in their interactions with outsiders. Rose, like the other gems, was around for a LONG time; she had gained so many years of experience and knowledge of Gems and the Earth by the time she's even shown in Steven Universe. Steven is brand new to all of it, and he's not yet equipped with everything he would need to be like his mother.
Zinko999: Hey Zach! Big fan of the show. Without spoiling anything, what's your favorite line that you've recorded so far? So, so many choices. Here's a few random ones that come to mind: "Arrivederci..." "If you need-a great-a-actor, you've-a come to the right-a guy-a! "Skills!"
nameistoohardtosay: Which gem fusion is your favorite? Sardonyx! I love her voice, I love her colors, and her weapon is the coolest one yet, IMO. My favorite part is her broadcasting shtick; it just works so well with who Garnet and Pearl are together.
TheGeek100: Hi Zach! I have one question for you: Team Captain America or Team Iron Man? Iron Man, purely because RDJ's Tony Stark
confusedasterisk: Hi, Zach! I have a few questions: Best/funniest moment(s) that have happened in the studio? How often do you get asked to do the Steven voice? How much do you get told of upcoming episodes? (Not asking for any spoilers) How much (if ever) do you get to improvise? I answered this one a bit here Quite often! Especially when I'm doing meet and greets, most people ask and I'm always happy to oblige, even if I'm sick and it sounds weird sometimes! My acting teacher has been doing it as of late as well, for some comic relief during class. A pretty good amount; if there's upcoming episode info that's relevant to the ep we're currently recording, Rebecca always tells us that. Occasionally I'll ask her about certain things coming up, but the Crew obviously has the much larger picture as to what's going on in the future. We don't improvise too much on SU, actually. I'd blame the talent of the writers and storyboarders; we really don't need to very often because the jokes and beats are so solid already. Instead, we tend to to take the lines they've written and get a little crazy with them; the zany reads are my favorite part of doing Steven's voice alongside the darker, more emotional bits.
Dragon-Elexus: If you could have any of Steven’s powers, which one would it be, and why? Healing spit! I'd basically become Wolverine the miracle worker at that point.
unicorndeathrace: Hi Zach! Which crystal gem do you relate to most? Any chance of coming to the UK for a con in the future? Amethyst, for a number of reasons. To me, she represents a lot of teenage behaviors and thoughts, and is reckless and rebellious a lot of the time. As someone who's in that phase of life, I understand why she does a lot of things she does. No plans yet, but I'm definitely open to that! I still haven't been to the UK.
RotomGuy: Would you rather spend a day with an angry Ruby or an angry Sapphire? Angry Sapphire. It'd give me an excuse to wear the winter coats I like that gather dust here in, less aggressive. :P
citrusalex: Hi! I'm Alex from Russia and I'm representing Russian community of Steven Universe. Here're the questions from Russian fans, translated into English. I hope you will answer to at least some of them. 1) Which song from SU is your favorite? 2) What is your height? 3) How have you came to voicing Steven? Who found you? 4) If characters from the show would suddenly become real, with whom would you most probably make friends with? 5) In which things you're similar to Steven? 6) If you would gain ability to shape-shift like gems, what would you shape-shift into first? 7) Tell us about your first day when you came to studio for voicing Steven. 8) Do you think the show changed your life somehow? 9) How often people recognize you? Do they at all? 10) Do you have any funny or creepy stories involving fans (people, not spinny things)? 11) If you could choose a new outfit for Steven, which clothes would you pick? привет, Alex! (My Russian is a little rusty!) To listen to, it's definitely Stronger Than You. The whole ep is gorgeous, Estelle sounds incredible, and it's such a great piece of story for Garnet. 5'10"! We'll have to have a non-American friend switch that to metric for me :P My agent sent me the audition in an email, I recorded it with my coach and sent it in. So, I suppose Cartoon Network and Rebecca found me, if indirectly. Amethyst because shenanigans, Peridot because geek-kin. I think both of us place great value in our friends, and treasure them. At the core of it, we're both very protective people when it comes to those we love, albeit in different ways. A jazz pianist, if I gained their skills too! Ha, the pilot was a long time ago, so I don't remember a ton...but our first day of the actual show, when we recorded Laser Light Cannon, I wore the LOUDEST shirt in my entire closet by accident. What I mean by was this brown button-up, that made friction noises every time I moved my arms or torso. For anyone who has seen me do VO, I flail my arms a LOT, so this became a problem! I ended up holding my arms up at shoulder height for a good portion of the record, because of whatever god-forsaken material that shirt was made out of. I think I outgrew it and it ended up at Goodwill... Absolutely! It's the most impactful project I've worked on in my career, in a number of ways. I've never done a lead on a TV show before this, so that's been exciting. It's also improved me as a voice actor tremendously, especially when it comes to the emotional bits. Every now and then, but it only started happening last fall. The first time, I was walking to a restaurant with my mom, and some guy driving by recognized me because he followed me on Twitter, and pulled over just to ask for a pic! That was a pretty cool one, and there have been a few since then. It's almost always a Steven fan, too! I told a little story here Joggers and some cool shoes, for comfort and functionality on missions!
randomjoshencounter: Hi Zach! 1) Do you plan on voicing Steven until the show ends? 2) Are there any other cartoons/shows that you would like to provide your voice for? 3.) Does voicing Steven affect your normal life? For instance, fans recognizig you? Have a good stay! I'd love to, this show has been one of my greatest experiences in life! I've been a fan of Cartoon Network shows since I was a kid, so voicing Steven has been a dream come true. I love the style of the current CN shows, so I'd certainly be open to more of that. Something I'd love to do more of would be video games and foreign dubbing; recording for Miyazaki's The Wind Rises was a breathtaking experience. Definitely, but never in a bad way. Any time someone has recognized me, they've been very kind, respectful and appreciative afterwards, and I am very grateful for that!
Basedgodanon: Is it hard to sing in Steven's voice? It's gotten easier as time has gone on, but it's still far and away the hardest part of Steven for me. Recording some of the songs while my voice was changing was very challenging for me. Thankfully, my range has finally stabilized and singing has become a lot less tough for me.
throwyourshieldred: Rebecca has mentioned that Steven is based on her brother. Did you study him to absorb any of his Stevenisms? I didn't meet Steven until we had recorded a handful of episodes already, but I definitely see how the show's Steven was modeled off of him; he smiles often, and has a bright, positive aura about him :) Also, I had no idea there was a real Steven at first, and I was shocked when Rebecca told me. It was even cooler when I found out he worked on the show!
tintin4506: Zach I have to ask, though this might be asking for a spoiler. In just one word, what should we expect in the future episodes of Steven Universe. shenanigans
TheCoralineJones: Hey there, Zach! What is your favorite subreddit? (not including this one, of course!) /civbattleroyale at the moment, /baseball is always a favorite, and /musictheory is my newest pick!
Loocifer: Hey Zach, thanks for coming on here to do this. Does pitching up your voice to play Steven irritate your throat after a while? Is it difficult? My voice gets tired after records, especially if I'm a little sick that day, but never painful. I have to make sure I'm warmed up, though!
hedgehiggle: Related question, has it gotten more difficult to voice Steven as you've gotten older? Not more difficult, just different. I have a completely different speaking voice than when I started doing Steven at 14, so it's been a challenge to skirt that. I also feel I've improved as a voice actor tremendously since I began, which makes playing Steven a little easier even.
Langstonian: Are you friends with Jeremy Shada? Yes! I've had the pleasure of hanging out with a lot of the AT cast members, usually at SDCC or other conventions. Jeremy, Tom Kenny and Olivia Olson, namely. All awesome people, and very talented! Jeremy's band plays a good show as well, Make Out Monday
len482: Hey Zach /╲/( ͡° ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ͡°)\╱\ Do you like spiders? NOPE
komo-rebi: Cookie Cats or Lion Lickers? Also, would you ever eat a together breakfast? Cookie Cats, they are indeed a pet for your tummy. And, absolutely! Just need to find the time to make it these I need to buy special dubstep strawberries?
89kbye: What is the best fan theory you've come across? I love the show. Love your work! Keep it up! The Onion = Yellow Diamond one, because of my slight obsession with Onion
TheConchNorris: Zach, do you enjoy and/or partake in shitposts FUNposts? I've been known to browse these dank funposts you speak of, from time to time ;)
CaptainGem: Favorite Homeworld Gem? Peridot, simply because I relate to her in a lot of ways. Also, clods
LoveBug50: What's your dream vacation? Are you ticklish? If so, top 3 most ticklish spots? If you could have a superpower, what would you choose? What's your favorite cartoon besides Steven Universe? What's your favorite number and letter? A motorcyle trip from Prudhoe Bay, AK to Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. classified, that information has been used against me in the past for the purpose of torture. Shapeshifting, no doubt. No cats, though! Of the shows on right now, Regular Show comes to mind; it's a smart show that somehow still gets me with goofball humor. Growing up, I was a huge fan of Codename: Kids Next Door! 34, and Z of course! I've always had a soft spot for K, however
TheHarpyEagle: Looking at the huge amount of new cartoons coming out on CN and elsewhere, are you excited about the future of animation? Are there any upcoming animation projects that you're interested in being a part of? Absolutely! Animation is in a really good place right now; there's so many platforms and networks for new content, which means more creativity and more artists. While there are certainly a TON of people that I'd love to work with, at this point I'm interested in doing a huge variety of projects! I've had fun doing radio, dubbing, video games and promo work in the past, so those are other avenues to explore outside animation.
re-elocution Hello there, what are some of your favorite movies and video games? Hey there! My two favorite movies are Zero Dark Thirty and The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. (Which was on TV last night, much to my enjoyment!) Video games, I have a lot...Mass Effect trilogy is king, but I've always been a big fan of Bethesda's work, Fallout, Elder Scrolls, etc. The Last of Us was probably my favorite standalone game, and LoL also played a huge part in my life.
davidamccoy: Hiya Zach, wondering about the day-to-day job. 1) Do recordings happen daily/ what do you do when you're not recording? 2) When recording songs, do you listen to a demo, read sheet music, or what? Hiya! We usually have a record once a week, occasionally taking a week off. When I'm not recording, I'm usually in acting/music classes, auditioning, filming/recording projects or working on my own music. I've always listened to demos of Rebecca or someone else singing my part, and go off of that! I'm not a great sightsinger yet, but I am able to read music. Usually the demo is more than enough to cover our bases, though, so sheet music isn't necessary.
cectvfan18: Zach, what do you think of Garnet's eyes? Creepy or Stylish? Stylin' oB)
SyphTheMighty: These are the questions I have for you, my vocally revered friend: What advice would you give to someone who is interested in voice acting? What is your favorite scene you have recorded so far? If you were a gem, what would your weapon be? If the Gems played league, who would they main? Remember, even if you love it, it's still hard work! It really takes years of training before the results will come. In the end, however, it's more than worth it. If your heart is in it, it becomes easier to not lose sight of the prize. Find your love for the work, and relish in that; that's the journey :) It's hard to remember all of them, but one that just came to mind is Onion Trade, when Onion crashes the motorbike and approaches Steven with the background in flames...utterly terrifying and the last thing you'd expect from a kid's cartoon. Which is why I love it! Definitely a Gunblade, ala Squall. This time with less shotgun and more lasers, though. Garnet would play Zac jungle, no doubt. Amethyst top, probably Darius orsomething equally annoying. Lapis mid, as Atlantean Syndra. Pearl as the neurotic Ashe ADC, and Steven losing his mind trying to keep the team together as Taric support. One of these days I'll write this fan day.
dogs_6111: What is your favourite movie franchise? If we're talking franchises, I've always loved Harry Potter. I grew up on the books and movies!
Mesleth: Did you do any vocal training before getting into voice acting? Yes! I've been singing and doing performances since I was 7, and have kept up on over the years. I've been doing a lot more singing for various projects lately than ever before.
submitted by Weaby to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

My Steven Universe-Filled Experience at New York Comic Con 2015!

Hey y'all! A bunch of people on the subreddit, Twitter, Tumblr, etc. have been sharing their NYCC experiences lately, so I decided I might as well join in on the fun. It's a long read, but hopefully it's interesting.
To start off, the convention as a whole was a blast. I was only able to attend for two of the four days, but still had a really great time. It was my second time going to a large-scale convention, so a lot of things like queue/waiting lengths, enormous crowds, and inflated food prices didn't phase me that much. Some of my plans (aka making a cosplay and attending certain panels/events/signings) fell through, but none of these things detracted from my experience too much. If anything, these mistakes provided as a learning experience for what to do and what not to do for attending future cons. For anyone out there that has the means to, I really recommend going to convention at least once. You (hopefully) won't regret it!
To start with... cosplays. Boy, did I see a lot of great cosplayers. From comic books, video games, pop culture, cartoons, etc., there were characters from almost anything you can think of. Even really obscure characters like "Left Shark from the one Katy Perry performance." Specifically regarding Steven Universe however, I was pleasantly surprised as to how many cosplayers were dressed up as the show's characters. I did not expect to see so many SU cosplayers as a whole, as well as the diverse pool of characters that were portrayed. I didn't really take many cosplay pictures at all (partially due to my laziness and not wanting to burden other attendees too much), but here's a list of the things I saw (and didn't see):
One of the only cosplay pictures I did take was this amazing Crystal Gem group! When I asked them for a picture, the Garnet exclaimed, "Gems, do your thing!" Then they all went into their poses (and I almost died ><).
Moving on to panels and signings, I attended the Adventure Time panel that took place on Friday. Rebecca Sugar was part of the panel, as a lot of its focus was for the "Stakes" miniseries which Rebecca wrote a song for. It also turns out that she has a minor(?) character role as Marceline's mom. Rebecca and Olivia Olson did a duet together, singing "Everything Stays". As I expected, both were great live singers! Later that day, I tried to go to the Adventure Time cast signing but unfortunately it was a limited signing event and the line got too long. I'm not sure if Rebecca Sugar was a part of this signing, but I kinda assumed so since she was a part of the show's panel earlier.
The next day, I had the chance to bring along my sister for her first experience at a convention. The first thing we had planned to attend was the limited signing with Rebecca Sugar, so we had to get to the convention center early but lines were still enormous. Luckily, we encountered one our cousins and his friend who let us join in the line with them. And guess what... both of them were huge cartoon fans (SU, AT, GF, OtGW, ATLA, LoK, etc.) and were heading to the same signing. Let's just say that over the two hour wait to get into the convention center, there was a LOT of geeking out to be had among the four of us. We also met a really nice Pearl cosplayer waiting on line behind us, who later joined us on our quest for meeting Rebecca Sugar.
Immediately once the convention organizers opened up access to the show floor and events, our group of five made a beeline to the convention's bookstore, as the Pearl cosplayer and I needed to buy the book required for the signing (Steven Universe: Guide to the Crystal Gems). Fortunately, one of the volunteers told us that we could just enter the line for the signing, as we would be given the opportunity to buy the book while waiting on it. At that time there were already a bunch of people waiting in front of us, and within minutes the line only grew much longer.
A while later, the volunteers started prepare the line for the signing and began selling the book needed. It turned out that buying the book at the convention also included a detailed map of Beach City, Delmarva. It gives all the names of the city's streets and points out some notable locations, including a mystery place called "???". Does anyone have any clue what this place could be? No doubt it will be the setting/center of an upcoming episode, but I'll leave the rest of the investigation to you guys. Anyways I started to page through the book while waiting on the line, and it is really cute. Our group also saw a lot more SU cosplayers and did some more geeking out (including some shipping debates) until the line started moving once Rebecca Sugar arrived.
Although the line moved really slowly, everyone began to get really excited. After a bit, the first pair of fans who just got autographs revealed to us that Rebecca was not just allowing photos, but that she was also doing a quick character sketch for each person she met. At that point a whole new can of worms opened up. We all started to discuss which characters we all wanted to get, with some of us immediately easily coming to a decision and a few like myself being super indecisive. I had actually already thought of this situation in case it would happen, but hearing everyone else's choice made me second guess myself. (FYI, my original choice was Mayor Dewey because I think he's hilarious and under-appreciated as a character. Also on an unrelated note, I'm totally for Dewey x Pearl :P) In the end, here's what our group settled on:
Half an hour into the signing event, we were still waiting in line to meet Rebecca Sugar. As she was doing both photos and sketches, you can possibly imagine how show we were moving. According to the scheduled time, the event was half over and people were starting to get worried about reaching the front of the line. Our group seemed to have a decently safe position in line, but the Pearl cosplayer with us was extremely paranoid. Just like her character, she did some quick calculations based on how fast the line was moving and the number of people still left in line and made some rough judgments on whether we would make it or not. Personally I wasn't worried too much for myself, but I felt really guilty for the fans near the back of the line. After our group got our photos and sketches (SPOILER ALERT), I never found out if volunteers had to send people away after the event was over or if it was extended to last after its scheduled time. I really hope it was the latter, but I guess I'll never know.
Anyways, our group reached Rebecca forty-five to fifty minutes into the event and my sister and I went after my cousin and his friend, but before the Pearl cosplayer (who we already made our goodbyes to). I initially did not think I'd be nervous meeting Rebecca, but man was I wrong! My voice was all shaky and everything, LMAO. My sister and I told her that we liked what she was wearing, that she was one of my big inspirations, and we thanked her for taking the time out to meet all these fans. She was extremely humble and genuine to us and completely justified how high I think of her. Then we told her our choices of characters and she delicately sketched them out. I'm not sure if this is what actually happened, but it seemed as if there was a bit of hesitation when Rebecca started to draw Marty, as if she had to quickly remember Marty's design. After that, one of the volunteers took our photo together and we both shook Rebecca's hand before leaving. As we walked away, my sister said something along the lines of, "I knew her hands would be soft."
We then reunited with my cousin and his friend who were waiting off to the side and proceeded to show off each of our sketches. Here's the photo of all of them lined up. After that, me made our separate ways as we each had different panels to attend next.
There were some Steven Universe-related events I did miss while at New York Comic Con. They include:
Despite these things, I still had a lot of fun and I consider my time at NYCC 2015 to be a success. Aside from the SU stuff, I talked to a bunch of cosplayers, browsed a bunch of booths (even though I didn't really buy anything), and even met some stencil artist I'm a huge fan of. I was also really happy to be with my sister for her first convention, and she had an especially great time since she's also a DC comics fan. It was overall a very fulfilling experience in many ways, and I hope to attend next year's convention considering I don't have any conflicting things happening. Anyways, thanks for reading (for those who chose to stay around) and feel free to tell me your NYCC experiences! I'd love to hear 'em.
submitted by rushoydom to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

Steven Universe Arc Symbol Essay

I rewrote the “Arc Symbol” section on TvTropes for Steven Universe on this page: I’m sharing this as an essay because I collected and categorized a lot of the prominent symbols in Steven Universe. That and I spend around four and a half hours on this. Since this is a rewrite I can’t take full credit, but I still did about 85% of the writing, plus a bunch of original research.
Arc Symbol:
The five-pointed star is used by the crystal gems to show their rebellion against homeworld.
It appears on the modern outfits of the Crystals Gems (Steven’s and Pearl’s shirt, Amethyst’s and Sugilite’s knees, Garnet’s top, Opal’s drape, Sardonyx's dress shirt, Alexandrite’s collar, the cutout of Rose’s dress, Lion’s mane, Bismuth’s shoulder and belt, and the shirt and knees of Smoky Quartz).
It appears on almost all of the Crystal Gems’ weapons (top and base of Garnet’s gauntlets, end of Pearl’s spear, hilt of Amethyst’s whip, grip of Opal’s bow, ring of Sugilite's flail, top of Sardonyx's hammer, side of Smoky Quartz's yo-yo, and even the Breaking Point, but mysteriously missing from Rose’s sword and shield).
When showing wonder, Steven is often portrayed with stars in his eyes. This also happens to several other characters like Rose, Peridot, Greg, Amethyst, and even Lars.
Nearly episode ends with the camera cutting to a star before closing to black.
In flashback episodes the star can be seen on Greg's shirt while performing as Mr. Universe.
After Spoiler, the collar of his T-shirt is ripped in five places, forming the rough shape of a star (two points on his chest, one on each shoulder, and one on his back), which is very reminiscent of the rough star shape made by Lion's mane. Pointed out by Spoiler In "Log Date 7 15 2", when she is panicking about becoming a Crystal Gem, and asks "Do I have to wear a star now? Where am I gonna put the star?"
Likewise, the Homeworld Gems show their loyalty with colored diamonds (and occasionally triangles).
Nearly all Homeworld gems, such as Peridot, Jasper, and Holly Blue Agate have their respective diamond on their torso, signifying their position under their respective Diamond. The top and bottom of Lapis's clothes have a triangle design that together form a diamond. Jasper’s helmet and Peridot’s knees are diamond shaped. Yellow Pearl and Blue Pearl have diamond cutouts on the top their dresses. Doc has yellow triangles at the bottom of her suspenders, and Navy’s collar is a yellow triangle.
The diamonds also have their own symbols. The old version shows all four diamonds placed together so that they form a larger diamond. It is seen at the sky arena in "Sworn to The Sword", in the ancient Gem vessel in "Friend Ship", in the moon base in "It Could've Been Great", and in the jungle moon base in “Jungle Moon”. Notably, the pink shape is broken in the sky area, or removed in Centipeedle’s drawing in “Monster Reunion”. Spoiler the new symbol has three colored triangles within a larger triangle. It can be seen on the floors of Peridot's ship and on the floor of the temple in "Serious Steven."
Interestingly, the stars in the nighttime sky are portrayed as white, yellow, blue and pink diamonds, possibly hinting at diamond-controlled colonies.
Roses, and the rose symbol with a pink triangle in the middle, are associated with both Steven and his mother Rose Quartz. This symbol can be seen all over Rose’s possessions, specifically her sword and shield. Spoiler
White butterflies and dragonflies have an interesting connection to fusion.
The tip of Opal’s arrows are reminiscent of butterflies. When Sardonyx’s curtain and hammer disappear, they turn into dragonflies. When Garnet first fuses, butterfly-like roses can be seen in the background. Later in the episode, Ruby and Sapphire find a butterfly together. In “Mindful Education”, Garnet uses butterflies to teach Stevonnie about fusion. However, this is a little inconsistent, seeing how butterflies appear elsewhere unrelated to fusion, such as on the strawberry battlefield.
submitted by Red_Rax to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

Album Test Post

It's almost the first day of Spring, and there's no new episodes in sight. You know what that means.

The Steven Universe Spring 2016 Hiatus Project has commenced!

Here's the long and short of it. This time we're going to organize into groups and make a fan album for the first season of Steven Universe. Think of it like the ocremix projects. For those who are unfamiliar with the OCRemix group, they take classic video game songs and reimagine them, from turning the Mario theme into reggae to turning Pokemon theme into smooth jazz. With that in mind, we'll be taking the songs from the show and putting a unique twist on them. Turn Big Fat Zucchini into a J-Pop song, or Twilight Run into an epic space opera. We'll be doing that, here!
As I'm sure you've seen, the last project was a sucess1 (14k views and counting!). You can read about how we started that project here and see the subreddit we created for it here. In a sense, this smaller scale is us taking a break from We hope to up the ante with these songs.
This project is going to be done with a different mentality. While we're not sacrificing one for the other, here it's more about quantity than quality. It's more about self improvement than showing off. This project is meant to get you creating and feeling good about what you make. Besides, some of us need a break from the last project, and others of us need a warm up for the next one, so this is a sort of practice as well! Here's how the challenge is going to go down.
1 People have uploaded spoilers to youtube, so you may not want to click through.
  1. Using an email you're comfortable sharing, submit an email stating your reddit username, what song/songs you'd like to help with, and what talents you have to the project's email [[email protected]]. You can list up to 3 songs/ If you're an arranger, please include your ideas on how you want to make that song different from the original. Here's a heads up, however. Three songs are off limits. First, the We Are the Crystal Gems (been there done that). Second, Love Like You (technically not completed in the show yet (not first season anyway), plus listen to this!). Third, Strong in the Real Way. Why that song you ask? Oh, y'know. Make sure you're pipes are ready for the inevitable Fall Hiatus ;)
  2. After a week, we'll begin to hit you back with the group of people who'd like to work on the songs you chose. You will meet and chat about it, likely in the chat group we used for the last project. The email address you use to contact us will be used to register you for that chatroom. We still use the chat to catch up nearly every day. You will split off and work on your music videos. Yes, you read that right— videos. This is a fully featured production for each cover.
  3. There will be periodic milestones you have to hit. Likely a deadline for having your song arranged, for having your art worked out, even for working out the logistics of how you'll make your recordings. You will get it in before the final deadline. However, don't be afraid. The experts (haha, experts...) who helped put together the last project will be here to help. That may end up being just me, but that's my job.
  4. Once done, we'll compile the videos into a long one for release just like our first one. This time we'll try to have a watch party

Word of warning: The later you come, the less choice you have.

In a week, on March 25th, we'll start letting people know who is in their group. A week later, April 1st, late signup will start and new people have to choose a song that's already started. Two weeks after that, April 15th, there will be no more signups. TL;DR - Two weeks to pick what song you want, then two more weeks for late signups.
With all this in mind, here's the kind of talent we're going to need this time around:


First up on the totem pole of importance list are the people responsible for fitting the parts into place. This will likely be the source of the original song's transformation into a different style. So you've got a musical saw, a bass clarinet, a harmonica, and soprano singer, and you're trying to cover Sugilite Returns. The arranger is going to figure out how you do that. Of course, we'll teach you how to use virtual instruments to help with whatever instrumentation you've got, but your composition should start with who you're working with. It can be a tough job, it took a team of four to do the intro theme, but don't sweat it! We have plenty of users knowledgeable in the subject to help you. Some of the people who did it for the theme did it for the first time (read: me), so you're in good hands. Remember, this is all a learning experience. There is free and legal software you can use to make this a reality if you want it bad enough.
While this is a cover first, feel free to talk to those on the visual side. You song would only be cooler if you warped it to fit the onscreen stuff as well. Help with that


I bet you weren't expecting this one. Lyricist, song writers, poets, we need you. You may be asking why, and I'll tell you. This project isn't just for the song that already have lyrics. We'd like you guys to listen to the beautiful instrumentals Aivi & Surrashu have crafted for the series. You may notice, most of them don't have words. Well, if we're going to be warping and bending these songs to our will, I think we're qualified enough to give them some lyrics. This is unfamiliar ground for us, so I can't really say what to do and what not to do, but I'll say the lyrics should service the singers and service the song. You may not want to just do lyrics, maybe some spoken word poetry, or even a mini play between characters who the song reflect. Think about it.


Just like last time, we'll need some pipes for these songs. Unlike last time, and I'm just being upfront, it may take more than one or two takes to get it right. You have a whole 3+ months to practice and get the performance down, and I'm telling you now, it's going to help a lot. We have the power of item stretching, auto-tuning, and even robo-izing vocals, but a strong performance will help the final cover immensely. Whether you want to scream some punk vocals or sing us some sweet lullabies, please practice.
Some songs may have more than one singer on it, and I suggest you use that for some interesting harmonies. I'm sure everyone knows at least one song with great harmonies that elevate the piece.


Probably the part that needs the least amount of introduction, we're going to need people to play the notes. Please have a way to record yourself well. If you've got to borrow a mic, or buy one, what have you, keep that in mind now. Feel free to ask the group about mic suggestions, or even techniques to make the best of what you have (say a laptop mic... shudders). If you know you're rusty at whatever instruments you own, start practicing now so when the time comes and the arranger hands you the music, you'll be good to go. It'll take a couple of weeks before musical notation comes out.


This role will have some mini-roles attached. Off the top of my head, we'll likely need storyboardist, background artists, character artists, and likely even colorist (is that a word?) if we got the same as last time. With each song, we'd like a video along with it. For most of these songs, there isn't a music video along with them like the main theme. So, you guys will make your own. Don't worry, we won't ask you for fluid 24fps scenes for 3 minutes, but something along the lines of the first video. Think well-drawn animatic. I'm a noob when it comes to animation, so correct me if I use some terms incorrectly.
We'll need someone to draw the general idea of the video. We'll need someone to work on the backgrounds of the shots. We'll need people to draw the characters and props on those backgrounds. We'll need people to color in everything. We may even need digital artists if you're one of those people who like to combine pre-existing footage for a unique video, so don't count yourself out if you can't draw. And about that, here consistency will likely be more important than quality.;

Audio Engineers

Someone's going to have to combine all the audio and midi into a song, and it's going to be you. If you want to be an audio engineer but have no experience or software, we can teach you how as long as you have a good enough computer. There is free and legal software you can use to do all of this, and if worse comes to worst someone with the capabilities can help out.

Video Editors

We were fortunate to have a video editor on call for the last project, but each of these videos will need someone to sync the visuals and art together in a way that pleases your team. Your skills may overlap with artist who decide to cut from the show to make the music video, but you will likely still end up putting it all together. Keep in mind you'll do other things besides lining up the track, things like making titles or credits.
Oh, hey look, free and legal software.
And now, details.
We won't tell you how to record your music (unless you ask, then we'll gladly help!), but we recommend you work with WAV, flac, whatever file extension you choose just as long as it is lossless. Please please please don't use MP3s for recording, and the song you send to us in the end should be in wav.
Those creating the visuals, keep in mind that the video should look great up to 1080p quality. That's 1920x1080 pixels. Create all of your imagery with this in mind.
Please dear sweet Mama Sucrose, MAKE THREE COPIES OF ALL YOUR FILES!! Save one on your computer's hdd, save one on an external drive, and save one to the cloud. You could probably get away without the external drive, but do you really want to risk it? Even if you're not the one compiling the files, always keep backups. If you send in your guitar part and your hardrive crashes but you emailed the wrong person well, you're gonna have a bad time.
Group Dynamic
This project is supposed to be collaborative. It's supposed to be fun. These songs will need leaders not dictators, and they'll need teammates not rivalries (except against other songs). Keep that in mind as you work out how to best make your video.
What, you thought were were going to turn y'all lose and say seeya in 12 weeks? Nope, we're going to have twice-a-month checks on progress, with optional once a week checks. The reason why isn't to rail on what you haven't done or have done wrong, but to build you up. We have so many talented people in this great subreddit, and convening to talk about ideas and what's working and what doesn't and sharing tips will only strengthen our final product. When we look at your work, we'll ask you where you're trying to go, and give you critiques and suggestions to get you there asap. If you want a second opinion on a scene in your video, or the way a chord appregiates, we can chat about it. It'll also be a good time (but not the only time) to talk about group dynamics if you're having any issues. Please don't have issues, though; ask yourself what would Steven do.
And along with those checks, we'll be giving help. A number of us learned a great deal on the previous project. instrumentation, mixing, video editing, all that good stuff and we're more than willing to share with those who want to learn what we know. The chat group is of course available at all times, but I'll go out of my way to make sure I can be online during the bi-weekly chats. We will also attempt to appoint gurus for the project, people who want to help and either knows their stuff or knows how to find out about their stuff.


The deadline for this one will be rough. Lots of different mini projects going on could mean different rates of progress. The due date for rough mixes is tentatively June 20th 11:59 PST, which is the last day of Spring. As for when the project itself is meant to be completed, it will likely be two or three weeks after whatever the last deadline is. All the songs will have to be mastered cohesively, and the videos edited together. As always we want this to be done before the hiatus is over, thus the name, however I sincerely believe like last time Steven Universe episodes will come and go while we work. That's what happened last time, anyways, so be it. This project, like the last one, is about expressing our love for the series, and is a big thank you to the Crewniverse. Use that as your drive.
To break it down further, here are deadlines for music and art.
Music Deadlines
  • Signups end March 28th
  • Song picking ends April 4th
  • Arrangements should be ready by April 25th
  • Recording should be finished by May 23rd
  • Mixing should be done by June 13th
  • Album should be mastered by June 20th
Art Deadlines
  • Writing the Outline - Starting March 18th - ending April 4th. This is an example of an outline. As for who's gonna do it, it's up to you.
  • Storyboarding - Starting April 4th - Ending April 18th. Another storyboard exdample
  • The heavy work™ - Starting April 18th - Ending June 13th. This should be divided between Lines, Color, and Backgrounds, things like that.
  • Making the video and refining - June 13th
It may seem like a lot, but after the last project I think it's easily doable by smaller teams. The organization is one thing that slowed down the last project a lot.
Any questions? Shall we?
submitted by kidkolumbo to SUHiatusProject2k15 [link] [comments]

Can't believe I forgot announce the next Hiatus Project in our very own subreddit!

3/26/2016, about 10am central time. If you registered before this, I don't (read:for to ask for) your reddit username. Please register. I'm sorry, I don't have any way to contact you, so if you don't get an email by the 4th simply email the project and say what your talent and songs were and we'll manually match them up. It will end April 4th.

3/25/2016 New Registration is up. It will end April 4th.
3/24/2016 10:40 Central Time. In a little over an hour, the current form will go down, with a new one taking it's place sometime later. The announcement for group will be going down in /SUHiatusProject2k15
3/24/2016: Here's an update. First, initial groups get announced tomorrow. Once they have, anyone joining afterward have to pick from the songs already chosen. Second, the initial deadline dates are a wee bit off, so standby for the proper ones. The last day to be included is April 4th.
Useful Link:
It's almost the first day of Spring, and there's no new episodes in sight. You know what that means.

The Steven Universe Spring 2016 Hiatus Project has commenced!

Here's the long and short of it. This time we're going to organize into groups and make a fan album for the first season of Steven Universe. Think of it like the ocremix projects. For those who are unfamiliar with the OCRemix group, they take classic video game songs and reimagine them, from turning the Mario theme into reggae to turning Pokemon theme into smooth jazz. With that in mind, we'll be taking the songs from the show and putting a unique twist on them. Turn Big Fat Zucchini into a J-Pop song, or Twilight Run into an epic space opera. We'll be doing that, here! Keep in mind not all of the songs are on the soundcloud. There may be some more here.
As I'm sure you've seen, the last project was a sucess1 (14k views and counting!). You can read about how we started that project here and see the subreddit we created for it here. In a sense, this smaller scale is us taking a break from We hope to up the ante with these songs.
This project is going to be done with a different mentality. While we're not sacrificing one for the other, here it's more about quantity than quality. It's more about self improvement than showing off. This project is meant to get you creating and feeling good about what you make. Besides, some of us need a break from the last project, and others of us need a warm up for the next one, so this is a sort of practice as well! Here's how the challenge is going to go down.
1 People have uploaded spoilers to youtube, so you may not want to click through.
  1. Using an email you're comfortable sharing, submit an email fill out this form stating your reddit username, what song/songs you'd like to help with, and what talents you have to the project's email [[email protected]]. Please use your reddit name. You can list up to 3 songs. If you're an arranger, please include your ideas on how you want to make that song different from the original. Here's a heads up, however. Three songs are off limits. First, the We Are the Crystal Gems (been there done that). Second, Love Like You (technically not completed in the show yet (not first season anyway), plus listen to this!). Third, Strong in the Real Way. Why that song you ask? Oh, y'know. Make sure you're pipes are ready for the inevitable Fall Hiatus ;) Even if your were involved last project, please register to make it easier on us.
  2. After a week, we'll begin to hit you back with the group of people who'd like to work on the songs you chose. You will meet and chat about it, likely in the chat group we used for the last project. The email address you use to contact us will be used to register you for that chatroom. We still use the chat to catch up nearly every day. You will split off and work on your music videos. Yes, you read that right— videos. This is a fully featured production for each cover.
  3. There will be periodic milestones you have to hit. Likely a deadline for having your song arranged, for having your art worked out, even for working out the logistics of how you'll make your recordings. You will get it in before the final deadline. However, don't be afraid. The experts (haha, experts...) who helped put together the last project will be here to help. That may end up being just me, but that's my job.
  4. Once done, we'll compile the videos into a long one for release just like our first one. This time we'll try to have a watch party

Word of warning: The later you come, the less choice you have.

In a week, on March 25th, we'll start letting people know who is in their group. A week later, April 1st, late signup will start and new people have to choose a song that's already started. Two weeks after that, April 15th, there will be no more signups. TL;DR - Two weeks to pick what song you want, then two more weeks for late signups.
With all this in mind, here's the kind of talent we're going to need this time around:


First up on the totem pole of importance list are the people responsible for fitting the parts into place. This will likely be the source of the original song's transformation into a different style. So you've got a musical saw, a bass clarinet, a harmonica, and soprano singer, and you're trying to cover Sugilite Returns. The arranger is going to figure out how you do that. Of course, we'll teach you how to use virtual instruments to help with whatever instrumentation you've got, but your composition should start with who you're working with. It can be a tough job, it took a team of four to do the intro theme, but don't sweat it! We have plenty of users knowledgeable in the subject to help you. Some of the people who did it for the theme did it for the first time (read: me), so you're in good hands. Remember, this is all a learning experience. There is free and legal software you can use to make this a reality if you want it bad enough.
While this is a cover first, feel free to talk to those on the visual side. You song would only be cooler if you warped it to fit the onscreen stuff as well. Help with that


I bet you weren't expecting this one. Lyricist, song writers, poets, we need you. You may be asking why, and I'll tell you. This project isn't just for the song that already have lyrics. We'd like you guys to listen to the beautiful instrumentals Aivi & Surrashu have crafted for the series. You may notice, most of them don't have words. Well, if we're going to be warping and bending these songs to our will, I think we're qualified enough to give them some lyrics. This is unfamiliar ground for us, so I can't really say what to do and what not to do, but I'll say the lyrics should service the singers and service the song. You may not want to just do lyrics, maybe some spoken word poetry, or even a mini play between characters who the song reflect. Lyrics aren't a requirement for instrumental tracks, either. Just think about it.


Just like last time, we'll need some pipes for these songs. Unlike last time, and I'm just being upfront, it may take more than one or two takes to get it right. You have a whole 3+ months to practice and get the performance down, and I'm telling you now, it's going to help a lot. We have the power of item stretching, auto-tuning, and even robo-izing vocals, but a strong performance will help the final cover immensely. Whether you want to scream some punk vocals or sing us some sweet lullabies, please practice.
Some songs may have more than one singer on it, and I suggest you use that for some interesting harmonies. I'm sure everyone knows at least one song with great harmonies that elevate the piece.


Probably the part that needs the least amount of introduction, we're going to need people to play the notes. Please have a way to record yourself well. If you've got to borrow a mic, or buy one, what have you, keep that in mind now. Feel free to ask the group about mic suggestions, or even techniques to make the best of what you have (say a laptop mic... shudders). If you know you're rusty at whatever instruments you own, start practicing now so when the time comes and the arranger hands you the music, you'll be good to go. It'll take a couple of weeks before musical notation comes out.


This role will have some mini-roles attached. Off the top of my head, we'll likely need storyboardist, background artists, character artists, and likely even colorist (is that a word?) if we got the same as last time. With each song, we'd like a video along with it. For most of these songs, there isn't a music video along with them like the main theme. So, you guys will make your own. Don't worry, we won't ask you for fluid 24fps scenes for 3 minutes, but something along the lines of the first video. Think well-drawn animatic. I'm a noob when it comes to animation, so correct me if I use some terms incorrectly.
We'll need someone to draw the general idea of the video. We'll need someone to work on the backgrounds of the shots. We'll need people to draw the characters and props on those backgrounds. We'll need people to color in everything. We may even need digital artists if you're one of those people who like to combine pre-existing footage for a unique video, so don't count yourself out if you can't draw. And about that, here consistency will likely be more important than quality.;

Audio Engineers

Someone's going to have to combine all the audio and midi into a song, and it's going to be you. If you want to be an audio engineer but have no experience or software, we can teach you how as long as you have a good enough computer. There is free and legal software you can use to do all of this, and if worse comes to worst someone with the capabilities can help out.

Video Editors

We were fortunate to have a video editor on call for the last project, but each of these videos will need someone to sync the visuals and art together in a way that pleases your team. Your skills may overlap with artist who decide to cut from the show to make the music video, but you will likely still end up putting it all together. Keep in mind you'll do other things besides lining up the track, things like making titles or credits.
Oh, hey look, free and legal software.
And now, details.
We won't tell you how to record your music (unless you ask, then we'll gladly help!), but we recommend you work with WAV, flac, whatever file extension you choose just as long as it is lossless. Please please please don't use MP3s for recording, and the song you send to us in the end should be in wav.
Those creating the visuals, keep in mind that the video should look great up to 1080p quality. That's 1920x1080 pixels. Create all of your imagery with this in mind.
Please dear sweet Mama Sucrose, MAKE THREE COPIES OF ALL YOUR FILES!! Save one on your computer's hdd, save one on an external drive, and save one to the cloud. You could probably get away without the external drive, but do you really want to risk it? Even if you're not the one compiling the files, always keep backups. If you send in your guitar part and your hardrive crashes but you emailed the wrong person well, you're gonna have a bad time.
Group Dynamic
This project is supposed to be collaborative. It's supposed to be fun. These songs will need leaders not dictators, and they'll need teammates not rivalries (except against other songs). Keep that in mind as you work out how to best make your video.
What, you thought were were going to turn y'all lose and say seeya in 12 weeks? Nope, we're going to have twice-a-month checks on progress, with optional once a week checks. The reason why isn't to rail on what you haven't done or have done wrong, but to build you up. We have so many talented people in this great subreddit, and convening to talk about ideas and what's working and what doesn't and sharing tips will only strengthen our final product. When we look at your work, we'll ask you where you're trying to go, and give you critiques and suggestions to get you there asap. If you want a second opinion on a scene in your video, or the way a chord appregiates, we can chat about it. It'll also be a good time (but not the only time) to talk about group dynamics if you're having any issues. Please don't have issues, though; ask yourself what would Steven do.
And along with those checks, we'll be giving help. A number of us learned a great deal on the previous project. instrumentation, mixing, video editing, all that good stuff and we're more than willing to share with those who want to learn what we know. The chat group is of course available at all times, but I'll go out of my way to make sure I can be online during the bi-weekly chats. We will also attempt to appoint gurus for the project, people who want to help and either knows their stuff or knows how to find out about their stuff.


The deadline for this one will be rough. Lots of different mini projects going on could mean different rates of progress. The due date for the whole project is tentatively June 20th 11:59 PST, which is the last day of Spring. As for when the project itself is meant to be completed, it will likely be two or three weeks after whatever the last deadline is. All the songs will have to be mastered cohesively, and the videos edited together. As always we want this to be done before the hiatus is over, thus the name, however I sincerely believe like last time Steven Universe episodes will come and go while we work. That's what happened last time, anyways, so be it. This project, like the last one, is about expressing our love for the series, and is a big thank you to the Crewniverse. Use that as your drive.
To break it down further, here are deadlines for music and art.
Music Deadlines
  • Signups end March 28th
  • Song picking ends April 4th
  • Arrangements should be ready by April 25th
  • Recording should be finished by May 23rd
  • Mixing should be done by June 13th
  • Album should be mastered by June 20th
Art Deadlines
  • Writing the Outline - Starting March 18th - ending April 4th. This is an example of an outline. As for who's gonna do it, it's up to you.
  • Storyboarding - Starting April 4th - Ending April 18th. Another storyboard exdample
  • The heavy work™ - Starting April 18th - Ending June 13th. This should be divided between Lines, Color, and Backgrounds, things like that.
  • Making the video and refining - June 13th
It may seem like a lot, but after the last project I think it's easily doable by smaller teams. The organization is one thing that slowed down the last project a lot.
Any questions? Shall we?
submitted by kidkolumbo to SUHiatusProject2k15 [link] [comments]

how to draw sugilite from steven universe video

How to Draw Sugilite (Steven Universe Characters) Step by ... How to Draw Alexandrite from Steven Universe - YouTube DRAWING: Sugilite (Steven Universe) - YouTube Meet Sugilite  Steven Universe  Cartoon Network - YouTube Drawing Sugilite (Steven Universe) - YouTube How to draw Sugilite (Steven Universe) - YouTube sketching sugilite from steven universe

Sugilite from Steven Universe 15 player public game completed on January 20th, 2018 298 3 7 hrs. vet game 1. Smileymelon. 2. Sugilite from Steven Universe Snicka. 3. Aatutaateli. 4. Sugilite [ Steven Universe ] Maebii. 5. Brian90645. 6. Sugilite (Steven Universe) KiAnGoRu. 7 Mar 30, 2016 - Explore Amber H's board "Sugilite (SU)" on Pinterest. See more ideas about Sugilite, Steven universe, Steven universe fanart. Description: I think one of the reasons this character is so popular in Steven Universe is because the voice actor is Nicki Minaj. Up next and lastly, you will be getting a lesson on how to draw Sugilite, step by step. This massive female figure is a Gem fusion of Garnet and Amethyst. Jul 12, 2015 - I forgot how great it feels to be me. See more ideas about sugilite, steven universe, sugilite steven universe. Sugilite is the fusion of Amethyst and Garnet (and, by extension, Ruby and Sapphire). She made her debut in "Coach Steven". 1 Appearance 1.1 Pre-regeneration (debut) 1.2 Post-regeneration (previous) 1.3 Third regeneration 2 Personality 3 History 3.1 "Coach Steven" 3.2 "Cry for Help" 3.3 "Snow Day" 4 Relationships 4.1 Steven Universe 4.2 Pearl 5 Abilities 5.1 Fusions 5.2 Skillset 5.3 Unique Found 105 Free Steven Universe Drawing tutorials which can be drawn using Pencil, Market, Photoshop, Illustrator just follow step by step directions. How to Draw Blue Diamond from Steven Universe View this Tutorial How to Draw Sugilite from Steven Universe - An easy, step by step drawing lesson for kids. This tutorial shows the sketching and drawing steps from start to finish. Another free Cartoons for beginners step by step drawing video tutorial. Sugilite is the fusion of Amethyst and Garnet (and, by extension, Ruby and Sapphire). She made her debut in "Coach Steven". 1 Appearance 1.1 Pre-regeneration (debut) 1.2 Post-regeneration (previous) 1.3 Third regeneration 2 Personality 3 History 3.1 "Coach Steven" 3.2 "Cry for Help" 3.3 "Snow Day" 4 Relationships 4.1 Steven Universe 4.2 Pearl 5 Abilities 5.1 Fusions 5.2 Skillset 5.3 Unique 17-ott-2018 - Esplora la bacheca "Sugilite Steven Universe" di Steven Universe, seguita da 2131 persone su Pinterest. Visualizza altre idee su steven universe, arte dell'illustrazione, citazioni sulla famiglia. How to Draw Sugilite from Steven Universe. Step 1. Step 2. Step 3. Step 4. Step 5. Step 6. Step 7. Step 8. Step 9. Step 10. Step 11. Step 12. Step 13. Step 14. Step 15. Step 16. Signup for Free Weekly Drawing Tutorials Please enter your email address receive free weekly tutorial in your email. TOP.

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How to Draw Sugilite (Steven Universe Characters) Step by ...

How to draw Steven Universe Characters Step by Step: How to Draw Alexandrite from Steven Uni... Well that was a fun month!I HOPE YOU ALL ENJOYED STEVEN UNIVERSE MONTH!As alllwayss thank you for watching! ye sketching song - sugilite returns drawing - me. In this video we can see how to draw Sugilite of the show Steven Universe. Hope you like!!! What does a Gem Fusion between Garnet and Amethyst look and sound like? Meet Sugilite in this sneak peek that premiered at the Steven Universe San Diego Comi... How to do mix media; fail at one media (watercolour), find you don't have the right colours of your next media (markers), use some other media(s) (watercolou... You Like Sugilite from Steven Universe? Learn How to Draw Sugilite from Steven Universe Characters Step by Step More Detailed Step by Step Tutorials: http://...

how to draw sugilite from steven universe

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